Hello people! This is my first fanfic! I have no idea why I'm making it on Duel Masters... Hmm... Maybe because it's the only anime I can watch for the meantime... Anime isn't very abundant from where I live... UWAAAH!!! . There are manga here though... I should get Angelic Layer manga soon! ARGH!!! Tamora Pierce's Book Alanna: the First Adventure as well!

Anyway, the pairings in this fic would be ShobuXMimi (sorry to ShobuXSaiyuki fans out there but I think Mimi matches with Shobu better!), SaiyukiXOCXa character I haven't decided on... give me ideas, and maybe Rakudah with someone else... Kokujo and another character from the show? Who...? Complications... and maybe Knight and someone... (I haven't seen that Kathy woman's face... And doesn't Saiyuki like Knight or something?) And Hakuoh with an OC? I'm really not yet sure. I just have to make it up as I go along.

Here is the summary of my story:

Another mysterious organization takes interest in Shobu and friends! Who could they be? What would they want with Shobu and his friends? And are Duel Masters the only card game wherein cards can be brought to life?

Hmm... Short I know but I can't help it... You'll get more info as the chapters fly by...

Disclaimer: Do NOT own Duel Masters.

Please tell me what you think! I'll begin the chapters as soon as I upload this but I really need ideas for the pairings!