Epilogue- Author's Note

Hehehehe...did I scare any of you? #crickets chirping#....heh. Guess not. Well, for your information all you peoples...there will be a sequel. It will be called "The Lack of Fear: Part II." Creative, no? I hope to have it up and running as soon as possible. Reviews are welcomed...AND NEEDED!!


Magneto & Co. will play a more crucial role in the story line after this.

I will try my hardest not to include any sappy romantic prose, but I do not have the reins over this story, my characters do. And they are very wicked, wicked people... making me write horrible romantic blosh and other such things to torture you poor people. ANGST I SAY! ANGST DAMN YOU!! #Toad snickers while putting his arm around Arana's waist.# "Heh. Yeah, that'll happen."

Mortimer has several romantic options. Jaye, Arana, Katana, and of course, Rogue. I have already picked out his partner, so have fun guessing. Anywhoo... There is a sort of subtle underlying plot thing going on...if you have figured it out, I'll be very, very proud of you. I will also be scared, because I don't have it fully figured yet.

As some of you have noticed, I...uh...hope, Pietro Maximoff, or 'Quicksilver' that I am portraying is more like the one in X-Men Evolution then the one in the comic books and TV series. I plan on sticking a few more Evo-like characters in this fic, but no major crossovers. Only one Toad, for example. Only one Magneto. So far, Pietro is the only out-of-movie or non-original that is in this fic. FYI.

I plan for the sequel to be longer than this one, hopefully 20 chapters and more than 25,000 words. Hopefully.

I plan on introducing more X-men characters. Gambit, Archangel, etc.

The X-Men are playing a more crucial role in the next fic. Expect many more akward moments between Rogue and Mort, and many more witticisms to be exchanged between the X-Men and Toad...More Cyclops dialogue.

Phoenix will be making an appearance, if all goes according to plan.

Katana is not a Mary Sue. Don't worry. Much angst is planned. Bwuahahhaha!! Arana, however, I feel that I need to work on.

Ok, I think that's enough rambling for the moment. See you soon, and hope that you read my sequel! Should be made sometime this week.
