Disclaimer: In a perfect universe I own CSI, unfortunaltly that universe is not his one.

A/N: I will update on Busted and When a Lab Rat's Bored and Hiding thier Hearts, but I got a request from my best friend, sugar-skyline,(read her stories if you like LOTR) otherwise known as Megan to write this so here it is

This is actually the first fanfic I ever came up with, (I just never wrote it down until now)so it is sentimental please don't hate it.

It had been eight months.

Eight months since the day she had left Las Vegas in the dust. Eight months since she left one of the few places she had grown to love. Eight months since the day she left the only man she would ever love.

Now she was in San Francisco, nobody asked her why she came back. They were smart enough not to. Things were getting easier, she no longer felt weighted down. But at night, when she closed her eyes she could still see the deep blue eyes of the man she loved, the eyes she could stare into everyday and never tire of looking at him.

The man behind the eyes had driven her away. He never could act on his feelings for her, feelings that she only found out about behind mirror in the interrogation room. She had lost her patience. So she left, and she vowed never to look back.

She failed.

Sara walked through the lab into her supervisor's office. She wondered what he would want with her. She hadn't done anything wrong. In fact she was the best CSI they had.

"Ms, Sidle, good you are here." Why can't he just call me Sara?

"You said you needed to see me."

"Yes, you remember the X killer."

How could she forget? Six months ago a serial killer had stalked San Francisco. He had seemingly no pattern, and his killings go grislier and grislier. He always left three xs's in different patterns on the victim's stomach. She had set a record for how much overtime she had maxed out on that case, but she never came close to catching him.

"I remember the case."

"The reason I am bringing this up is because a series of murders has occurred in Las Vegas precisely the same way."

"Copy cat?" she asked.

"No, the MO's are identical; I believe it is the same man."

She didn't say anything.

"I'm going to send one of our CSI's here to help them out in Las Vegas."

"Mmmm, why are you telling me this?"

"Because, Ms. Sidle, I'm sending you."


"You are the best choice, you know this killer better then anyone, you know the Las Vegas area, and you have worked with Dr. Grissom's team."

"Grissom got this case?" Oh no, she thought, I can't work with Grissom. "No I can't go, you don't understand, I left Las Vegas."

"It's too late, you need to go home and pack and then catch the 8:00 plane to Las Vegas." He stared into her eyes, "I'm not asking you Ms. Sidle, I'm telling you."

Sara walked out of there in a daze. She had to go back. Back to Vegas, back to home. Back to his eyes. How could she do this, why did her heart have to choose him?

Great, she thought, I left Las Vegas to get away from him, now they're sending me back.

A/N: since this is a prologue I always add the first chapter right after, please review.