A/N. Well hello people, I start by giving you a HUGE APOLOGY in the delay again between the last chapter and this, the ending. Yes you read it right this is the last chapter in this story, well that is 10 chapters you've had. Thank you for reading and here we go. I thank all my dedicated readers who have written good reviews for me and hope that you all are well.
Friends in high Places
The Hood and his little band of un-merry men!
The hood woke up to find Transom, Mullion and himself locked up in a cage, not only that but Mullion was chained up so tight he could not break free from either the chains or the cage. Transom was tied with ropes and her glasses were placed on a side outside of the cage so she was no use to him either. He himself was tied up with ropes and had a huge headache.
"Never again shall I take on a drunken Tracy, they are more trouble than the sober ones!" he said to his tied up Trusty Hench-people.
"Sir can you get yourself out of the ropes?" Said Transom.
"No! I cannot manipulate what I cannot see!" he replied knowing this was going to be a long haul getting out of this one.
"Sir, what about me sir? If I manoeuvre over to the cage and you undo my ropes I can get off of this chair and break you all free!" Said a voice from over the room.
"Who is that?" replied the Hood.
"Angelina sir!" said the voice.
"You deserve a pay rise, but only if you can get into my sights so I canuntie you!" He said finally finding a brain in his midst.
He could not see Angelina but could hear her making her way over to his side of the room, and all of a sudden he heard a squeak and a clunck.
"Angelina, what has happened?" he asked as he was worried not for her but for his ability to get out of the cage.
"It's ok sir I just fell down some steps and cut open my head but I'll be fine!" she said.
"Good, good, hurry please, I have not got all day!" he said not thinking or caring that she could be injured.
She got into his eye sight and he was able to make the ropes around her and the chair she was on unravel, she stood up and shook herself and also wiped the blood from her head so she could see once again.
"Ok now can you unlock the door and get us out of here!" he said ignoring her waving a bloody hand in front of his face as if to say look I'm bleeding and its all your fault.
"Ok sir" she walked over to the door to find it was locked! She rushed around the room trying to find the keys; she stopped and looked at a post it note that was sitting on the console where she would usually sit.
To Angelina,
Don't unlock the bald guy, who you will know as Boss!
As soon as you are free, just run away and Doss.
He isn't a really nice guy, can't you tell from the big cage.
To see whom this note is from just turn the little page!
Alan, Virgil, Gordon, Jeff, John, Scott, Astin and Tommy!
Your Job sucks!
P.S. if you have to, the keys are inside the cage.
She placed the note in her pocket and ran over to the cage, she saw the keys and that they were not within her reach and also that none of the people in the cage were able to go in and get them themselves.
"Slight problem sir! I'll be right back!" she said this, turned and ran out the door.
The Hood just sat and waited patiently, Transom and Mullion were absolutely no help at all, they sat there and sulked at the mess that they were in and moaned at the fact that they could not break free.
After 30 minutes, Angelina came running back in with along pole that had a horseshoe magnet tied to the end with string on the end of it. She stuck the pole into the cage and was able to drag the keys out with the help of the magnet. She walked round to the front of the cage and then she unlocked the door, she went inside and untied Transom, she passed the keys to Transom, who unlocked Mullion, While she untied the hood.
"Thank you, Angelina you will be rewarded for your hard work with a pay-rise and a promotion!" said the Hood.
"Yay me! That means I can buy that really cool Starsky and Hutch car I wanted!" She skipped of into another room.
The Hood set about ordering people to clear up the room and make sure there were no surprises. He walked about the room and was not too happy about the fact that his plan had not worked out and began to scheme another way to get the Thunderbirds.
"I'll get my way, one of these days, one way or another I'm gonna find ya I'm gonna get ya! I am the all, powerful hood.
Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!
And i'm sorry if you didn't!