Background: Kagome and Yusuke are cousins (more like second or something like that), and for the sake of the story Yusuke's "death" happened right after Kagome started her adventures in the feudal era. It's been a year and a half since Kagome first fell down the well. the final battle was 6mo. over and the wish had yet to be made. The Inugumi have been busying themselves with purging the surrounding villages from the left-overs of the Shikon and Naraku's mess, killing demons and making sure that the restoration of the areas were well underway. We're picking up on a bad day...
It was late nighttime around 9:00pm, the sky open with a down-pour. Kagome was on her knees on her side of the well in the present, her body racking with sobs near the Goshinboku. Inuyasha was about 10ft a way sending her a look that could kill.
"WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME, INUYASHA! WHY!" Kagome screamed at him, highly aware of her blood pooling with the rain around her.
Hiei, in his seat in Goshinboku, wondered what they were talking about, and why Yusuke's cousin had so many injuries...
~5 hours ago~
"The sun is shining, the birds are singing. Today is defanitely the day I make that wish," the young girl mused aloud as she glanced at the pink jewel around her neck in the mirror for a moment. Kagome was in her room packing to get ready to go back to the feudal era when her mom came to her.
"Kagome," her mom, Maisuki, said, "I need to tell you something important. Please listen until I'm done."
"Huh? Okay mom." Kagome replied
"Kagome, I am also a Miko, Not a very powerful one mind you. Your father was also a priest, and that makes your potential to harness spiritual powers very great, along with Kikyou's soul. But the thing is, well, I am also half Ice Demon and your father was half Fire. I'm sorry Kagome but you're-"
"MOM!" Kagome squealed, "Why didn't you tell me sooner! Ohmigod! Now Inuyasha won't call me weak! How could you keep this from me?" Kagome squeaked while hugging the life out of her mom.
The teen couldn't have been happier! With Naraku dead and her high school career almost over, the Shikon completed, and things between her and Inuyasha running smoothly, there couldn't have been a better time to find out she was a hanyou just like Inuyasha! Why her mother would keep it from her all this time was beyond her, though. She couldn't imagine why a powerful tool of demon powers would be something her mother wouldn't find useful.
Kagome's mom was surprised to say the least. Maisuki thought that Kagome would hate to find out that she was a forbidden child and want her powers banished permanently. Little did Kagome's mom know was that her daughter knew nothing about the Forbidden Children Laws and the banished union of fire and ice. If she had known that Kagome would take it so well, she would've let her powers out sooner—alright, probably not. She didn't think her daughter would have been able to handle her miko powers so well if she had demon ones to worry about on top of everything else.
Either way, Maisuki awakened Kagome's power without hesitating, sitting her daughter down for a moment and mumbling a small chant.
The teenage girl was enveloped in a sparkly mist (think Sesshoumaru's cloud). Her hair got darker with red ends, and her eyes went from milk chocolate brown to intense blue. She shrunk five inches to a lovely 5'1" (two inches shorter than Hiei). She could now control flames and ice, though weather her miko powers would remain separate or hidden or any which way remained to be seen.
For the next 3 hours Kagome's mom showed her how to use her ice powers and some of her fire also. It turned out that as long as she paid attention, her miko powers didn't react badly to her demonic, and visa-versa. After her brief training session Kagome was EXTREMELY happy with her new found powers.
Meanwhile Kagome's cousin, Yusuke Urimeshi, and the SD team were at Koenma's getting their next mission.
"What do you want toddler? You pulled me of yet ANOTHER date with Keiko and I'm probably missin' my cousin's special moment! I swear this BETTER be important!" Yusuke knew that today Kagome's powers were either going to be unleashed or sealed; he wanted to be there. He didn't realize that she was a forbidden child, though. He'd only found out about his aunt's demonic status a few months ago when he was able to better sense her well-hidden youki and demanded that she let Kagome know what she truly was. He'd never thought to ask about his absentee uncle.
"It is important Yusuke," Koenma said, his binky bouncing with each word. "There is a strange power coming from a shrine and I need you guys to check it out. There has been a half demon presence there every once in a while but when we try to go check it out it disappears with out a trace."
