.: G r a v i t y :.

A Sasuke x Naruto Fic

A/N: Here we are again! Hah, I've been totally obsessed with Naruto lately. I decided to work on my writing, so why not write a fic for all to enjoy? Yay. Okay, stuff about this fic! This is a Shonen-ai/Yaoi fic. That means malexmale. If ya don't like it, leave. Shooo!

Right, well. Sorry this is a bit short...and...

This is dedicated to Shieny, because without her, I'd have no one to talk to about Naruto. :3 I tried writing the Uchihacest fic I promised, but...Meh, it sucked. XD So here's my apology, albeit a little late. e.e And I felt like writing her a fic. Also partly dedicated to BW, because I suck ass and haven't written her the Kurama/Hiei ficcie I promised. XD Aren't I terrible? -sigh- Well, anyway, on with the nifty little disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Kishimoto-sama owns Naruto. I don't. I wish I did...But I don't. -cries- WHY MEE?

Okay, now...Err...Here's some other info-ness.

Italicized Thoughts

.C h a p t e r 1.

It had been a perfectly beautiful day. Not a single person was inside, making the Konoha streets lively and crowded with jovial people. They chatted animatedly amongst themselves, catching up on the news and the juicy gossip. The sun shone brilliantly above the whole cheerful scene, as though to say, "Nothing can go wrong!" If the sun really had stated such a comment, it would have lied.

Things could go wrong; things would go wrong. But no one had any knowledge of this, and so they continued about their business, being blissfully unaware of what was soon to take place. Why, even the most anti-social of all the residents in the bustling little town was outside, and said person was enjoying himself just as much as the others.

Standing atop the grassy knoll, a boy gazed at the vast fields sprawled unevenly before him. How long had it been, since he was genuinely alone? No Kakashi. No Sakura. No Ino. And especially no Naruto. There was finally peace. Sighing softly, contentedly, he fell back, letting the soft, springy Earth break his fall.

Dark eyes stared into the endless blue sky. Not a single cloud obscured his view of the beautiful heavens above. A soft breeze blew over him, cooling his hot face. The emerald grass tickled his pale skin. Songbirds chirped rhythmically in the distance. Wonder where they are... He felt the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile...

No. Uchiha Sasuke did not smile.

It was an amazingly perfect day, and nothing could ruin the lovely mood it brought about. Sasuke couldn't help but let the tranquility wash over him, and soon his cold, indifferent mask melted away. He was no longer 'cool, unfeeling Sasuke,' just Sasuke. And that brought a smile to his face, no matter how much he wanted to suppress it.

If it weren't for days like this, no matter how few they were, the Uchiha boy would surely lose his mind. Between running from his psychotic fan club (which, he noted unhappily, was growing) and training to be a great ninja, the dark teen had no time for himself, to just be content and take pleasure in the word, "alone."

The raven-haired boy rolled over, laying on his stomach. He propped himself up on his elbows, resting his chin in his hands. I wonder where everyone is, anyway. They've usually found me and annoyed the hell out of me by now... he mused lazily, letting one arm drop to the grass and leaving the other one in it's place. Who cared where the idiots that he was forced to be around daily were, anyway?

If it meant that he was by himself, finally in a tranquil environment where he could forget everything, then he couldn't care less where they were. In fact, he hoped they didn't find him. Not now, not ever. He idly plucked a few blades of grass, playing with them between his fingers, as he decided this, letting the shards of green float away with the warmed air. As if on cue, he heard a high pitched cry that seemed to split the very terrain before him in half.


"Sakura..." he muttered bitterly to himself, rising up from his comfortable position. The content smile faded almost instantly, and an irritated scowl took its place. Again, he had become the apathetic ninja.

This girl...NEEDS A HOBBY.

"Sa...suke..." the pink-haired girl panted, trotting up onto the hill and stopping in front of him. She took a moment to catch her breath, then gave the object of her affection a sweet smile. "I've been looking all over for you. I figured, since we have off for a few weeks...We could...Um..." She paused, a deep blush sweeping over her flustered face. "S-Spend it together..." she stuttered shyly, finishing. Sasuke raised a dark eyebrow. Is she serious? He thought incredulously. He couldn't even count all of the times that he had turned her down.

And here she was, asking again! Couldn't she take a hint? "Oi..." he muttered softly to himself, so softly that the bubblegum-haired girl didn't hear. He was beginning to feel slightly sorry for the girl. The feeling soon passed when he thought of all the times she used people to try getting to him, each time more unsuccessful than the last. Deciding that she would get over it eventually, he quickly thought up an excuse.

