Colours of Light
Chapter I've Lost Track Already
The burning feeling reached a crescendo as the world around her misted away, and caused Luna to double over. Gone was the place she had last seen, the thin, friendly looking trees were replaced with a dark wood. Trees bigger than Luna had ever seen before towered to the sky and blocked out most of the light. Monstrous gray roots held them firmly to the earth. The soft patch of welcoming grass had disappeared and under her instead was hard packed cold mud and stones.
Luna rolled onto her knees, looking up at the tree tops (though she couldn't exactly see the tops) was making her dizzy.
A crashing sound came from off on the distance and she tensed. She needed to keep her wits about her now.
Luna stood up slowly, she rubbed her knees and bottom and tried to get rid of both the soreness and any mud on her. An aching filled her joints as she stretched. No doubt she would be stiff a little while later from her tumble.
Darn that Draco, and she had always tried to be so nice to him too. She hoped he was happy.
Luna noticed a strange blue glow illuminating the dense woods to her left. It appeared to be getting larger. Luna frowned and squinted and tried to make out what it was.
"Oh!" she gasped as she realised it wasn't getting larger, it was getting closer!
She hastened to duck behind the great tree closest to her and there she crouched until the cloud swept past. Luna snuck a glance at it as it went by. She had no idea what it was meant for but thought it very pretty. As it approached her hiding place she found it to be comprised of many colours, turquoise, purple, indigo, and scattered about in it were shiny silvery little lights that winked and twinkled from every angle.
Luna waited until she could no longer see even a speck of blue from it.
Another cracking crash resounded through the wood. She wondered if this forest had dangerous creatures in it as the Forbidden Forest had. At any rate she didn't want to find out, she needed to find a way back to her own world. The problem was, she had absolutely no idea even where to begin.
With this troublesome thought Luna felt very wearied and sat upon a tree root. She began to examine the present situation she was in and found it to be terribly dismal. She was all alone in a world where the creatures had no liking for her at all and all she had were the clothes she was wearing.
It was rather like Alice In Wonderland, a muggle book she had discovered a couple of years ago and admired greatly. So admired in fact that she had read it a few times. Especially when she happened to feel a need to escape from the world she was living in. She wished she had it with her now.
Luna then figured she couldn't just sit here though, that wouldn't help her get home at all. Perhaps the faeries weren't as bad as everyone thought. Maybe that was all just rumour and instead they would at least be lenient enough to help her get back to her own world.
She sat for a while longer, gathering her courage and then hopped down. She looked to her right and to her left and saw only forest on both sides. Luna stood for a few moments and tried to figure out which way to go.
She most certainly knew she wanted to steer clear of whatever the crashing noise was. Whatever or whoever was making that sound was sure to be large and Luna imagined, frightful.
That had seemed to come from her left so she decided to start by heading right down the path, (if you could call the space covered in dead leaves a path, it looked the same as he ground everywhere else!) and follow where the blue mist had gone.
So with that she set off with a new sense of adventure, though she remained cautious and aware of her surroundings. She hoped that she could manage to stay on this respectable path and that it would actually lead somewhere. Without being able to see the sun or the stars through the thick canopy above, Luna would have a terrible time figuring out whether she was going in a straight direction or if she was just going around in circles. She didn't even know if the faerie realm even had the same stars as the human world. Luna resolved to keep walking anyway for now, and see where she got to.
A strange low noise echoed around her and she stopped. The ground gave a sudden tumultuous lurch and as she collapsed to her knees the low rumbling became louder. Luna covered her ears as it grew deafening, she saw what was happening.
The massive tree roots themselves were being wrenched from the ground and were intertwining in a dome around her. Crisscrossing this way and that, they wove together to form a hut-like prison with her inside. Then, just as it had begun, the rumbling sound died away. Luna uncovered her ears and crawled to the wall of the wooden cage.
She saw the blue mist on the path again. This time when it passed it changed from the friendly blue-turquiose to an ominous dark indigo.
"Uh-oh," Luna thought "That can't mean anything good."
It took only moments after the mist had gone out of sight when a crowd of tall, (well, compared to humans, the tallest was at least a head smaller than an average adult, but they were tall for what they were) lithe faeries appeared, they walked the path toward her and stopped at the prison. Luna would've thought them quite beautiful creatures if it weren't for the looks of fury and loathing on each of their elegant faces.
A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter, I appreciate your feedback! I realise that this chapter is more forward and straight to the point than others (I think) I had some bad writers block and struggled to get the words on to the page with it… Hopefully the block will be removed soon… I wrote this chapter in a different perspective, I think Luna would try to escape a bit from the things that (will) happen to her in the faerie world so she might try to escape from relating it to herself too much… I don't know if that makes sense but whatever, if you get what I'm saying, you get it, if you don't, never mind, I can't explain it any better. Just deal with it. :P R&R!
Black Skittles: Thanks for the review! That's why I've just let these chapter titles go to rot… LOL!