Chapter 1: Isolation

In which a girl leaves home against her Father's will…to prove to the world that she's not afraid of the dark…

No. No. No. No. No dammit! How could this have happened? I mean one minute you're happy you're living near your two best friends, and you've just started college yourself. Unfortunately, you couldn't choose what school you wanted to go to...and ended up choosing a random school that sent you a personalized invitation. Complete with a paper matching your favorite color and the ink in your second favorite.

Oh but that's not the best part...brace yourselves for's was an invitation...for an all BOYS school. But you were too stupid to read the whole invitation and so here you are. Oh no, but this is not just any school, this is a school that happens to be in a creepy castle, in a creepy place, on a creepy cliff. Yup...this is how my day has been so far.

Welcome to the start of my eternity in hell.

You know, today started like a normal day, a happy day, the day that I would finally, leave the nest and spread my wings to fly--Ok…that sounded like crap...lemme start again. It was the day that I would finally leave home, and venture out into the worl—WHO THE HELL IS WRITING THIS CRAP! -Ahem- Ok one last time. Today was the day...I would finally be off to college...but I wouldn't be going alone, which was the best part--woohoo finally I got this right--anyways my two best friends were coming with me! At least I wouldn't be as lonely as usual ne?

Well I was all packed up and ready to go. It's kind of weird though...going to a new school. Starting off always feels stranger as you go on in life. I walked to the garage...putting my suitcase into the trunk of my 2004, Navy blue, Jetta...a.k.a my baby. A noise in the garage startled me from my thoughts and I turned to where I thought the source was. There was my dad, as honorable and as sweet as he was, he had a frown on his face. "Kao-ri...perhaps you should stay home for this could work for me for the rest of the year..."

"But dad...I...don't--"

"Kao-ri I just don't like the fact that you're running off with your so called 'friends' to some college that I haven't even heard of!" Dad always was least...that's what mom told me in her last letter.

"What do you mean by so called 'friends'? Kyo and Nik are and have been my best friends ever since we moved here!" I just hate how my dad never trusts my judgment. I don't think there's been one time where he has.

He walked over to my car and opened the trunk taking my suitcase out. "Kao-chan…I'm sorry...but I'd feel better if you stayed home...besides you're starting at this school at the second semester...wouldn't you want to start off at a school at the beginning?"

"NO! I DON'T CARE! I'M GOING TO SCHOOL!" Holy crap I can't believe I just said friends mean the world to me...and dad just can't seem to understand that. I grabbed my suitcase and ran out of the garage. Hopefully Kyo hasn't left yet, her house is closer and I'm gonna have to get another ride somehow.

"Kyo!" I yelled knocking on the door. the door. The door slowly opened revealing the disheveled state, otherwise known as her older brother Sukato. "Kao-ri? Wha?" I walked into the house and out of the doorway.

"Mou! Sukato-kun lemme in! Is Kyo-Kyo home? Don't tell me she left! Oh god she lef--"


"How am I gonna get to school now! If Kyo left that means Nik--"


"I don't wanna stay here by myself!"


"Dad's gonna make me run the company and he's gonna try to run my life!"


I felt pretty foolish then, as I slowly turned to see my white-banged friend. Apparently Sukato left when he had the chance. Kyo was tapping her foot impatiently; in her hands were her suitcase and her car keys. "Relax Kao; we're not leaving you behind..." I spun around and there in the doorway was Nikita. Hey wait...they were going to travel to school together! And not bring me!

"I tried to call your cell Kao-ri but you wouldn't pick up, so I figured you already left..." Kyo explained

Suddenly I felt something vibrating in the pocket of my vest. I quickly opened it and took out my light blue cell phone. "H-Hello?"

"Kao-ri...vibrating? Why isn't your phone on its usual ring tone?" the voice on the other line asked.

I looked over my shoulder to see Nik smirking as she hung up her cell. "I swear it's stuck on vibrate it's not changing back to ring tone!"

"Look...we'll deal with your phone problems later Kao-chan…but we've got a long drive ahead of us before we get to scho--"

"What...the fuck..." I swore.

As suddenly the sensation of sinking took over my senses, I looked down to see a mix of dark colors and a swirl of black smoke that was drawing me into its abyss.

"Don't be scared..."

"I'm not afraid of the darkness..."

"Ughn..." I groaned, rubbing my head.

"How could this have happened? This is a huge mistake!"

"Fucking huma—OW! Dammit woman!"

"Will you two quit it the red-headed neko-jin is waking up..."

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Looking around the room I noticed six people other than myself. Wait...where are Kyo and Nikita! "Um...hello there...what's your na--" I sent a death glare at the blue haired man and the lady beside him laughed. "Her glare's almost as bad as Hiwatari's ne Emi-chan?"

"Yeah...except for her's doesn't pose as much as a threat...seeing that she's a human and all..." Another woman spoke up before the one I guessed was 'Emi' spoke.

"Would you women quit gossipin' and start questioning the brat!" This time I directed my glare at the red haired man…and to my surprise, he glared right back at me.

"What's your name Miss?" The blue one spoke again.

"What did you do with my friends?" I snapped at him.

"Listen brat tell us your name and then we'll tell you what you want to know..."

"I don't trust you..." I replied coolly, getting up off of the bed that I was placed on. The room had simple decorations, reminded me of a hospital room.

"Ok then...we'll tell you our name's first," One of the women spoke.

"You know telling me where ever the hell I am...and where my friends are would be more practical," I adjusted the goggles on my cat-eared hat and concentrated on that task. Anything to just keep me from reminding myself that they're all staring at me.

"I was getting to that!" the silver haired woman said angrily, "Anyways...Welcome to the West Side School for Paranormal Boys...I'm one of the six teachers here, I'm Mika Tseke. But in class call me Mika-sensei,"

I noticed that 'Mika-sensei's' mood changed drastically. One minute she sounded angry with me, the next she was happy again. She nudged the blue haired guy and whispered something to him.

"Oh! I'm Hitoshi's best if you call me Kinomiya-sensei in class..."

"I'm Akemi Yoshino, and this is Johnny McGregor...don't mind his temper..."

"I'm Michael Parker...and my lovely assistant is Nora Thannelly,"

"I am not your anything, Parker..." she hissed at him highly irritated at the blond male.

"Yeah...just one thing...if this is a school for boys...what am I doing here?" I asked in a higher pitch. Just to annunciate the fact that I am of the female race, thank you.

"Apparently there was a mistake, and're here for the rest of the school year," answered Hitoshi.

"What do you mean stuck here...?" I asked waveringly.

"Well...once you are brought here through the can't really go back, until it's the final day," Nora replied in a hushed tone.

"'s just me...and my friends...and a school filled with guys? It can't be that bad right?"

"It'll be worse than you me...but don't worry there are six other human girls that were accidentally brought here too...two of them including your friends," Akemi said with a smile.

I gave them a shifty glance before opening my mouth to speak again. I don't really trust these people…but hell…I might as well start to…

"My name is Kao-ri Nakedashi..."