Torture with Dende

Synopsis: Dende grows tired of always torturing Gohan so he decides to mix things up a little bit and torture someone else for a change. Videl Satan. A Gohan and Videl Fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters.

Chapter 8 - A New Conjecture & New Ambitions

Great Saiyaman was killing her.

Not literally of course, but in her own mind, she was withering and dying. It'd been several months since the mystery masked hero had shown his face, introducing himself as a new hero to Satan City, but yet still, as she continued to pursue after him, Videl found she couldn't place a name to the hero. It was simply infuriating.

Pacing her room in small circles, she momentarily stopped to stare up at the various news articles and pictures she'd collected about Great Saiyaman. Black undersuit, green outerwear, white boots and gloves, and the stupidest looking helmet she'd ever seen. One thing was for sure, Great Saiyaman sure didn't have great fashion sense... Not that it really mattered when you were in the mists of a battle, but still.

Tapping a finger to her chin, the thought of Gohan suddenly crossed her mind. Just why had he seemed so shaken up over her "shrine"? He couldn't possible be...

Laughing, Videl quickly shook her head, wondering where such a thought could come over her. As smart as Gohan was, it was for certain that when it came to anything athletic... Well, it just wasn't his thing.

But still, something else still bothered her. Gohan's suggestion of Marker being the masked hero made no sense whatsoever, and when she'd questioned him on anything that had to do with Great Saiyaman, he'd suddenly wished to change the subject... Perhaps her earlier hypothesis was correct... Did Gohan know Great Saiyaman?

"But who is he...?" She questioned in a mutter. Looking back up at her billboard, she frowned, not liking the effect this was having on her. She was, as much as she'd hate to admit it, completely obsessed. Her face began to burn as she suddenly thought back to when she'd unsuccessfully tried to unmask the masked hero.

Needless to say, the attempt had failed...miserably so.



Turning around in half confusion, Great Saiyaman scratched his head as he faced Videl, "Huh?" He looked around then back to Videl, "Are you talking to me?"

Arms crossed, Videl kept her solemn stance, "Of course I'm talking to you. Do you see anyone else around?"

Hand going behind his head, the masked hero let out a light laugh, "Right...sorry, I wasn't thinking. Is there something you need Miss Videl?"

One, for you to stop calling me that and two... "Great Saiyaman..." she spoke.

Blinking, Great Saiyaman watched as Videl inched closer and closer to him. From behind his helmet, his eyes began to widen as she took a hold of his shirt, pulling him in close and staring him straight in the eye (well, if one could actually see his eyes that is...).

"M-miss Videl?"

Eyes slanted, her grip on him never wavered, "Who are you?"


Backing away and releasing his shirt, she placed two hands to her hips, "You heard me, who are you? I have to know!"

"Miss Videl, I cannot simply-"


Sweatdropping, Great Saiyaman stood still, a baffled look overtaking his features. He had to admit, Videl had been forceful in her many failed acts to reveal his idenity before, but this one had to be the most tactful one yet. No tricks, no logic, just plain straightfowardness...? Actually, he supposed the idea made some sense, but what was she expecting? He wasn't going to give up that easily...

As if reading his mind, Videl sighed, shoulders slouching suddenly and a look of defeat shadowing her face. "I-I'm sorry... Even I have to say that was horrible. My worst attempt yet."

Well at least she admits it... Great Saiyaman thought.

Looking back up, Videl stared into his eyes once more, "But I will find out who you are sooner or later. You can count on that." A smile.

Smiling as well, Great Saiyaman nodded, "I'll be looking foward to it!" Turning, he offered Videl a wave before starting off for the skies, "Goodbye Miss Videl!"

"Yeah...bye..." came the muttered responce. Standing with her arms crossed once more, Videl watched as he flew into the distance. It wasn't until he was completely out of sight did she finally lower her eyes back down to earth.


Laying back on her large bed, Videl stared at the ceiling above her, "I'll find out who you are Great Saiyaman..." Yawning, she turned over in preperation of coming sleep, "You can count on it..."


