She sat on her bed, the sounds of Linkin Park's song Numb flowing through her ears. She turned up the music on her discman, blocking out any other sounds, anything. Her brown shoulder length hair was falling down at her shoulders, framing her face. Her blue eyes were stuck on an article in her newest Teen People, but she soon grew bored of it. The house was empty, her whole family out somewhere. Everyone knew about them, her brother being the star of the basketball team, her dad running the biggest dealership in town and her mom with all her volunteer work and help at the cafe.

"Then there's me, the forgotten Scott, the other Scott, his sister, his other kid, and her daughter, Nolan Scott," she spoke out loud, "And then I get stuck with that stupid guy name,"

She knew she wasn't the only forgotten Scott, she knew about her half brother. Lucas Scott, he played with her brother, and from what she knew, they loathed each other. She never talked about him, that came with consequences. That was the first time her dad had hit her, after she said something about Lucas as her other brother. No one else had been home that night, that night when Dan Scott had hit his daughter, Nathan being at one of his parties and her mom, Deb, being on some trip.

From that night, that night when he had hit her, it had continued. When he was drunk or mad about something, and she said something that bothered him in the slightest way, he would hit her. Lately, it had stopped, with Deb being at home, and it being summer, Nathan being home all the time too. She was always grateful at times like these, with Nathan at home. They weren't the closest siblings, but she still loved him. Nathan knew his dad had hit his sister once or twice, but that had happened to him too. He didn't know he still hit her though, he thought their dad was past that.

She was 14 now, heading into highschool. Tree Hill High School, where her brothers both reside, where her dad went, where all everyone cares about is basketball and nothing more. She wasn't really looking forward to highschool at all, for many reasons. Like her brothers, and everyone knowing shes a Scott, and the fact THHS has no girls basketball team at all. Not that she cared about that, basketball was just a way to get at her dad. She was pretty decent at it, getting the whole Scott sports gene, or some of it at least. When she was younger she had always played with her brother, or she watched him play. Their dad would say its a mans game, he would never let her play, she didnt care though.

There was a loud knock at Nolan's door, she sighed and paused her music. She wasn't sure who it was, her dad wouldn't have knocked so that left her mom or Nathan. She went with her mom, Nathan never came to her room.

"Come in," she said, going back to her magazine. The door opened slowly, like it was going to reveal who it was. And no, it wasn't Deb.

"Hey," spoke Nathan from the hallway, leaning up against the doorframe.

"Um hi," Nolan said, a confused look on her face. She couldn't even remember the last time her brother had showed up at her door. Probably like half a year ago.

"Just wanted to let you know that I'm home, and our overly involved parents will be home later," he said, sighing.

"Thanks," she said, shrugging a bit.

"So how was your night?" he asked, striking up conversation.

"Boring mainly, had like nothing to do,"

"Why didn't you go out and do something with Ashlynn or something?" he asked, referring to her bestfriend. Ashlynn Jones and his little sister had been friends since the first grade.

"Some family party I think...doesn't matter," she said, looking back at her magazine, "How was your evening anyway, Mr Hotshot?"

He laughed a bit hearing her use his old nickname, "If you must know, not very good, Tim was well, being himself and Peyton was, being herself, and no one else showed up at the cafe,"

"So you were stuck with an immature idiot and a brooding artist?"

"Ya, you should have tagged along, made it somewhat interesting..."

"Thats exactly how I wanted to spend my last day of summer, hanging out with my brother and his boring friends," she said, smiling.

"Shut up," he said, laughing a bit.

"You know I love you buddeeee, but you friends are well, you know,"

"Thanks, love you too Nole, G'night,"



"Parents gone already?" Nolan asked through a yawn as she walked into the kitchen the next morning. Nathan was sitting at the island in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal and flipping through the paper, sports section of course.

"Dad was driving mom to the airport for one of her trips and then he was off to the dealership, so yes, gone already," he said, smiling a bit. Nolan took a seat next to her brother, pouring some cereal for herself.

"You seem somewhat happy about that," she said shortly, giving him a look.

"First day of school, dad will lecture me about basketball and mom about making good impressions and behaving myself, I can do without it,"

"I mean, I would think you'd have those speeches memorized by now, 11th grade," Nolan joked, pretending to be amazed.

"You're lucky too, you would have gotten those speeches, I mean after last years incident,"

"Ok, don't bring that up, this is highschool, that was junior high, I won't be that immature,"


"Shut up, it was like one little thing anyway, I had to paint over it,"

"Of course you did, do you think they would have left the lyrics to whatever song that was written in black in the girls bathroom?"

"The song was Prisoners of Today by Billy Talent, and it was all the truth, that school had too many rules, and it was only 2 days suspension,"

"Whatever, be ready to go in like, 10 minutes, we have to pick up Tim before school,"

"Doesn't he have his car back yet? He is soo annoying,"

"He's not allowed to have his car for a while, his parents are kind of mad he trashed it so bad,"

"Hah, I can just bug him about that, the ride with be worth while now,"

Nathan laughed, "Go get ready,"


The car ride to school was silent to Nolan, listening to her brother and his best friend talking about basketball stats or girls, totally boring. She just sat there, staring out the window of her brother's black porsche, watching the innocent people staring as they drove into the school parking lot. Surprisingly there was an untouched parking spot right beside the front door of the school and her brother pulled in.

"So how long will this go on?" she asked her brother and she got out of the car, slipping her packsack on her shoulders.

"How long will what go on?" he asked, waving to someone across the yard and walking into the school. She followed him, not sure where to go at all.

"All the staring,"

"You should get used to it, being hotshot's kid sister," Tim spoke up, laughing a bit. Nolan sighed, and crossed her arms.

"And does hotshot always get his parking spot?"

"Yah, I do, and a locker near the water fountain and the gym," Nathan said, pointing out his locker, smiling proudly to himself.

Nolan gave her brother a sarcastic smile, "This is gonna be great,"


AN:there was the first chapter for all of you, heres the lowdown. Nolan is 3 years younger than her brother, him heading into 11th grade and her starting with grade 9. the gang hangs out, lucas and haley only being part of the gang because of basketball, at the moment nathan is on and off with peyton and he gets along with lucas, but keeps it to a low.
Read and Review and if you have any questions, ask away!
Thanks for reading and look forward to an update as soon as i can!