True Lies

By totally left out

You must excuse me for the lousy vocabulary and corny scenes in this story. It my first time to write a fanfic so have mercy.

So here it goes, Angelina is in King Cross Station waiting to get on the Hogwarts Express. She is little late though and Alicia won't like that.................

Chapter 1- Just Been Kissed

"Ouch!" I cried.

A man wearing a long brown coat had bumped into me. He didn't even apologize. I glared at him angrily and watched him disappear into the crowd. Muggles could be so rude (no offense to you all).

"Bye mom," I said.

"Be careful Ange, there are a whole lot of muggles here. Take care of Princess," she replied kissing me in the forehead.

You might be wondering who Princess is. Well she is my owl. She was the smartest one I ever knew. She and Harry's owl, Hedwig, were of the same breed. They were very rare.

I looked at my watch it was 10:55. I had 5 more minutes to get on the Hogwarts Express.

I looked to where my mom was standing. She was gone. She had probably already apparated.

I pushed the cart with my entire luggage towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten. It took me quite some time to get past the flock of muggles rushing to their trains.

When I got there, I first made sure no one was watching me. I started off in a run. I felt myself go through the stonewall and out onto platform nine and three quarters.

"Hoot hoot," Princess exclaimed.

She had recognized the train.

I surveyed the Hogwarts express. Same old, same old. I was glad to see the smoke and steam erupting from its chimney once again.

Suddenly my phone rang. My ring tone wasMy Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne.

He was everything, everything that I wanted.

We were meant to be supposed to be but we lost it.

All of our me-

I got the phone out of my pocket and answered it.

"Heller," I answered.

"ANGELINA JOHNSON, WHERE ARE YOU?" came Alicia's voice screaming through the earpiece.

She always complained about my tardiness.

"I'm right outside," I said in a dull monotonous tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Well hurry up! The train is about to leave," she shouted again.

"I'm coming your highness," I replied sarcastically.

I turned my phone off and put it in the pocket of my denim jeans.

I pushed my cart to the back of the train and left it with a nice house elf that offered to load it for me.

I got Princess and carried her inside.

The aisle was still crowded. It took me a long time to get past all the students and into a compartment.

What a stroke of luck! I had entered a compartment full of Slytherins including Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle. I stuck my tongue out at them then hurried outside.

"Yo Ange, over here," someone shrieked.

I spun around and saw Katie waving her hand wildly at me. I waved right back and made my way to her compartment. Once inside, I smiled.

"Hi was your summer?" I greeted.





Most of my close friends were there. There was Aliocia and Katie. The Weasely twins were there too. Oliver was missing as well as Cho. But I suspected that they were in the special compartment reserved for prefects.

I sat beside Fred. I looked at him and he stared back at me. I blushed.

I had a huge crush on Fred. I thought everything about him was perfect, his red hair and black eyed and that cute cute smile and....................

Wait! Getting to mushy.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" the candy lady asked.

I wondered why she said that every year.

"I'll get two chocolate frogs please," I said politely.

"I'll get 4 of each kind," Alicia said.

"Same here," Katie said next.

Alicia and Katie were form a family of galleonaires. My family wasn't so wealthy so I wasn't either.

I collected all the money and handed them over to the candy lady. Everything cost about 27 galleons and 8 sickles.

The candy lady dumped all of the candies, chocolates, biscuits, lollipops, dips, and my two chocolate frogs in my arms.

I struggled with them, carrying everything towards Alicia and Katie. I finally dumped everything on the empty seat next to Katie. Fred and George looked at the pile and smacked their lips together. They looked towards Alicia and Katie with pleading faces.

Alicia first spoke, "Fine, dig in." she muttered very annoyed.

Fred and George looked like a blur as they began eating. They grabbed much of everything and stuffed their faces. I took my two chocolate frogs away from the twin's tornado; afraid they might eat it by mistake.

I went back to my seat. Fred was starting on a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. He stared at me then handed me one.

"Thanks," I grumbled.

I never liked these, after getting vomit flavor when I was young but I decided to give it a try. I popped the tiny bean into my mouth. I chewed slightly, getting ready to spit it out just in case. I had eaten the flavor of strawberry. Now, that was a better flavor. I swallowed happily.

I gave one chocolate frog to Fred.

"Thank you," he tried to say. It came out "Fank Fou," though because his mouth was so full.

He swallowed everything in his mouth. He wiped his chin with the sleeve of his jacket. He tore open the packaging of the chocolate frog and took a look at the collectible card inside.

"I got the Patty Peppermint collectible card!" he exclaimed, jumping up from his seat.

George jumped up too. "That is the hardest one to get!" he said just as excited with a tone of jealousy in his voice.

"Yeah," Fred replied. "It was the only one a needed to complete my collection." He uttered.

Fred sat down again.

"I bought you a chocolate frog because I knew you collected those cards," I said.

George nudged him with his elbow. Fred nudged him right back. He just looked at me and smiled.

I decided that I would save my chocolate frog for later.

"Reducio!" I cried, pointing my wand at the frog.

The frog shrunk and put it in my pocket.

"Oh, I have to go," Katie said getting up. "Oliver wants me to meet him near the front of the train." She continued.

"Bye!" we yelled at her. "Just leave, fine, abandon us..." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's not that Ange, it just tha"

"Zip it Kate. Just go have fun ok?" I said cutting her short. I winked at her.

She stepped out the door and with a flip of her robe she was gone.

And then there were four

Alicia spoke next, "Well...." She began. "I'm going to go change into my robes. George, wanna come?" she asked looking at George in a weird way.

"Sure," he replied, shrugging.

I doubt they were gonna change. I chuckled haughtily to myself.

They grabbed their things and with that they were gone too.

And then there were two

I was left alone with Fred. I looked out the window not even daring to look him straight in the face. I might do something stupid.

I watched some fields whiz by. Up ahead I saw a long dark tunnel we were going to go through. I hated that dark, scary tunnel. I couldn't stand to look at it any longer. I pulled away from the window. I stared at Fred. He stared right back. He had sparkles in his eyes and a mischievous grin. I knew at once he was planning something.

"The tunnel is coming up right?" he asked.

I thought about why he could care. I said, "Yeah, but why do you care? I know you hate that tunnel as much as I do."

"Oh, Nothing..." he replied. He still looked funny. All daydreamy and weak.

Just then, darkness blanketed over Fred and I. It was pretty spooky. I felt a chill run down my spine. Now I knew why I hated this tunnel. Fred squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. Then he grabbed my hand.

Was he scared? I sure didn't know. I felt him shift his position again. He sort of leaned closer. There were butterflies in my stomach. I held my breath, expecting something spectacular to happen, expecting a little surprise.

What a surprise it was! My mind went foggy and I didn't know what happened. My knees trembled and my throat was dry. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

As the light came back, my hand was still grasped in his. I was shocked to see a triumphant smile on Fred's face. He took his other hand and used it to brush back his hair. He also used it to touch his lips. He looked at me and his cheeks turned red. My lips were still puckered, but then I opened my mouth and gaped at Fred speechless.

I didn't know a lot of things. I surely wasn't the brightest in my year. And surely I wasn't the best quidditch player in the world but something in my mind told me. Something in my thoughts and memories raced. The chocolate on my lips told me that I had just been kissed.