"Piccolo did what?" Mr. Popo asked, staring at the green Namekian warrior with parted lips.

"I promised Goten I'd somehow get Son back to Earth for one day..." Piccolo replied.

"Mr. Popo heard you, no need to repeat it. He just can't believe it..."

Turning the opposite way of the genie, Piccolo stared off into the distance, "Yes, well neither can I. But one way or the other I'll have to find a way to get Son back down to this world for one day..."

"You told him you have authority?" Mr. Popo questioned.

Back still turned, Piccolo nodded.

"Do you?"

"I have no idea," Piccolo answered truthfully. "If I went to Snake Way right now, I'm not sure what the turnout would be. Nor am I sure as to whether my request would mean anything to them..."

"Kami-sama was a guardian of this planet...maybe this mean something?"

Shaking his head, Piccolo shrugged, "Who knows. More importantly, how has Dende been since I've been gone?"

"Dende been very quiet..." Mr. Popo commented, looking around just to be sure the Earth god wasn't listening in on their conversation.

Piccolo faced the genie once more, a look of surprise over taking his face, "Quiet? You mean to say he hasn't done anything strange since I've been gone?"

Mr. Popo shook his head, Piccolo beginning to contemplate the situation. Could it be that Dende somehow had found out about their plan to stop him? Was he simply leading them along? Or had he given up on his quest to toture Videl and possibly Gohan...?

Judging by the way he'd been acting earlier, Piccolo had to conclude the first of his thoughts correct. But if so, how had he found out?

"Mr. Popo, you are sure that only you and I are the only ones who know about Dende's little plan, right?"

Mr. Popo nodded, "Yes Piccolo, Mr. Popo sure."

"Hmm...unless..." Black eyes widened in suspense, "Mr. Popo, I think I have it. Come with me, hurry!"

"But Piccolo, Mr. Popo must stay-" His sentence was cut off short as the Namekian suddenly grabbed him, flying him off the Lookout and down toward the Earth below them.


Gohan yawned as he awoke from a soundless slumber. Blinking confusedly, it took the teen a few moments to remember just where he was. Eyes slowly adjusting to the small amount of light spinkling in from his window, his black eyes drifted curiously to his alarm clock. 7:48. was still night.

Closing his eyes once more, he happily rested his head back onto his pillow, about to drift back into his dream of watching a marathon of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon when he snapped his head back up in surprise, looking up at the clock once more: 7:48 AM

It was morning!

Jumping up from his bed and throwing the covers across the room, Gohan ran out of his room, slamming the door behind him, not caring who it woke up, as he rushed into the bathroom to get ready for school.

He didn't understand how it was that every morning he ended up running late for school... Just when he thought his luck was beginning to change too... Or perhaps he'd forgotten to set it? Whichever it was, his current situation was not looking good and with a mere twelve minutes to get to school, he doubted he'd be able to make it on time.

Suddenly, the door to the small bathroom opened, Goten poking his head in and looking slightly displeased, to say the least.

"Big brother, you woke me up!" He screamed.

"Hnh...mmm...sorry Goten," Gohan spoke in between a mouthful of toothpaste, "But I've only got a few minutes to get to school and-"

Goten's eyes widened in glee, "Are you gonna be late? Oooh, Gohan's gonna be late, Gohan's gonna be late, Gohan's-"

"Can it Goten!" Gohan yelled from the sink, startling the younger of the two slightly, "And if you don't mind, could you go somewhere else. I need to hurry."

Frowning, Goten looked to the floor, not moving an inch as Gohan sighed, "I think mom has breakfast ready..."

"Bye Gohan."

Watching as the door closed once more, Gohan smiled to himself, happy for once at his brother's huge appetite. But another look at the bathroom clock had him frowning once more as he realized...


Author's Notes: Thanks a bunch for the reviews! Sorry for taking a while with this chapter (but hey, at least I didn't take a year -cough-)! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Oh, and thanks to simba-rulz for giving me the idea of Gohan watching Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon! xP