A/N: Hello my dear readers. I hope you have not forgotten about me. I just wanted to let you all know that I have not died, and that I have not forgotten about you or my story. I realize it's been a very, very long time since I updated my story by putting any new chapters into it.

I have just recently redone chapter 1. The writing/grammar has, hopefully, been updated a lot, and the plot has been changed a bit. There was also a lot more thought and care put into it than it originally was when I first wrote it as a teenager. Now there is a bit less sex and hormones raging like it originally were, as most teenagers think as teenagers' lol… But in all seriousness, this story is going to be written better.

I'm going to work on rewriting more of the chapters as I go on and continue to add chapters. I am also going to be joining the Navy soon, so, even though I will be absent again for a long time, do not worry that I have not forgotten you or don't want to update you, I just can't work on it as often as I would like.

Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognize, but I own everything that you don't, so there, and every bit of the plot are also mine, as you can tell.

RATING: Rather mature subject, do be supervised while reading. If you insist on reading it anyway, then don't say I didn't warn you!

A young Petunia Evans sat on a floral-patterned couch, covered by plastic; a bridal magazine in her shaking hands. Her hair was up in pink curlers, feet neatly crossed beneath her and her back as straight as a rail to signify she was, in fact, a dignified lady. A voice from another room caught her attention momentarily but Petunia remained vigilant, keeping her eyes focused on the magazine. A sigh escaped Petunia's lips as footsteps began to come her way.

"Did you hear me, Petunia?" Lily, her younger sister, came into the room with a small cup of tea in her hands.

"Hm?" Petunia turned her nose up slightly at Lily, pretending she hadn't heard her a second time.

Lily set the cup of tea on the coffee table, instantly forgetting that she had it in the first place. "I asked you if dad was going to the wedding," Lily paused a moment, "if so, who is giving you away; Dad or Donald?" A chill simultaneously ran down their spines, but they both ignored it.

"I'm not sure, but either way it will not be Donald, he's just going for the booze," Petunia laughed spitefully to herself, "of course, mom and dad aren't any different."

Lily pulled out a packet of cigarettes and placed one gingerly in her mouth, offering the pack to her older sister who turned it down to her surprise. After Lily lit the smoke Petunia fanned it away and pretending to cough.

"Miss perfect little Lily, why on earth would you have started smoking?" Petunia shot a side glance towards her sister as a plume of smoke came towards her.

"Why on earth did you decide to stop?" Lily smiled while taking another drag from her smoke and holding it in her hand away from her body.

"Vernon hates the smell, so I stopped for him. And because I love him." Lily rolled her eyes.

"That's a big commitment, Tunie, seems like he's got a lot to love." While Lily pretended to vomit over the side of the couch Petunia threw the bridal magazine at the side of her sisters' head.

"I'm so glad I didn't invite you! You always ruin everything!" Petunia stood to meet Lily's gaze, even though she was much taller than her. The two were mere inches from each other. "Why did I have to be related to a freak?" The last word came out of Petunia's mouth with much spite and some saliva that grazed Lily's cheek, she ignored it.

"I'm so glad you didn't invite me," Lily retorted, "even if you did, I'd only go for the cake, but judging by Vernon's size he's already devoured it!" Lily's voice continued to get louder. "I'm also not the freak here, Petunia, I do magic. But at least one day I'll marry in my own species! You're a giraffe marrying a hippopotamus!"

There was silence for a moment. Petunia's mouth hung open with pure shock dominating her features. Lily laughed momentarily and turned around to leave the room. Petunia stood up to follow. In a single movement Lily quickly reached into a deep pocket on the side of her jeans and whipped out her want, turned around with it pointed straight up at Petunia's face, between the eyes. Petunia, who was much taller than her younger sister, stared down into a pair of angry green eyes.

"You'll be expelled if you do anything to me; you're too young, remember?" Her voice trembled as she crossed her eyes looking away from Lily and up the wand to her own pointed nose.