"WHAT! Which shrine!" Yusuke yelled. 'please don't be Kag's, please don't be Kag's, please don't be-'
"The Higurashi shrine. Why do you a-"
"You made me come here for THAT! Listen toddler, it's not important. I'm serious! Stay out of that shrine's business! It doesn't concern you!" Yusuke yelled. He didn't need the toddler in his cousin Kagome's business.
"What are you talking about Yusuke! Of course it's my business! What if it's dangerous?" Koenma scolded Yusuke.
"It's not! Now stay out of my cousin's business!" Yusuke yelled back. "If you need to find out that bad then ask Kagome! But I have to be there! Boton!"
"Yea, Yusuke?"
"Make us a portal to Keiko, NOW!"
"Eeep! R-right Yusuke!" Boton hurriedly made a portal to the movies where Keiko was still sitting at a bench nearby.
"If I find you any where near my cousin, you'll be sorry Toddler!" And with that Yusuke walked out of the portal. Followed by Kuwabara and Kurama.
Koenma held Hiei back for a sec and whispered to him, "Go to the shrine and look for anything suspicious."
"Hn." was the answer he got from Hiei before he also left through the portal.
He then went to the shrine and sat in the large "god tree" he heard it was called and watched Yusuke's cousin disappear into one of the mini shrines that had a well in it with a huge yellow backpack on.
To say Kagome was happy would actually have been an understatement. She was ECSTATIC!
Inuyasha was waiting at Kaede's hut with Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kirara. Inuyasha and Shippou smelled Kagome and noticed a change in her scent and went to investigate.
When they got to the well they could see Kagome's hand gripping the side of the well. She was about to pull herself up when she felt Inuyasha's presence and his hand on her wrist. She flung her bag up and it landed near him. He pulled her up till she was at eye level with him, her feet dangling from the ground with her arm above her head, Inuyasha holding her wrist. Intense blue met electric yellow in an inquisitive stare.
"Kagome why are your eyes blue and not brown, and what happened to your scent?" Inuyasha asked. He then put her down and asked, "Did you shrink?"
"Yes I did Inu, and my scent changed because I'm a youkai. A miko/youkai, to be exact. Isn't great!" She then jumped up hugged Inuyasha around the neck and he spun around in circles as he wrapped his arms around her.
"It's great Kag, but, I'm training you before you even SEE another youkai!" Inuyasha said while hugging back.
"What kind of youkai momma?" Shippou asked excitedly. "Now you really CAN be my momma."
Inuyasha put Kagome down when she started to push away so she could see the look on his face when he found out. "I'm half fire, half ice demon," she answered. Then she flung herself at Inuyasha again and hugged him. "Isn't it great, Inuyasha! Now I can fight along side you!"
"WHAT!" Inuyasha hollered as he flung her away. "THOSE ARE FORBIDDEN! Besides you can't be! All the forbidden children were KILLED!"
"Momma, Inuyasha is right. But I don't care. Now my Mommy is even stronger!"
"What's all the yelling about?" Sango asked as she and Miroku walked in to the clearing.
"Apparently, Kagome is a Fire/IceYoukai." Inuyasha spat with hate in his voice.
"What?" Sango and Miroku chorused. "But she can't be! I even helped kill them all!" Sango yelled.
"What are you talking about Sango-chan? What do you mean 'forbidden'? I am a Fire/Ice demon. My mom is an Ice miko/youkai, and my father was a Fire priest/demon. What's so bad about that? And are sure you mean forbidden. Don't you mean looked down upon?" Kagome said/asked.
"Kagome-chan, don't joke. I DO mean forbidden. Hanyous are looked down upon, but Fire and Ice unions are forbidden. They aren't allowed by youkai law. There was a mission that my village was sent on, once, where we were hired by some youkai lords and we exterminated all the fire/ice mixes. If you were a fire/ice apparition then I'd have to kill you."
"No way Sango! I'm not joking! I'm serious! And, why would you need to kill me?"
"Kagome-sama, I'm sorry, but Sango-chan is right." Miroku said, "Fire and Ice demons aren't allowed in union. If you're telling the truth, Kagome-sama, then as Sango said, we have no choice than to obey the law and kill you."
"What! If you have to kill me for that than don't you have to get Inuyasha too? And you wouldn't kill me would you? I'm your friend! You CAN'T kill me!"