"I'm...busy..." he stated, saying so with uncharacteristic quickness. That hadn't at all come out right! She must know that he was lying! To his surprise, she seemed to believe him. The bubble-gum haired girl seemed discouraged for a moment; the Sharingan user felt a sense of relief. That is, until she recovered from her bout of sadness. "Oh...well, what are you doing?" she asked, managing to smile brightly.

"I have a date," the youngest Uchiha replied in an uninterested tone. Time to put years of lying and acting to good use, he thought, sighing inwardly. Meanwhile, Sakura was having a heart attack. A DATE? Inner Sakura roared. I'LL KILL THE GIRL! "W-What? W-With who?" Sakura demanded to know; if she was losing Sasuke to some bimbo, she had a right to know who she was! Sasuke, thinking swiftly, said the first name that came to his mind. He didn't know at the time just how much he'd regret it.


Sakura stared at him, not even bothering to hide the horror and fury that was seizing her. "What did you say...?" she asked, her voice weak, as though she might faint. Did she hear correctly? Did Sasuke just suggest that he, the almighty Uchiha Sasuke, user of the Sharingan, perfect man, Konoha's most eligible, was gay? As in possibly liking, no, loving other boys? And that not only was he a homosexual, but that he was going out with the world's most obnoxious boy, believer in all that was annoying and immature, Uzumaki Naruto?

"I have a date with Naruto..." the raven-haired boy repeated flatly. He emphasized his disinterest with a bored glare. "N-Naruto...?" she echoed in question, trying hard not to scream. Had he completely lost his sanity? Could he possibly have feelings for Naruto? Hate for the fox boy surged through her. She gaped at him, nearly bursting into tears when he gave a curt "Yes," and a slight nod.

The world seemed to crumble around her. Time seemed to stop. The seconds ticked by slowly, painfully, as the simple reply played itself over and over in her one-track mind, all of this happening in an instant. "Yes." And then another thought: What the hell does Naruto have that I don't have? Her expression was akin to that of a fish out of water― her mouth open and closed repeatedly, as though she were unable to say the words that so desperately wished to take form and escape her.

"O-Oh..." she mumbled finally. Confusion illuminated her features, as she choked out a simple sentence. "...Maybe another time..." And with that, she turned away from him and ran, tears blurring her vision. Sasuke blinked at her speedy exit, then flopped over onto the grass, again propping himself up with his elbow and letting his chin rest in his hand.

His mind whirred with unanswered questions― ones that could not be answered and would not be answered. Not now, and maybe not ever. Why the hell had he said Naruto? He could have chosen any girl in Kohona, and they would have been more than happy to help keep Sakura away. But no, he chose Naruto. Hell, he could have even chose another guy! But instead, he picked Uzumaki Naruto.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?" he shouted, once the full realization of what had just occurred hit him, much like a speeding train. He had told Sakura, who, as everyone in Kohona knew, was the biggest gossiper in town (next to Ino), that he was dating Naruto. How would the people react? Would this critically hurt his reputation? And what about Naruto?

He could already hear it.

"Sasuke, I'm gonna kick your ass!"

With a small groan of frustration, Sasuke let his head fall onto the grass with a soft thump. He let the Earth embrace him, as the sun disappeared behind a newly formed cloud. Onyx eyes stared absently at the land beneath him, dark with heavy thoughts. What was going to happen? Maybe she won't tell...Maybe this will all go away. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe, maybe, maybe. He clutched the grass in his fists, as though clinging onto it for dear life.

And then it rained.

He didn't move an inch, just closed his eyes and stayed on the dampened ground. The downpour was almost a relief to him; the cooling waters, although slowly becoming uncomfortably frigid, seemed to wash away everything. Maybe things COULD go away. Maybe it COULD be a dream. The rain seemed to encourage the idea. Ugh, who am I kidding? He sighed for the umpteenth time, clutching the muddy earth and closing his eyes, praying that he could be content again. Praying that nothing had happened.

A fleeting thought then passed through his mind―

It was such a nice day, too.

.End Chapter 1.

Wow, a whole...Two pages. --; Gomen nasi, I should have made it longer. Hopefully, the next one will be longer...So sorry. oo; -bows repeatedly- Ah...er...yeah...If you actually liked this, so far, review. Reviews make me stop being a lazy ass and update. O.o Yesh...Those two make such a kawaii couple, ne? It's like...The best of two worlds. Oo Light and Dark. Yesh, very hot indeed. Who knows? Maybe there will be some yaoi action! Maybe. Depends on whether or not people ask for it, and if Shieny waves her "GIMME HOT BOY-ON-BOY ACTION!" flag...AND IF SHE SIGNS ON! DAMMIT! -foams- -ahem- Meh. Until the next update! (If it comes.) -skitters off to drool over the two aforementioned boys-
