Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters

A/N name means the person's point of view

Kindling Hearts

Chapter 1: Return Home


It has been almost a full day now since I heard about Naruto's mission. I clenched my fist around my oversized jacket as I gazed into the distance, hoping for any sign of their return. My heart was beating erratically and pain seized up in my chest. I did not know why but I felt something terrible had happened.

I looked at the others that stood with me. Sakura stood there with eyes that were bloodshot due to crying. Her pink hair was disheveled and it seemed almost as if she did not care about anything else as long as she was here to greet HIM when HE returned. I never liked Sasuke like the other girls, but then I never hated him either. But now, it was him that was putting the one I admire in the worst danger I could think of.

But even more than that, I hated Sakura. She made Naruto make a promise that may be impossible to keep. She made a difficult mission worse. She did not care what happened to Naruto as long as that bastard Sasuke was brought back. I did not show my anger. However, it consumed me, if anything happened to Naruto, I swore that I would never forgive either of them.


I stood there standing astride with him. Sasuke was covered in blood, both mine and his. He struggled for breath as he cradled his arm. The red Sharingan that was his eyes gazed intensely at me as the spirals spun.

I was breathing heavily as well. The intense chakra from the Kyubi had dissipated, along with that demonic form of his curse seal. Whatever happens, the next move would decide it all. With that thought I summoned the rest of my chakra and formed a spiral of destruction within my right hand, Rasengan.

He smiled and performed seals as intense chakra covered his left hand. The sounds of thousands of birds chirping accompanied the jutsu, Chidori. I charged at him, and he likewise.

The two jutsus collided but rather that cancel each other like before they slid past each other. His Chidori tore through my arm. Blood erupted everywhere. I lost control of the Rasengan and it spiraled out of control. The destructive power of my technique tore huge gashes into his arms, body, legs and face. He lost consciousness at the same time as me.

I gazed up and saw him. He was fully recovered. He charged at me. I swore silently as our battle began once again.


Relief washed over me as we encountered Kiba and Kankurou. Kiba was alive, though he had a nasty gash across his gut. Worry for the other members of my team conflicted with the joy of discovering one safe. I sent Kiba and Kankurou to go after Naruto and be his backup while me and Temari would go back and find the fate of the Hyuuga branch member and my best friend. I did not want to send Kiba off in his condition, but under the circumstances, he was the only one that might be able to find Naruto in time to be of any help.

We discovered the body of Neji lying collapsed upon the ground. Grotesque wounds covered his body and two large holes, one on his left shoulder and another on the right side of his stomach. I almost threw up at the sight. His body twitched. I was surprised to see anyone survive those types of wounds. This only increased my worry for Chouji.

It was obvious that he had won the battle, or at least forced a draw since the Sound Nin hadn't been seen either. After hastily bandaging up Neji, we carefully carried him as we back tracked towards where we left Chouji to fight.

I spotted his body lying under a tree. His figure was showing signs of malnutrition. All the body fat that was usually there had disappeared. I cried at the sight. I could see tears welling up in Temari's eyes but I could not tell who they were for. We waited there for the others.


I sat there next to Gaara. Exhaustion had taken hold of both of us. I stretched my neck as I mentally prepared to go after Naruto and Sasuke. I gave Gaara a thumb up and grinned. He nodded silently. As we prepared to give chase Kiba and Kankurou arrived at the scene. I looked at the wound that had been temporarily patched up on Kiba's abdomen. Without further ado, we sprinted in the direction Kiba led. We reached a waterfall that fell between two stone guardians.

Lying on the ground were two bodies. Both were covered with massive amounts of blood. The place stunk of it. Red marks were everywhere. I covered my nose and moved towards them. That sight was far more sickening than the bloodstained environment. Naruto lay their silent and unmoving. His right arm was barely anything but pieces of flesh clinging loosely on fragmented bones. Deep gashes covered his body from head to toe. Non rhythmic breathing could be heard from his lungs as his body struggled to survive within the unconscious state.

Sasuke's body was no better. Gashes that seemed to reflect those sustained by Naruto also covered his body. His left arm seemed to have fractured in multiple locations as well. Of the two bodies, Sasuke's was in far better shape. Gaara seemed disturbed by the view, which surprised me. He had always seemed so cold hearted. I did not know what had happened but I was glad that Gaara had changed.

Gaara formed sand 'beds' and carried the two bodies as we proceeded to return to rendezvous with Shikamaru and the rest of the team. Kiba was forced to rest upon another sand bed as well since the exertion had reopened his wound. I was tempted to ask for one myself, but I did not want to hold myself indebted to the one that almost took away my Nindo.