"Actually, Kagome," Inuyasha said, "I'm not against youkai law, Just looked down upon. But, they are right." And with that they started to advance on her, a sparkle in their eyes she'd never seen before.
"WAIT! What are you doing! I'm your friend! You can't kill me! HE-"
Kikyou had chosen now to make her presence know from her perch on a nearby tree. She hopped down and interrupted Kagome mid-scream. "Well, my dear incarnate, it seems you got your self into quite the predicament."
"Kikyou!" Inuyasha and Kagome said at the same time. "What do you want?" Kagome asked the woman that shared her soul." As you can see I'm busy! You're not getting my soul so beat it!" And with that said Kagome began to freeze Kikyou's feet in place.
"Let her go you dammed mixed mutt!" Inuyasha yelled, running at Kagome "SANKONTESOU!"
"Who are you calling a mutt, hanyou! How could you betray me! I trusted you!"
The skys began to darken as Kagome dodged Inuyasha's attack. She lit the tips of Inuyasha's ears on fire and made a mad dash for the well.
"HIRIKOTSU!" Sango yelled. "I'm sorry, Kagome-chan but this is my duty so slay you!"
Kagome made a block of ice that had the boomerang in the middle of it. "How could you? Why did you all betray me! I didn't judge you! I stayed by you no matter what! I didn't care that you were a hanyou, Inuyasha! I didn't betray any of you in any way ever! How could you do this!"
"Inuyasha! Get my soul from the forbidden one before she further defiles it! " Kikyou yelled to Inuyasha.
"With pleasure" Inuyasha answered.
The thought through his mind was, 'I'm sorry Kagome but I have to do this. I owe Kikyou and it's my duty to get rid of you. You're a danger to yourself and others. Forgive me...' And with that thought Inuyasha lunged at Kagome cutting her arm when she failed to move in time.
"I'll never forgive you for this Inuyasha! " Kagome then kicked Inuyasha hard in the ribs and sent him flying in to a nearby tree away from her. "OSUWARI!"
She then glared at Kikyou. She was to blame for all of this; even for her existence. If she'd just done her job right and been with Inuyasha from the get-go, made the wish on the Shikon, everything would've been fine. But no, she failed—at everything. Ruined her own life, and Kagome's, Inuyasha's… so many innocent people died because of Kikyou, and Kagome let that hatred build up, the angst grow hot in her chest, and her sadness for all the lost souls Kikyou devoured. She consentrated on Kikyou hard, thus sending her up in flames. "ROT IN HELL!" she screamed.
Inuyasha stood frozen, rooted to the spot he stood as Kikyou's body lit, reddened, cracked, and fell into a smoldering pile of ashes, her scream deafening until it just stopped without warning. The soul collector demons flew into the sky, and time seemed to stand still as the souls flew from Kikyou's body, passing on to where they belonged. One orb stayed above the ashes for a moment before crashing into Kagome's chest, causing her to stumble. Kagome felt whole again, but she felt cold as Inuyasha's eyes changed, red replacing the whites with his anger.
By now it had started to downpour, and time resumed itself. Kagome had not a moment to rejoice in her soul being whole again. They were in battle, and all that Kagome knew was falling apart.
Inuyasha drew the Tetsusaiga, but it wouldn't transform .He re-sheathed it and threw it at Kagome hoping that the barrier would activate and hurt her since she was now demon. It didn't have the desired affect, and Kagome just caught it and ran for the well. "Momma!" Shippou screamed. Kagome swerved out of the way of Inuyasha's claws and picked up her pup. On her way to the well she whispered to him, "Shippou-chan, you're gonna stay in my time with me, is that okay with you?"
"I'd never betray you momma. Laws or no laws, you're my okaa-san!"
"Glad to hear it Shippou-chan"
She jumped in the well and saw it was raining on her side too. 'The skies morn for me here as well...' she thought sadly, thinking she was in the clear.
She found she was wrong as Inuyasha jumped out of the well to see Kagome in the door way of the mini shrine holding her injured arm and pup. Upon sight of his prey, he stuck his hand into the wound on his side wound and shouted, "HIJINKESSOU!"
He hit sent 5 blades of blood at Kagome, and 2 nailed her in the back. She screamed in pain and ran to Goshinboku. Where a now very awake Hiei was sitting, taking cover from the rain in the branches.