"Perhaps I will be expelled, and thrown into Azkaban. But the question that you should ask yourself Petunia is: do you want to risk it?" A savage smirk crossed Lily's face as a gleam of fear came into her sisters eyes.

Lily lowered her want and turned to leave. Without stopping or looking back Lily called out, "Congrats on your wedding, I hope you have a happy, fulfilled life. I love you."

Later that day.

Lily sat in her room, manually sewing a bright, red fabric into the legs of her jeans to transform them into bellbottoms. After she was finished, she held them up to admire her work; Lily was pleased. A few minutes of silence passed, and she realized that she was the only one left in the house since Petunia and everyone had gone to the wedding. Thunder boomed outside making Lily jump momentarily then smiled afterwards. After setting the finished jeans on the bed, Lily walked to the window in her underwear, fingering her wand slowly while surveying the storm outside.

She exhaled deeply as a thought crossed her mind making her decide to pull on her newly finished jeans and a good pair of shoes. After lighting a cigarette, Lily hastily packed a few clothes and other essentials in a small backpack. Another boom of thunder caused her to jump. Lily laughed to herself when she realized how silly she was being due to a storm and took another drag of her smoke, exhaling slowly.

After sitting back on her bed she pulled out several letters and post cards from her bedside table. There were many from her best friend, Debbie, who was currently in America with her family, for whatever reason. She hadn't heard from Teresa all summer, and Margaret was off on some business with the Ministry after having graduated last year from Hogwarts. Lily didn't get much from anyone else; little news came from Remus every so often, but other than that, nothing. She pulled out the most recent letter from Remus and read that Sirius was staying with him for a while because of his "condition" Lily knew he meant that he was a werewolf, but still let him keep his privacy by calling it a condition.

For some reason, and Lily could not understand why, but she was heavy-hearted that she hadn't gotten a single letter from James all summer. Once a year he would send her a letter, not knowing at all if she would read them or throw them away, but he would confess his undying love for her, which would always make her smile internally; part of her would feel like it was Sirius writing her as a joke, though. The lights began to flicker, which pulled her attention off of James for a moment. Lily sighed when the lights fully went out.

Lily got up and opened her bedroom door and looked in the dark, open area of the house. Internally, she cursed the fact that she was still underage for using magic outside of school. She began to walk slowly down the stairs into the living room but stopped when she heard several loud footsteps going through the kitchen. She listened intensely and heard drawers and an assortment of other things she couldn't identify being shuffled around and thrown about the room. Lily stood as still as she could muster and listened for whatever else she could to figure out who was there.

"This is the place isn't it? We didn't get sent to the wrong place again did we?" An angry male voice emerged first.

"I'm certain," came in another deep male voice, "Her pictures are all over this place. She was a cute little girl." A few voices laughed quietly.

Lily's eyes darted back and forth as she was trying to figure out what they were talking about. Confused and scared, Lily's heart was beating horribly fast making her breathe louder than normal. It took all that Lily had to settle herself down to keep listening to find out who the perpetrators were, even though she wasn't sure that she wanted to know.

"I'm so glad there isn't a big family here, either. It's always a bitch dealing with screaming women and children, and then just having to kill them. Stupid muggles, they never having anything better to do than cry and die like parasites." The first voice chimed in again sounding like he was bored. "I'm just curious as to why he wants her! The Dark Lord hates mudbloods, and he wants her as a Death Eater."

Lily gasped rather loudly and realizing that she may have been heard, held her breath in. The shuffling of things in the kitchen immediately stopped and everything became instantly silent.

"Shhh, someone's here." The first voice whispered, "I smell smoke. She's here… Mudblood, you should really stop hiding, love."

Lily dropped the remaining part of her cigarette and stomped it out quickly before running upstairs into her room where she quickly slammed the door behind her. The men did not force themselves into her room yet, but she knew they would in a few minutes. Lily quickly scrambled for a jacket and her small bag. The door was suddenly flown off the wall in a loud bang and crash. Lily screamed, ducking to keep from being hit by debris that flew all over the room. Several men of different ages and ethnicities entered her room from the opened hole in the wall, wands brandished and pointed toward her.

