The snow--which had been falling lightly only moments ago--was now gaining momentum. James and Remus (where had Peter run off to this time? He'd gone to a shop near Knockturn alley, and still hadn't come back) were all loitering outside the Quidditch shop.

"Gettin' a bit drafty," James said through nearly-chattering teeth, holding on to his new gear tightly under his coat, afraid it'd get damaged from the wet cold snow. "Best get inside."

James and Remus made their way down the walk, pulling their jackets tighter, and they hurried towards the Three Broomsticks pub.

"So you doin' alright?" Sirius--who was leaning his arm up against the wall--asked Linda, the two of them huddled underneath the protection of a store's sign, but still in plain view. When Sirius'd left Amelia and Reg's company, he'd run into Linda, who suspected he wouldn't mind someone to talk to, and offered to lend an ear. And neither had wanted to go back into the pub. "I mean, I sort of heard 'bout you and Rem--"

"Of course you heard. Everyone's heard. Hogwarts' heard. The British Consulate has heard!" she laughed, in a mood of good sorts. She shifted her weight from one foot to another, trying to keep moving to brush off the chill. "Besides, weren't we just talking about your problems?" Linda smiled weakly, suddenly really not wanting to talk about...anything that had to do with her. Life was too bothering to constantly think about.

"Sort of. But I'd feel more comfortable talking about mine, if I could hear more about yours."

Linda shook her head, smiling, and letting out a sigh. "You're a real piece of work, Black. Ok. Fine, I'll talk. Um, things have been alright. Not ideal, but I'm doing good. I mean, life hasn't stopped just because Remus won't consider me again."

Sirius scrunched his face. "Remus? But I thought you also had feel--"

"Please. Even a daft girl like me knows what a catch Remus is, no matter what he is. And yes, I know you know," she responded to his faux surprised-face. "You'd have to know, you and James, if anyone did." Her eyes seemed to go out of focus, like she was looking towards something, but not seeing anything. "But I don't want to drive him away either. I can wait."

She quieted, and the snow fell cold. His heart poured out for her--for some reason, he felt he could understand her unrequited love. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he held Linda to him comfortingly. "Well, he's bloody daft for making a girl like you wait another minute."

Just then, the devil himself, his brother Regulus, had passed by them (they remained undetected), with Amelia under his arm, jacket wrapped around her. Sirius's eye might have lingered on them for too long. He closed his eyes, shaking his head, shaking the thought of the two of them out of his mind.

Though Linda was resting her head on his shoulder, he could still imagine her smiling. "So is she," she said.

Sirius stiffened, but then relaxed. "I don't know what you mean, Linda, dear."

He could feel her suppressing a giggle. "Of course you don't. My mistake."

Sirius didn't say anything to that. After minutes of comfortable silence with prettyish sweet girl, he'd spotted James and Remus passing by hurriedly from the cold and into the Three Broomsticks. He thought he'd go talk to them.

Sirius nudged at Linda. "I've got to go see a man about a horse," he joked. "Can I trust you to be left alone, or will you go gallivanting off with the next hot young thing to come past your way?"

Linda shoved him in the shoulder. "Oh, you know me. I find things to keep myself occupied. But if you happen to see someone worth looking at, please by all means, send him my way."

He laughed at her candidness. Immediately, Sirius took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around Linda's. "Ta-ta, m'dear." He kissed her cheek, and walked steadily across the road, and to the warm-glowing Three Broomsticks, and its lively guests and company. Linda decided to stay out in the cold. In shadow.