'Shippou. Must save Shippou.' Kagome thought as made one of the roots of the tree lift up and make a hollow. She threw the kitsune in and watched the root go down, protecting her precious pup.
~* And now we find ourselves to the present*~
Kagome's scream of agony was what really got Hiei's attention. The scream was not only of the physical wounds but of the pain of betrayal and being alone. .
Kagome looked up from the spot on the ground. She had run to Goshinboku and about 5ft from the tree she fell to her hands and knees, panting, her body racking from her sobs.
Hiei looked at her. 'What happened to her?' he thought.
"I'll kill you forbidden one. I'll take back what is not yours. HAND OVER THE SHIKON AND KIKYOU'S SOUL, FORBIDDEN CHILD!" he replied, not sounding like himself. Kagome had only seen him like this once or twice. It was his full-demon form. His eyes were red, and there were stripes on his cheeks, and his claws were longer. He had a menacing look about him; nothing good at all.
'She's a forbidden child?' Hiei thought, 'No way, Yusuke would have said something about that'
"Never. I am the Shikon's guardian and the soul is mine, not Kikyou's! How could you betray me Inuyasha? I loved you! I trusted you! I was your friend! How could you do this? You filthy bastard!"
Ice daggers formed around her while the puddle of rain water around her feet began to boil. She sent the icicles at Inuyasha.
'So he is the half demon that Koenma was talking about. Psh he's a pip squeak.' Hiei thought.
Inuyasha dodged and flew at her. He pinned her to the ground. He had her hands above her head. She had the Tetsusaiga in her hands and Inuyasha holding her both her wrists with his left hand. He was straddling her waist. "You're Kikyou's re-incarnation and you will ALWAYS be. You are nothing but a defiled copy of her." Then he used his right claw and lifted her shirt of her sailor blouse school uniform up to the star shaped scar where the Shikon came from. He then put his mouth right near her ear and said, "You're mine Kikyou..." and then her took his claw and put the kanji for alone in the middle of the scar.
Kagome bit her lip to keep from screaming in agony. "No! I am NOT Kikyou! I am Kagome, Ka-Go-Me! Inuyasha, snap out of it," she sobbed, her tears hidden by the fierce rain.
Hiei could sense that the young girl could overpower the half dog, and couldn't understand why she didn't. Sure, she was losing blood, but her spirit energy alone was more than the dog demon, even in his ravenous state, was putting out with youki and spirit energy combined.
"Kagome the forbidden one," Inuyasha's voice rang hatefully in her ear, his hot breath warm with malice, sent disgusted shivers down her spine, "No one will love you. You will be by yourself forever. Remember when you said it's not mine unless it had my name on it? Well..." he then pulled the neck of her shirt down to show her shoulder. Then placed his claw on the junction of her neck where a mating mark would be and started to cut the kanji of inu on her neck with his claws. He just started to SLOWLY make one of the down ward lines and said, "Now you will be mine and mine alone. But just to let you know that will never go away unless you take a mate. Which, you never will because NO ONE wants a forbidden one. I was going to kill you so you wouldn't have to live with the loneliness but now I'll let you suffer. You took away my love, so I'll make you live to suffer with out it!"
Kagome was horror struck 'This CAN'T be my Inuyasha! This has to be a dream! AHHH! It hurts too much! It's real! Oh Kami! It's real!' she thought, and tired to find something around her to help when she sensed it. She sensed a forbidden child in Goshinboku. She looked at the tree and saw a shadow in the tree...
Inuyasha was on the on the second line of the inu kanji when Hiei realized what Inuyasha was doing. Then he saw that Kagome noticed him. 'How did she sense me? I was hiding my aura and spirit energy and my scent! She's just like me! *Save her idiot!* Who are you? *I'm your conscience! See, we haven't talked in a while. So listen here! Save her!*'
Hiei didn't question the voice in his head. He didn't want to end up like Kurama, having conversations with himself. He drew his katana and jumped soundlessly from the tree.
Kagome was still struggling with Inuyasha and followed the other Forbidden children's movements with her eyes and hoped not to tip Inuyasha off about her savior. Inuyasha was too engrossed in his scarring to notice Hiei's presence. He managed to finish the last of the Inu Kanji before Hiei cut him through.
