Yami: Great..great!!! Another SetoXSerenity fics..
Seto: But I look like a moron here...
Serenity: I think its cute!
Clyde: Okay...Mokuba is tired of he's brother's cold heart, so he wants to know what will happen if he puts a LITTLE (meaning a LOT) of drugs on he's bro's coffee...well..let's find out..
############Kaiba Mansion##########
Mokuba's POV
I was tired of my brother's lame life. All he does is work, work, work, oh and I forgot, MORE WORK! See? Isn't it fascinating. A dream life full of work and papers and a lot of coffee to keep him awake. "Yupp, I guess that's my brother's dream life. But me? I get tired of it. He barely has time for me or time to even eat."
I plopped on my bed and turned on my laptop. I was in 7th grade right now and there was a site my friend gave me. I checked it out but as soon as I read the details, I knew it was drugs. I have no intention of using one, but reading the details gave me an idea.
Cocaine can make you hyper
"Hyper? Seto? God if only I can see that...NEXT!"
Cocaine can make you jumpy
"What a moron, that's the same as hyper!"
Cocaine can make you high
"Oh right...Seto's already 'high' and addicted to his computer. Maybe he'll build a wife."
Cocaine can actually make you feel drunk
"Yea right..Seto's drunk with coffee...."
And last, Cocaine can actually make you be huggable
"Hahahah! I need to see that. Seto hugging a girl."
I sighed at the details I read, it was nothing but a moronic crap teenagers do to suck their boredom and rub it in other's face. Even I can see the same meanings of it. I placed my head above my laptop and read the last detail....
And so my great idea began....
###Next Morning###
I ran down the stairs and jumped towards the stair rails while sliding off to the kitchen. Seto glared at me as I slumped back and sat on the chair. A few silence before the platter of bagels, waffles, and pancakes were served.
"Wow yummy!!!" I shouted sarcastically as I received another glare from Seto. "What? I was just happy.."
Seto forcefully grunted and returned to typing on his laptop. Yes, his every day breakfast, his laptop. I stared at him while eating as the Serenity placed a coffee near him. Yea, Serenity was working with us now! And she's wonderful, only that if Seto wouldn't treat her like garbage.
"Greaaaat! Coffeeeee! Wow!" I complimented as Seto glared at me for the third time. 'Damn!'
"Are you mocking me, Mokuba?" he asked, his eyes looking at mines.
I just sighed and played with my syrup, and replied. "Nope!" I said with confidence as Seto gave a short nod and got back from his daily typing.
"I'm ridiculing you." I continued as I heard Serenity giggle over the corner. Seto shifted his gaze towards her and gave a deadly look.
"Anything funny?" he asked, his voice hoarse and full of strictness.
Serenity flinched and stood straight while shaking her head, "No, No, I'm sorry Master."
I rolled my eyes and sang the "kill Barney song. I forgot to mention that Serenity always calls Seto "Master" cause Seto told her she was a trash. And well...Serenity never fought back instead she cried in my arms. Yea, I know, Seto's a meanie.
"I hate u! U hate me!" I shouted and kicked my foot back and forth.
"Mokuba!" Seto shouted, standing up from his chair. "Be quiet!"
"Im singing!"
Growling in defeat, my brother took his seat and grabbed the small muffins while tugging them in his ear.
"Greaaat earplugs..." I continued singing and I know Seto can hear me. "I hate u! U hate me! Let's get along and kill Barney with a big shot gun! Barney lying on the floor!!!!! No more purple DINOSAURRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!"
"MOKUBA!!!!" At that time he shouted at me, I knew he was ANGRY. So I shut my big mouth and continued to eat.
"Good thing I didn't play with the basket balls..." I mumbled, barely a whisper. As I tilted my head, Seto looked at me with that freakish Australian look.
"What?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.
"Mokuba, you're a sick kid...."
I had no hell of idea of what he was talking about, but I heard a whisper at the back of me. "Mokie..Master only heard the word 'balls' on what you whispered." Serenity giggled and laid back as I turned red.
"Great! Now my brother thinks I'm a pervert!" I screamed as I slammed my bag, "Im going to school!!!"
Its been 10 minutes that im in the limo, alone, without any driver or crap. I jumped out and walked in of the mansion again. I faced the guard, and shouted. "You know who im with In the car right now?" I asked, a little calm by now.
Moronic little drivers thought It was a joke where they have to answer stupid questions. "I give up Master Mokuba, who?" he asked as I growled.
"No one! Now get your lazy butt over there and drive me to school!!!"
I reached the class late, and as I sat down, my classmate tagged me. "Have you seen the site?"
"Yea..i saw cocaine.." I replied. My eyes widened as I remember what I did yesterday. "Oh crap Seto drank the coffee with the cocaine.."
clyde: boring?
clyde007: delete? continue?