Hands – Chapter 3
Ginny started when she heard the clock chime the hour and realized that she must have dozed off at some point. The fire had burned down in the fireplace and her cocoa was gone. She stood up and stretched before folding the throw and banishing it and her dishes back to their proper places before walking up to their bedroom.
Knowing that her husband would be home soon, she got ready for bed and lit the fire before climbing under the covers to wait for him. Soon she heard the door to their room open and he softly called her name. She whispered a greeting to him and he walked over to their bed and sat down. He reached out and ran his thumb along her cheek, leaning down to kiss her before he went into the bathroom to shower and change for bed.
She rolled onto her side and settled further down into mattress while she waited for him. A short time later, she heard the shower turn off and the door open. He climbed into bed and scooted in behind her, sliding one arm underneath her and wrapping his other arm around her middle. He placed soft kisses on her neck and shoulder while stroking her belly.
"So how was the baby shower, did you have a good time?" He asked between kisses. She turned her head back to look at him, and in the firelight, she could see the dark grey-blue color of his eyes. "Yes, we all had a good time and the shower went well. Did you have a good time tonight?"
"Yes we had a good time, but I was glad when it finally broke up. I wanted to get home to you. How are you feeling? Not too tired, I hope?" He asked softly. He buried his nose in her hair and took in her fragrance.
"I'm fine," she answered softly. "We did have an interesting discussion tonight," she teased. "Melodie posed an interesting question."
"Really, and what was that?" He inquired.
"I'm not sure I should tell you, because I know I'll never be able to look my brothers in the eye again without either getting sick or laughing myself silly." She teased.
"Well, now you have to tell me." He said.
"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you. She asked us what physical feature had most attracted us to our husbands," she told him as she looked around to see his reaction.
"That must have gotten some interesting responses, considering your brothers." He said, and dropped a kiss on her lips.
Ginny yawned loudly and snuggled closer to him, resting her back against his body. "Yes, you could say that. I heard about my brothers' hair, their eyes, their arms, their freckles in strange places, their ears, and various other body parts that I don't ever want to hear about again. And did you know that Pansy has a neck fetish? You'll have to ask Anton about that one. That is information I could have lived without."
Draco chuckled. "So, what did you tell them about me, or do I even want to know?"
She smiled and turned to face him, giving him a soft kiss. "Don't worry. Nobody has anything on you."
He put his knuckle under her chin to lift her eyes to his. "What, you didn't tell them? I mean, I'm sure you could've thought of something. What attracts you to me?" He sounded almost put out.
She giggled at him, grabbing his hand and holding them up palm-to-palm, amazed at how his hand looked so large compared to hers. "I didn't get the chance to answer them because for some reason, I'm constantly having to go to the bathroom, and when it was my turn I couldn't wait any longer. When I got back from the bathroom, Dad had come home and we started packing up."
She then kissed his lips again and pulled his hand to her mouth, dropping another kiss on his long, manicured fingers before releasing his hand and rolling back onto her side so he could support her body.
His arm came back around her and he spread his hand protectively over her protruding stomach, letting it come to rest where their child was growing with in her. He rubbed his hand over her belly, knowing it relaxed her, and he marveled at the fact that within the next few weeks, their first child would be born. He continued to stroke her belly and placed a kiss on the side of her face, and then another on her neck, feeling her start to relax underneath his soothing ministrations.
"So, are you going to tell me what your answer would have been?" He queried softly.
"Do you really want to know?" She asked gently.
"Yes," he responded.
"Your hands, Draco, I love your hands, your touch." She responded quietly, placing her hand over his, which had come to a stop and was now resting over their baby.
He didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, not sure what to think. In the past, before Ginny, girls had told him how they loved his hair or his eyes, and even his body, but he didn't expect her to tell him that her favorite thing was his hands. He was a little upset at first, as he thought those to be his best features, and then he thought about it. He realized how she would smile up at him when he held her hand, or how she would lean slightly back into him when he would put his hand in the small of her back when they walked in a crowd. Then he thought about how she responded to his touch when they made love, and how her body would follow his hands. Or how his stroking her belly had soothed her during her pregnancy, helping her to fall asleep, and she would place her hand over his while she dreamed.
The more he thought about it, the more he liked it, and with a smile, he placed a soft kiss on her neck. "My hands, I think I like that. I love you, Ginny," he whispered, resumed his stroking of her belly.
She let out a soft sigh, "I love you too, Draco."
As she began to relax under his soft touch, she smiled and whispered, "Yes definitely your hands," as she placed her own over his and drifted off to sleep.
The End
I forgot to put a disclaimer at the beginning so I'll do it now. My name is not J.K. Rowling and I do not have millions of dollars. I am just happy to be able to play around in her world every once in a while. But if she's every willing I would be happy to take Draco and Blaise off her hands.........Call me JK!!
Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed, it truly made my day everytime I got one. I'm happy you considered this worthy of your time. Until we meet again......TTFN!!