Title : "The Comic Book"

Genre: Angst/Drama

Rating: R – just cause everything else I have is

Get out of jail free card : Sailor Moon is owned by Nako T. This is my original idea for a story though so it does belong to me... the characters just don't. Hm. Yeah.

Screams echoed through the house and I sniffed, knowing that if he found me crying the screaming would never stop. I clutched my most prized possession to my chest, the dry treks of tears down my sun beaten face glistened in the tiny night glow coming from the darkened bathroom window. I pressed a hand to the hard cold floor trying to push myself to my knees, my body shaking as stomps reverberated through the hallway. My brother had been the lucky one, running away when his legs were strong enough to carry him... Quietly and as cautiously as possible I slipped from my hiding space slowly making my way towards the door. Lightning crashed outside and I held my breath, fear surging through me. Quickly I tucked the small worn comic book into my faded, falling apart gray sweater, my dirty plaid dress showing the many weeks of sleeping on floors that had never met a vacuum cleaner. I smudged my tears into my dirty face and reached tentivly for the door handle. It swung open before I reached it and I gasped, my startled blue eyes staring into dark orbs of evil that hung above me.

"You little brat!" He cursed and reached for me but I darted away from his grasp, my hand pushing deep into his gut, throwing him to the ground as I tried to make my escape. He screamed and ran after me. I bolted down the steps and towards the glass and wooden door towards the murky streets of freedom. I looked back long enough to see his face of rage storm after me. He hurtled forward, his hand clasping the back of my gray sweater. I cried out, my hands clutching to my book as I tried to push open the door. I screamed and tore away from him, the fragile threads of my jacket giving way, ripping down the middle. I tore through the doors, shoving one in his face and just disregarding the others as I raced into the open dark streets of the slums. The rain pelted hard on my form and I raced down the steps. Mother had died years ago, I had also died then too.. now all that was left was the beastly man who ran the foster home where I was treated like a rat and perhaps lower. My only treasure was a worn comic that a women had handed me when I was fourteen. I've memorized it since then and snuck into the comic store, reading any that I could get my hand on before I was thrown out. I raced through the streets, my worn black shoes creating blisters on my sore beaten feat. My heart pounded a mile a minute and I couldn't dare look back... I was too afraid he was behind me... Suddenly my foot caught, sending my upper body plummeting to the ground. Water splashed around me as I fell into a puddle, mud caking itself to my skin and clothes. I stared down at the picture book that floated helplessly before my eyes in the water. Tears clouded my vision as I stared at the smiling face of an idol I had turned into a hero... a person I needed for my salvation from this hell... A person I knew God had sent to protect me. I quickly tried to move to retrieve my precious article from the water but it still was soaked... its ink began to run and sobs racked through my chest. My fingers gently ran across the blonde hair of my heroine, which I knew almost everything about and I stared up at the darkened sky with confusement and fear. I fell back on my face in the puddle, the comic book pressed against my face.

"I wish to go away... take me far far away! Take me to your home... I wish to be with you..." I wept helplessly into the storm and thunder clapped its ugly head around me and I saw the white crisp lightning before it struck my form, sending an odd out of body experience through my soul. I gasped in my last breath and watched as the beauty of nature tear through my consciousness and then finally everything disappeared....
