A/N: Whoo boy... I've got to get to writing the next chapter... If I don't write it soon then I won't be able to update this here fic! Well, anyway Sesshomaru's a human now because of Totosai's curse. Jaken and Rin have been reunited with him and he's just about to tell them what happened... Er... yeah... I'll warn you now that this chapter has some of Sesshy's "soft-side" in it... It's not that he's become a complete wuss... he's just having some "human" emotions... ya know? Anyway... on to the fic!

Chapter 4: Feelings...

After venturing through the forest, Sesshomaru and company had found a nice little clearing by the river where they decided to stay for the night.

Sesshomaru sat down at the base of a large tree and got comfortable. Jaken was busy making a fire and gathering plenty of wood to last through the night. He looked up from his task to where Sesshomaru had settled down and spoke softly,

"Lord Sesshomaru... W-what happened to you?" He stammered reluctantly. Sesshomaru stared at the toad demon for a moment before replying.

"Totosai has ensorcered me..." He stated bluntly. The hot anger from before once again overcame him, "Damn that old bastard Totosai!" He randomly yelled, shaking his fist. There was a brief moment of silence as Sesshomaru regained his composure. Before Jaken could ask for details, Rin came charging up and leapt into Sesshomaru's lap.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Come look at what I found! "She grinned at him. Jaken shook his head at her improper behavior. Rin continued to insist that Sesshomaru come with her. She placed a tiny hand around his fingers and tugged gently.

"Come on, Lord Sesshomaru... please come see." She pleaded. Sesshomaru looked at her quietly. Normally he would just come up with some excuse to get her to leave him alone, but this time he actually wanted to see what she had found.

As Rin lead him through the forest, Sesshomaru scanned his surroundings. The forest was dense and vivid with so many shades of green and brown. Several beams of light crept in through the holes in the foliage and illuminated the ground, accenting rocks and tree roots. Looking at his surroundings, seeing things he had failed to notice for so long, Sesshomaru gained a sense of tranquility. His mind was being flooded with so many emotions and thoughts that were new to him; he couldn't seem to find words to describe it.

"Look Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin pointed out. Sesshomaru's gaze shifted to the direction Rin had motioned and he could only stare in silence. Before them was an endless field of flowers. Rin peered up at Sesshomaru and grinned widely. She tugged him into the floral-adorn meadow where he sat down. Rin ran around enthusiastically and began picking several flowers. Sesshomaru merely watched her, enjoying the surroundings and the mixture of fragrances that he would normally find nauseating. He looked around at the flowers and then tilted his head to gaze at the clouds.

"The sky's awful blue today..." He thought to himself, "Although... It must always be like this..." He was suddenly interrupted by a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Rin smiling wildly at him.

"Here, Lord Sesshomaru, I picked these for you!" She said proudly, holding out a bouquet of assorted flowers to him. Sesshomaru stared for a moment before gently accepting the gift, careful as to not damage the petals. As he looked thoughtfully at the flowers, he became overwhelmed with a feeling he was not at all familiar with: Happiness. Rin's expression became confused when he didn't say anything to her for a while. Sesshomaru slowly looked up at Rin and a soft smile appeared on his otherwise stoic face. For once in his life, the feeling of joy was genuine.

On the other side of the forest, a small fox-like demon scurried along in the undergrowth. It finally reached the entrance of a dark cave and timidly went in.

The small kitsune approached a makeshift throne, upon which sat a tall demon, sporting shinobi attire, "Erm... M-master... I-I've returned with n-news of your... e-enemy... um..." The tiny kitsune stammered.

"Speak up, fool! What news do you bring me?!" The tall demon snapped. He shot an annoyed glare at the tiny servant before him.

"Y-yes, Master Koitzumaru!" The small servant replied, bowing submissively, "I-I bring some rather... un-fortunate news, sire... Your adversary seems to have suddenly vanished... Er... He's nowhere to be found..." Suddenly the small kitsune was jerked up by his collar towards his master's face.

"Foolish kitsune! How can you lose track of a 900 year old dog demon?!" Koitzumaru demanded, shaking the fox.

"I'm sorry sire! The scent of his blood is no longer there! It has completely disappeared! Please, forgive me sire!" The kitsune cowered.

Koitzumaru tossed the small fox aside, "Return to the forest! FIND the scent again!" He ordered.

"Yes, sire!" The servant said, before departing to the deep forest again. Koitzumaru began to crack his fingers and overlook his claws.

"Damn you, Sesshomaru. So you think you can hide from me, do you?" he thought to himself, "It doesn't matter... you can go where ever you please... I'll not stop searching for you, though... You will die for what you've done to my clan!"

Wow... that was great... The plot is really starting to heat up isn't it? Well... now we just have to find out why this Koitzumaru guy is pissed off at Sesshy! Tune in for Chapter 5: The One Called "Bastard..." See ya guys!