I spotted them in the distance with my Byakugan. Shikamaru was in the lead. Temari walked immediately behind him. By the looks of the interaction, Shikamaru and Temari were having a conversation of some sort. In my heart, I rejoiced, Naruto was coming home. But then, all I saw had been those two. I opened my eyes once more and sought out the group. Gaara was walking far behind those two. At his side were five sand beds. One of them held a fierce Kiba that struggled to get off it to no avail. I gasped in horror. 'Please don't let Naruto be in one of those coffins'. I clenched my hands by my chest as I prayed for my hero's safety. A little bit behind them walked Rock Lee and Kankurou. Lee seemed to be having difficulties walking but refused assistance. Then there was no one. My heart sank in despair. I strode off towards the Ninja Administration. There was no time to spare. I would get the Godaime to meet them at the gates as quickly as possible. If Naruto was alive, then she would have the best chance of saving him. I shook my head trying to erase that thought, 'If he was alive'. He had to be alive. As I arrived Tsunade-sama was walking out the administration building at a fast pace. I slowed down as I stood in front of them. Bowing politely I opened my mouth to speak. She waved it off in a way that said she knew what was happening.

Arriving back at the gates we reached at the same time as the procession. Sakura ran towards them. "Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun?" she spoke on the verge of tears.

Shikamaru walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Sasuke isn't hurt that badly. Naruto kept his promise." I saw that while Shikamaru was lying about the wounds, they were far from fatal. It was then that I saw Naruto. He lay there in a pool of blood. The sand around him was soaked in it. His arm hung limply to his side and deep gashes were etched into his flesh. A red glow covered his body but I knew not what it was.

When I heard Sakura's response, something inside me snapped. "How dare Naruto do this to Sasuke-kun" she had said. My hand moved without me knowing. A red mark was left across Sakura's face. Everyone stared at me in shock. Realizing what I had done, I quickly apologized before running away as quickly as possible.

I slumped in the corner of my room clinging desperately to a plush Naruto. Tears flowed freely from my eyes as I remembered the sight. "Naruto-kun" I muttered his name to myself constantly. It was the spell that kept me strong. It was the spell that kept me going. A knock on my door went unanswered. The small note that was slipped under the door went unread. My usual white eyes became red with the unstoppable flood of tears. I fell asleep in the corner on that cold dark day of my life.


I went with the sand siblings to debrief Tsunade of the mission while she began work healing the injured. I could see the grimace of pain she made when she saw the wounds on Naruto's body. Shizune had stabilized the conditions of Neji and Chouji and was beginning with Kiba's injuries. It was several hours since we arrived. She nodded silently as I completed informing her of everything I had learnt from the mission on Orochimaru's plan. I turned to see Naruto's body in the same condition as when we began. I almost threw up again. It was a sickening sight. Tsunade waved us off saying that the sand siblings should find a place to stay for the night.

Without thinking I volunteered. While my house wasn't big it would be enough to house the three, at least temporarily. I never really understood why I made that decision when I did. It was very unlike me. I shrugged as I directed them towards my house.

I glanced back and saw Temari grinning widely like when she defeated the sound. "Arigatou" she spoke the words kindly.

"Now we're even" I replied smiling before looking away and blushing slightly.


I couldn't believe what I heard. I had to spend at least 6 months in recuperation before I would be allowed to leave the hospital again!? It wasn't fair. I had spent my life training and then risked my life on a surgery and even then I had to spend another portion on my life recuperating from the injury before I could even continue training. Gai-sensei entered the room after the nurse had spoken to me. He spoke of how he was worried about me and we cried together.

I had the most respect for Gai, that any person could have for any other. He was the one that taught me about strength and dedication. When he asked me to make a promise not to train for the 6 months of recuperation, I had to agree. I was never one to say no to Gai-sensei. He was my pillar of light when all else went wrong.


I awoke the next morning and noticed the note near my door. I opened it to see my father's writing.

We have gone to see Neji-kun at the hospital.

I suggest you go visit him as well.

You should also visit your teammate.

And lastly do not forget the 'proud' failure.


The words were so unlike her father. In the more recent years, he had been cold and uncaring. When the Chuunin exams had ended, he seemed somewhat different, but I could not tell for sure. I did not know how he knew about me telling Naruto he was a 'proud' failure, but the words had held tightly within my heart. It had been the first time I had spoken to him for an extended period. The light that was shining in my darkness widened as my father stood there alongside Naruto-kun. I smiled at the imagery. I rushed out my door and took a quick shower. I looked in the mirror to see my eyes puffy and red, but it did not matter. My father had given me permission to visit Naruto-kun. I ran into the hospital, only stopping to learn Naruto's room and sign in. I sprinted into the room only to have my heart sink.

Tsunade-sama lay next to the bed sleeping from exhaustion. Her hands were covered in blood. In that moment Tsunade looked years older, even with her 'youthful' façade. I moved cautiously towards the sleeping bodies. I held on tightly to the hope that Tsunade had healed Naruto before passing out at his side.

A sigh of relief escaped as I saw Naruto's body looking 'whole'. His face was fixed in a grimace and anger. It was then that I heard him scream. The sound was blood curdling and terrifying. Tsunade awoke from the sound and placed a palm covered in chakra over Naruto's forehead. He continued to scream. Tears welled up in my eyes once again. I tried to cover my ears and block out the cries. I collapsed and sobbed as I saw the light disappear and leaving me shrouded in darkness once again. "Naruto-kun" I continued to mutter the spell under my breath in vain. The courage that I usually felt was gone. He no longer stood in that light that always guided me.