Hi! This is my new story 'Insanity!' hope you like it! It's set when the marauders were at Hogwarts in their fifth year! Mostly written in Remus' POV.

Warning: though mild does contain slash between Remus and Sirius!

Disclaimer: don't own anything! I live in a box!

Chapter one- Borderline stalker!

Remus followed Sirius silently across the Griffyndor common room, hidden under James' Invisibility Cloak so Sirius didn't know he was there, and out through the Portrait hole. It was nearly two in the morning and Remus had heard Sirius get out of bed and leave their dorm room, no doubt going to the kitchen to get a snack, and for some reason unknown to Remus he had grabbed the Invisibility Cloak and followed him.

You do know this is borderline stalker don't you? asked the little voice inside Remus' head as he crept after Sirius along a deserted corridor that definitely did not lead to the kitchen. He was puzzled, where else would Sirius go at two in the morning? A few minutes later Sirius ducked into an empty classroom and Remus ducked in quick before he closed the door. Remus has no idea why Sirius would leave his warm bed in the middle of the night to sit in an empty classroom.

Maybe for the same reason you are. said the voice in his head snidely. But that couldn't be the reason. Remus was here because he loved Sirius, a fact he hated to admit even to himself, and for some reason his subconscious had decided to take up stalking him. Loving Sirius was about as useful as loving a flobberworm. It was widely known that Sirius thought of himself as a 'player' and had been out with many girls. But Remus had the feeling that Sirius wouldn't go out with him even if he was a girl. The girls Sirius went for were more open and flirty. If truth be told they were all... well... sluts really.

A few moment later Remus heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor then a dark figure quickly slipped inside.

" I knew you'd come." said Sirius sounding slightly amused.

" Wouldn't miss it." replied the figure. Sirius waved his wand and conjured up some candles bathing everything in a warm glow. Remus recognized the other person as a petite brunette girl from Ravenclaw in the same year as the marauders and quite good friends with them. Her name was Krysta Wilson.

Remus' stomach plummeted. Sirius was here meeting a girl! And Remus couldn't leave! The door was closed, he was trapped!

Serves you right for being so creepy! Remus hated that little voice. He really should see a physiatrist, what with hearing voices and all.

But Remus didn't have much time to ponder his sanity, or rather lack of, because Sirius was leading Krysta over to a desk and Remus had to jump out of the way to avoid a collision.

Remus had to admit he was surprised to see Krysta. She wasn't easy at all and she was very smart. In fact Remus quite liked her, though only as a friend.

" So how long have you felt this way?" Krysta asked giggling slightly and Remus thought he saw the faintest twinge of a blush creep up Sirius' cheek but it was gone so fast that Remus thought it was just a trick of the light.

" I think I've always been in love but I only just realised." Sirius said quietly and Remus felt as though the bottom of his stomach had fallen out. Sirius was in love with Krysta! He fought back the tears that threatened to overwhelm him as he backed against the wall and slid to the floor. Sirius sat on the edge of the desk next to Krysta and began talking again.

" I can't ask my friends for help 'cause they would just laugh at me," Remus noticed that even Krysta was fighting the urge to laugh, " so will you please help me?" So he's not in love with Krysta! Remus felt his spirits lift slightly only to be squashed again by that evil little voice.

But he's asking her to help him get another girl he wants!

" how do you expect me to help you if you wont tell me who it is!" Krysta asked Sirius smiling up at him. Sirius gulped and began to nervously play with his long black hair.

" Ok I'll tell you, but I'll whisper it. The walls have ears you know!" Krysta raised her eyebrows skeptically but bent close to Sirius none the less. Remus also leaned closer, breath held, but couldn't make out what Sirius had said. Krysta immediately burst into a fit of giggles.

" You're in love with-" but she was cut off when Sirius placed his hand over her mouth.

" Shh, please!" Sirius pleaded, " so will you help me?"

" Ok ok I'll help you!," Krysta yawned, " I better go. I need to sleep." Remus also yawned and followed them out the door. He felt strangely empty as he wandered down the dark halls. He knew Sirius would never love him but it still hurt. He severely wished that he had stayed in bed and fantasized about Sirius.

When Remus awoke the next morning and pulled himself out of bed, his eyes drooping from lack of sleep, he wished more then ever that he had not overheard Sirius' and Krysta's conversation.

Overheard! the voice in Remus' head practically screeched, You mean when you went crazy and stalked him!

" Oh shut up." Remus mumbled out loud as he crossed the dorm, earning him worried looks from his friends. This was going to be a long day!

Hope you like! Please R and R!