I haven't written anything in a long time, but I had the idea to write this fic for a long time as well. I hope you enjoy this first chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in FFVII.

Hello there, I am Sephiroth. And I am one of the most beautiful creatures you could ever come in contact with. I have the most unique qualities, my mysterious colored eyes and my lustrous silver hair. Yes, I am beautiful. I could tell you all about my amazing features and I could also tell you about my adroit fighting skills. But I won't, because none of that is interesting. However I will tell you about my soon to be lover, does that interest you?

Anyway, I have taken in interest in him due to the fact that he spends a lot of time in seclusion. I must get him out of that God awful shell. Another reason why I want him is because, well, I find him very attractive. Yes, I know this is shallow, but what can I do? Every time I see him I just want to run my fingers through that silky black hair of his. I also like happen to like his skin, and I just want to caress him all over.

You probably think I'm sick right about now, don't you? Well, perhaps I am sick and I like it. Oh, wait I almost forgot to tell you his name, quite rude of me, no? His name is Vincent, Vincent Valentine. And he is quite mysterious, and I like that. I have a plan in mind, a plan to make Vincent my lover. And I hope to turn this into an adventure. I have to make this plan fun and exciting, don't I? Besides, when things are fun and exciting, it increases my sexual drive.

Now, I will tell you my plan:

First: I will lure Vincent into my estate, yes, my estate. It's a beautiful building, it has twenty rooms, nine and half bathrooms, two kitchens, a ballroom, and a wine seller. So you could say that I am very wealthy, being the top soldier and all. I do live in it by myself and it does get quite lonely. But this is why I am pursuing Vincent, or should I say one of the reasons why I am pursuing him.

When I lure him to my estate l will give him a vast amount of alcohol so he will be intoxicated, and then I'm going to.....HA! You don't honestly believe that I will get Vincent drunk, do you? Let's not kid ourselves my lovely audience. For starters, getting someone drunk is far too typical. Only perverted people with no kind of decency get people drunk. And I don't like this approach because it's just so pathetic. Me, on the other hand, I am calculating.

I try to find weaknesses, I look for ways to reveal someone's vulnerability. But I can't don this when I first meet someone. I have to get to know them first, I have to take this interest in them. And at times this can be quite difficult, and there had been times when I didn't like doing this. I have to pretend that I'm interested in someone's hobbies. What's annoying about this is that it could be the most tedious hobby on the face of this planet. I often wonder weather people have lives or not.

But I always remember why I seduce people. To get them under my power, I suck up it because I like the control. You may think that I'm just wasting my time seducing people because I get all the respect I could ever ask for. Yes, I do. I have quite a few admirers. And in sense I may control them to a certain degree. But that doesn't' compare to the mental control I can have over one person.

You see, I love it when a person puts all their trust in me. I love it when someone shares their most wild secrets and fantasies with me and not anyone else. But what I love most about this is the fact that I could use their secrets later on, I could use them for my own personal gain. I could their secrets and fantasies as blackmail, just in case they try to step out of line.

Do you hate me now? I seriously hope not. I know this sounds cruel, but I only want you to think of it as fun and exciting. Please, just try, I don't want you to hate me. Now on to the sexual part of my plot, and I know you were waiting for this part, weren't you? Don't lie to yourselves my lovely audience. I mean, really.

When I began to get close to Vincent, this will be the point where he starts sharing everything with me. As soon as he realizes that he can share everything with me, he reach deep within himself and tell me his sexual fantasies. (My goodness, I think I'm getting aroused by this already). Well, now I don't think I need to tell you anything else, you should know what's going to happen from here. But would you like it if I told you what I would like to do to Vincent?

There is so much I want to give him, and don't think he will refuse me. But if you, my lovely audience, believe that Vincent will refuse me, then you doubt my abilities. Now let's talk about Vincent.

He is indeed beautiful to me. If I were to see him I would have the urge to take him and have my way with in that very spot, and in that very moment. I'm not someone who would get extremely aroused and just take my hard cock and stick it in and out. No, that's not me, I don't want sex that lasts for only a few moments. I will never understand why some people only want the orgasm.

I want to enjoy the whole concept of sexual pleasure. I want feel myself thrusts in and out of Vincent, I want to do it slowly, and then I want to do it rapidly. I want to hear his cries of pleasure. I want to hear his heavy breathing afterwards, and I want the two of us to be drenched in our own sweat. Yes, this will be wonderful pleasure.

But what if he wants more from me? What if he wants me to give him pleasure in the most private parts of his body? The answer is really quite simple, I will give it to him. I will do everything in my power to make him want more. At this point I will tease him, just for fun. Just to play with his mind a little bit.

I must come to a close, I don't want reveal anything else to you. So I will let you read this story and find out what happens. This is only the beginning there going to be more plots and probably more naughtiness. But for now, read the first episode of this story and observe what happens. I don't think you will be disappointed (then again, maybe you will). Until then, goodbye for now.

That's the end of Sphiroth's introduction. Hope you enjoyed it.