Chapter One

Program Alice Activated

"Program Alice Activated."

Alice Abernathy smiled as she rode in the SUV away from her captors. They thought that they could make a weapon out of her, use her for their own good. They were wrong. She would never give into Umbrella, never. Everything that was happening to her was their fault from the Hive to Nemesis, but most of all her life. They'd made the biggest mistake by making her even more powerful, turning her into a full bred killing machine. Now, she swore to take out Umbrella until she took her last breath.

She looked to Jill Valentine, who was sitting next to her. The two had started their relationship rough since the church incident. They both guessed that they were slightly intimidated by the others strength, but slowly through the night they gained each others trust. The two were good friends now. Jill had her hand rested on Alice's shoulder while examining her.

"What did they do to you?" Jill asked.

"I don't know," Alice replied. "I just know that I feel different, like there's something inside me, something that's not right."

"Don't we all," Carlos said driving.

"Don't worry, they're not getting you again," Jill said removing her hand from Alice's shoulder as she leaned against the window. "We've all had enough of this. It's time for it to end."

She knew that Alice was the only key to disposing of Umbrella. If they couldn't take them out by press exposal, they would take them out by war. Even if it was only Alice, Carlos, L.J., Angela, and her, they would take them out. Jill would die trying to take out that corporation. They had ruined everything she had. If it wasn't for them she still would've lived in her city with her great job that she loved doing. It was true that she'd rather die trying than to live in a world where death is everywhere and the undead walk the earth. Alice was her way out of that world.

"I'm guessing they didn't believe you about Raccoon, did they?" Alice asked.

"Man, them Umbrella bitches did it again with that cover up mess," L.J. said from the front seat. "They said it was a hoax and that raccoon was wiped out by a nuclear power plant explosion. They didn't even believe it when they saw the weather girl get eaten. They said it was a bunch of children acting."

"Carlos and I are also wanted for questioning by the FBI," Jill said rolling the window down, letting the breeze hit her face. "What do you want to bet that Umbrella has that rigged too? We'll be arrested for terrorism or something like that."

Alice laughed slightly at what Jill had just said causing everyone to look back at her wandering what was so funny.

"I'm sorry, it's just funny," Alice laughed.

"What's funny," Jill asked with that confused look that Alice had become familiar with.

"We're the only ones who know about Umbrella, so therefore we're the only ones who can stop them," Alice replied. "Our perfect army is Bonnie and Clyde here, street thug, jr. high school student, and an Umbrella bio weapon. Do we stand a chance against Umbrella?"

Nobody laughed above a small smile, but it was actually really funny. Alice had said it perfectly. Having a bio weapon was pretty good though.

"Wait, you all know that Angie can't be involved in this don't you," Jill said looking in the back seat at the girl whose mouth dropped.

"What?" Angela yelled.

"She's right," Carlos agreed. "You're going to have to stay somewhere else while we take care of this."

Angela was about to protest, but she then realized that it was no use. There was really nothing that she could do. All she could do was lean back in the seat, cross her arms, and say fine.

They were now beginning to enter a small town called Warner, just outside the city where she'd been contained. It was their goal to find an isolated spot where they could form a plan. A small town was a perfect spot and Warner seemed to be a small town. Now all they had to do was find a place to stay and work out a plan.

They were quiet for a while, until Alice suddenly gasped loudly. Leaning forward, she put her hand on her head, trying to stop the pain that was quickly forming. She began panting as the pain got worse. Jill scooted over and pulled Alice up straight and took a look at her face. Her face was turning that red color you get when you have sunburn, and she was sweating terribly. The ex-cop didn't know what was going on with her and was worried.

"Pull over!" Jill yelled to Carlos.

Carlos quickly did what he was told and swerved onto the side of the road. He stopped the car as LJ and he turned back to try to help Alice.

"She's burning up," Jill said putting her hand on her friend's forehead. "God, any normal person would be dead at this temperature. Okay, don't panic, um, I need something cold and wet like a rag or something."

"Got it," LJ said getting out of the vehicle and running to open the back door where the supplies where.

There were mostly guns and ammo, along with plenty bandages and first aid items, but where was something to help Alice. After going though almost everything, he found the ice chest with the anti-virus in it.

"Yo, Jill, best I can find is these ice cubes," LJ yelled.

"Fine, just hurry," Jill replied.

LJ ran and opened the side door. Jill took the chest from him and got several cubes of ice from it. She removed Alice's hand and rubbed the cubes on her face, praying that it would have some affect. Alice was still moaning, and they didn't seem to be helping.

"Alice!" Carlos yelled to her. "What's happening?"

Alice didn't reply but just continued to struggle. Angela sat in the back with her hands covering her mouth while praying for her friend's safety. Jill was going from worried to seriously freaking out, as she tried everything to calm Alice. Those bastards, what had Umbrella done to her?

"She may be mutating, Jill," Carlos said, his voice a little jumpy and worried. "They might be making her turn into one of those monsters like Matt."

Jill then turned furiously to Alice, pushing the distressed woman against the seat and began yelling at her.

"Don't you turn on me, Alice!" she yelled holding back the urge to slug her. "Damn you, you bitch! Come back now!"

She stopped yelling when Alice started feeling her worst yet. Her whole body felt like it was being stabbed constantly. She'd never felt so much pain before. Then the weird thing happened. It all stopped. No longer did she hurt, but it was then she realized she had no control over her body at all.

The others looked on as Alice stopped shaking and began taking deep breaths. Now it looked like the pain seemed to be over with, but she still wasn't talking, just staring straight ahead, as if she was in a trance. Jill wasn't sure what to do.


"Project kill all Warner civilians activated," Alice said plainly.