A/N: Finally, here is the final chapter. I was going to make the story longer, with everything in this chapter more drawn out, but going back I realized that all I wanted this part to be was a wrap up and happy ending of sorts. Please tell me what you think! Also, I am considering a sequel (though I won't be able to do it for awhile because I have so many fics on the go I'm trying to wrap them up before I create any new ones). Let me know if you'd be interested in the sequel!
Chapter 8
Sarah looked at the bewildered Jareth ready to yell at him for lying to her, but by the look on his face, she could tell he wasn't lying at all.
"What's going on?" Sarah questioned.
"If I knew, I'd tell you," Jareth snapped back. He wasn't used to feeling out of control of a situation. He wasn't supposed. He was the Goblin King. People feared him. This was not supposed to happen.
Two mismatched eyes, one gray and one brown, followed the movements of the two.
"How am I supposed to get back?" Sarah asked, sounding very worried. She was starting to fidget, like she always did when she was scared.
Jareth unconsciously placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
"I don't know," Jareth said, frustrated, "this has never happened before. I don't understand why!"
"I know," came the voice that accompanied the gray and brown eyes. Jareth and Sarah whipped around to reveal a stunningly beautiful fey, with long silvery gray hair and a kind smile.
"Oracle," Jareth whispered more to himself than anyone else. Sarah looked up at him confused.
"Who is she?"
Jareth turned to Sarah.
"She is Oracle, the Great Seer of the Underground. No one has seen her since the fall of the monarchy nearly one thousand years ago."
"That is correct," Oracle said as she made her way over to the two, "I have been in hiding for centuries, waiting to restore the monarchy to its once brilliant rule."
Jareth and Sarah looked at Oracle, confused.
"Come, children," she said with a smile. Jareth and Sarah followed her into the lavishly decorated sitting room of the castle. They all sat down and Jareth and Sarah waited for Oracle to speak.
"You see," Oracle said, "the monarchy of the Underground was destroyed when the King of the Vampyr Kingdom, Damoyn, decided to try and take over the Underground. He killed the king and queen. Fortunately, Damoyn did not have the power to take over the Underground and soon lost the throne."
"Yes, I know all this," said Jareth impatiently, "and no one dares to step foot in the Grand Castle. It is said that there is a curse that will only allow the true rulers in."
"Yes," Oracle said, still very serenely, "but what no one else knew was that the Queen of the Underground had give birth to a son, just days before. When the castle was attacked, they sent him to the Aboveground. I later foresaw a prediction. It said that at the right time, the descendant of the son would come to the Underground and show her wit. She was then to leave the Underground and return again, but not of her own free will. Once she returned, she would gain the powers of the Queen of the Underground. Her king would become the first person from the Underground she has ever met. Sarah, you are the Queen and Jareth, you are her king."
Sarah and Jareth looked at Oracle jaws dropped.
"You're kidding, right?" Sarah asked, "I mean, I don't love him."
Even as she said that, though, she knew it was a lie. How else could she explain her behavior in the ballroom or the rush of heat that she felt when she saw him? She was about to protest further when she looked in Jareth's eyes. For once, she didn't think, she just acted.
Jareth was so busy trying to process all the new information that he was astonished to feel Sarah's lips on his. It didn't take him long, though, to react and start kissing her back.
When the two broke apart they looked around for Oracle, but could not find her. In her place sat two golden crowns gleaming in the light.
Five months later
Hoggle hobble up to the stage in front of the crowd of royals. He looked at them and with a smiled announced, "I present to you, Queen Sarah and King Jareth, rulers of the Underground!"
Everyone cheered as Jareth and Sarah made their way onto the stage. Sarah looked down and saw her father, stepmother and brother staring up at her with proud smiles. It turns out that Sarah descended to the thrown threw her mother's side of the family. Sarah, however, did not want to leave her family, so with the help of Jareth they ended up convincing them of the truth.
Sarah felt Jareth's hand on her lower back and she turned to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips. As she pulled away, she whispered, "who would of thought we'd be here?"
Jareth smiled down at his wife and turned once again to face the crowd. They were truly happy and everyone was happy for them. Well, almost everyone.
A/N: I know I didn't do much to show Jareth and Sarah falling in love, but I wanted to make it seem like they always held repressed love for each other and it comes out once they find out that they are soul mates. I know, the ending kind of sucks, but I couldn't come up with anything else.