"You're comin' with us, missy." An older man in the front said, he had almost no teeth, and what teeth he did have were black, green, and an assortment of other colors that set Lily's skin on edge.

Lily pulled out her wand, holding it out in front of her and lifting her head defiantly. Many of the men laughed, and stepped closer towards her intending to surround her. She kept her chin held high and took a small step towards the window, glancing outside to see a large storm ravaging everything in its path.

"Oh please, we don't want to have to chase you down, get you all roughed up and dirty. We want you to look pleasant while we take you to our Lord." A younger, rather handsome man said as he pushed himself in front of the crowd. "But we will if we have to, and I'm not totally against that either." His face changed as lightning lit up the room showing that none of them were handsome, and were very creepy instead.

"No!" Lily yelled and moved toward the window, stopping suddenly when someone who had been bumped while trying to stun her shot at the window, shattering it everywhere. Quickly she jumped up onto the windowsill and jumped down before anyone else could shoot at her.

There were clouds of darkness surrounding her while all the dark wizards apparated and was practically flying around her trying to pick her up. She swung and batted them away as best as she could not wanting to use her wand to keep from possibly getting a citation from the school. In a flash of a moment they were gone and Lily looked around to find herself on the ground in the middle of the road, soaked from the rain and in the headlights of a car.

She lay on the ground for a few moments, stunned and still frightened that they would come back. Lily looked around, holding tight to her wand with a firm mind that if they came back she would use it that time. She screamed as someone gingerly grabbed her arm and began to pull her up off the ground. The person shook her a few times to get her to pay attention to what was going on. It was Ernie, the night bus driver; he quickly pulled her into the bus and shut the door behind him. Lily looked around and noticed she was alone, aside from Ernie, but the thought didn't comfort her anymore than being left on the side of the road. He didn't wait for her to tell him where to go; he started the bus and just drove around and around until she could get her mind straight.

Lily really admired the little old man; it didn't matter how old he wasn't or was, he never seemed to change. Always the same large glasses that made his eyes look five times bigger than they actually were, his hair was still white. It just never failed to amaze her how he looked the same. After a few moments Lily calmed down enough to tell him where to go without a second thought or regret of where she chose.

"Godric's Hollow, please. Potter's residence." Her eyes lowered as if she were sort of embarrassed to be saying what she was saying.

In just a few moments they finally arrived, Ernie gingerly stopped the bus and turned to look at her. "Keep strong Miss Evans, keep strong." It was the first time she had ever heard him talk, for a long time she wasn't very sure if he could talk. She nodded and forced a smile to her lips as she turned to leave off the bus.

It took her only a few moments to reach the door, but the walk felt like hours. Lily's heart was pounding in her chest so hard she thought it was going to explode, or alert to the Death Eaters where she was. She glanced back to the night bus, not surprised that it was already gone by the time she looked back. Finally, after a few moments of contemplating what to say she raised her arm to knock on the door, but to her surprise the door began to open anyways. There in the open doorway was a surprised James, an unlit cigarette in his mouth. His jaw dropped, making the cigarette fall to the soaked ground. Lily lowered her hand back to her side as they silently stared at each other.

A few moments of silence later and James finally moved, backing away from the door and shutting it in her surprised face. Lily looked down at the dropped cigarette and picked it up; examining it, noticing it was the same brand that she smoked. With tears beginning to well up in her eyes she turned around to leave in the pouring rain.

A/N: Ok, so it's not the sex-crazed ending/cliff of the previous version, but as an author I must admit that I like this version so much more. A lot of what happened in the previous version will still be in here, but more adult and possibly better written. I hope you guys enjoy this and understand why I had to change it….it was just too horribly written the first time around for me not to change it now.