Inuyasha's lifeless body fell on Kagome. With his last breath, as the red faded from his eyes and the electric yellow resided, he said, "Kagome..." and the light in his eyes went out.
Shaking, Kagome shoved Inuyasha's dead body away and quickly sat up, yelping in pain as her wounds protested. She scooted back towards the tree but only made it an inch before he looked at Inuyasha's body and broke down in sobs.
Kagome sat with her knees up towards her chest and her hands to her mouth as if to reign in her cries. The rain couldn't keep up with her tears at this point. All she could do was stare at the lifeless form of the boy she'd been in love with for the last two years.
Hiei waited until she the rain had cleaned off the blood from her before he walked over to her thinking 'she's just like me... That hanyou had a point. There is only loneliness for our kind... I do not understand why I feel compelled to help her. She had better have some answers.'
Hiei picked her up bridal style and started to walk to her house. Kagome just stayed silently in Hiei's arms for a moment, wondering who he was.
"You're just like me aren't you?" she asked
"Thank you... what's your name? "
"Hiei," he replied shortly, wondering why he even answered.
"Thank you Hiei. Tell me, why did you save me back there? I'm glad you did."
"Hn. You're just like me. I was... Intrigued.
"Why do you stay trustingly with me?"
"I don't know. I don't think you'd kill me. If you wanted to, you would have already."
Kagome passed before Hiei got to the door and rang the door bell. Kagome's mom came to the door to see Kagome in a boy's arms that she was sure she'd seen with her nephew Yusuke once or twice.
Before she could ask who he was, Hiei dropped a sleeping Kagome in her arms and said, "Heal her." and then he left in a blur.
Kagome's mom brought her upstairs to her room and turned on the light. She put Kagome in her bed. Kagome's right hand had a death grip on the Tetsusaiga. Maisuki went to the bathroom and came back with first aid kit and tended to her daughter's wounds...
Right as Hiei left Shippou was freed from the roots of Goshinboku. He went to the house and knocked on the door. Souta answered the door and let Shippou in. The little fox demon was shaking and cold and yelled for Kagome the moment the door opened, being flooded with her familiar scent emanating from her family's home. Kagome had told Souta and Shippou of each other so Souta knew who Shippou was right away. He knelt down and held Shippou back whne the little fox kit tried to make a dash for Kagome's room. Kagome's grandfather came out with a few sutras and was about to throw them at Shippou.
The fox kit was quick on his feet, even in stress, and his snake toy Justus came out right away and burned the sutras (little did he know they were harmless).
"Where's my momma!" Shippou screamed.
Souta bopped him on the head and said, "She's upstairs getting healed now quiet down! She's with OUR Mama and she'll be okay. Calm down!"
It took a moment for the information to sink in and as the two boys ignored Grandfather's outbursts in the back ground and further sutra-throwing, Shippou explained what happened. They went to play video games after Souta assured Shippou that Kagome was in good hands and the fox kit relayed the tragic news of their friends' betrayals.
About an hour later Kagome's mom was done and Kagome was in her P.j's and sleeping soundly. She still had a firm grip on the Tetsusaiga but not as hard as before. As soon as Hiei had put Kagome in her mother's arms, he had taken perch in the tree, sensing that Kagome's scent was strongest from the window he was outside of. He didn't mind the rain as he watched Kagome's mother tend to her wounds.
It was 2:30 in the morning when Hiei went to sleep, surprisingly content that the fellow forbidden demon was safe and sound, and that he wasn't alone anymore. Just as Hiei was about to fall asleep he heard Kagome mumble something in her sleep. When he heard it his heart lightened in what he almost didn't realize was joy, he felt it so little.
She said "Arigatou, Hiei-kun."
To be continued...
A/N: How do you like it! This story is being Co-authored by Yoko Sesshoumaru's True Love. She is Alaina and I am Rita.
Rita: OMIGOD! That totally ROCKED OUT LOUD!
Alaina: I know! Thanx to our Genius!
Rita: Well you did the end sentence to make a B-E-A-U-tiful twist of fate! I have the prefect way to make her meet Hiei and the S.D. in the next chappie! My muse is my love for short guys! I have a total thing for short guys with amazing eyes.
Alaina: While she goes on about guys with great eyes REVIEW PLEASE!
See the button?V
It's lonely