Well kiddies this is the last chapter! I hope you all loved my story and I hope you'll check out some of my other ones and look out for the new ones! I love you all! Thanks for all the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything!

Chapter Five: Mindless Vandalism.

As Remus lay on his bed and finally started to let reality in he stared to feel anger towards Sirius. For a few blissful moments Remus had actually thought there was a chance that Sirius loved him. And Sirius had let him.

In one fluid motion Remus had stood up and crossed the room to Sirius' bed. An evil grin that had never before dared to cross a face as angelic as Remus' had appeared on his soft lips. When in doubt turn to mindless vandalism.

He grabbed the hangings from around Sirius' bed and yanked them down. He tore great slashes in them then cast them aside. The same fate met the pillows and the covers as Remus began to work his way through Sirius' stuff. His anger only grew stronger and he turned his attention to the trunk at the foot of the bed.

He wrenched it open and grabbed the first then he could reach, which for the record was a bottle of red ink, and threw it as hard as he could at the wall creating the illusion of bloodshed and leaving shards of glass everywhere. Sirius' clothes were the next to meet Remus' wrath and as he shredded them beyond use he tried to block out the thought running through his head, Sirius would look better without them anyway.

As more inkbottles were smashed and pages were torn from books someone began shouting his name.

"Remus! REMUS! What are you doing!" James shouted as he picked his way through the debris.

Remus dropped a bottle of black nail varnish and looked at James as if he had a couple of screws loose. Then he spoke in the most calmest voice that anyone in the history of the human race has ever spoke in.

"What does it look like? Mindless vandalism."

He's almost as stupid as you are!

James opened and closed his mouth a few times then spluttered like a fish out of water. Remus, who had decided that James didn't have anything good to say, had gone back to smashing Sirius' sneakascope which was whistling shrilly.

Remus heard the door slam as James left but paid no attention to it. He was to busy trying to block out the pain.

A few minutes later the door burst open again and suddenly the noise in the room was deafening. The sneakascope was still whistling, Sirius was shouting and Remus was screaming angrily as he kicked things round the room. And, although Remus was the only one who could hear it, the little voice was also screaming.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Sirius grabbed him round the waist and pulled him away from the wreckage.

"Damn Remus! What are you doing!" he demanded, pushing Remus in the chest and making him sit down on his bed. This was the second person who had asked the same silly question.

"What does it look like? Mindless vandalism." Remus scowled.

"Mindless... I just... Why?" Sirius looked around at his smashed belongings.

Is everyone in this school stupid?

Suddenly Remus didn't feel so reckless anymore, all the anger he had felt dissipated. He sat back on his bed and rested his chin on his knees.

"I dunno." he mumbled.

"What do you mean you don't know! Look at my stuff! Are you out of your freakin' mind!" obviously Sirius anger hadn't subsided.

He has no idea!

"It was just... I was mad at you." now that he had calmed down this seemed like a very stupid reason to destroy Sirius' stuff. Sirius thought so to.

"You were mad at me! If you'd have stayed earlier you wouldn't be mad at me! But I'm bloody pissed off with you!" Sirius raged.

"What?" Remus was confused.

"I'm gonna have to spend the rest of the bloody day repairing my stuff you psychopath!" Sirius shouted. Remus shrank back into his pillow.

"I'm sorry." he offered.

" Sorry? Your sorry! Look at my stuff! Your mad at me because you think I don't love you but I never said that. I didn't mean I was gonna kill Krysta because it wasn't true. I'm gonna kill her because I wanted to tell you when the time was right." Sirius seemed to deflate and he sat on the bed next to Remus.

"That's... Sirius that's not funny." Remus wouldn't let this happen again. It hurt to much.

Oh for god's sake! Don't be so melodramatic!

"I'm not kidding." Sirius reached towards him but Remus pulled away.

Oh get a grip! You know he's not lying.

"Look I'll show you." Sirius got off the bed and began rummaging through the mess. After a few minutes of futile searching where he got covered in ink he finally found what he was looking for. He picked up a bit of ink stained paper and handed it to Remus.

"It's from my diary."

I don't know what to do. I love Remus so much but I know he doesn't love me back. He's started acting really strange lately. He's been avoiding me and talking to himself. I think he suspects something. I've got to start putting a silencing charm around my bed, he can probably hear me moaning his name when I w-

"Sirius!" Remus dropped the paper on the bed and stared at his raven haired friend, "You love me?" It wasn't exactly the romantic scenario Remus had imagined but he didn't care.

"Of course I do." Sirius breathed. He leaned forward and their lips finally met. This was everything Remus had dreamed of and more.

Oh for god's sake! I can't take it anymore! I'm leaving!

Remus didn't even hear it. He was lost in his own little world. With Sirius.


I know the ending is a little cliché but I hope you liked it! Please R and R! Thanks to all you reviewers out there!