A Hand To Hold
A/N -
Hey there readers. Thanks for clicking this little story, and I hope that you'll enjoy it as much as I am with writing it. Just a few tidbits though, before you go any further. First, this is will be an eventual Legomance, and could be looked at as a Mary Sue, so if that's not really your thing, you may wanna pass on this one. I've tried to make my female lead character a little different so I hope you all like her.I don't own any f Tolkien's characters nor the places or objects. Basically, anything that you recognize, isn't mine.
Also, this story is being put in the AU category, because even though I'm not changing everything entirely, I am sure that things will not add up entirely, and will stray from cannon from time to time. If you're a purist, please turn back now, I'd rather not be flamed for something I'm warning about from the get go.
I'm trying hard with this fiction, so if you have any suggestions, I'm happy to hear them, but please, no flames. Everybody's entitled to their own opinion, but flames aren't helpful with improving my writing, and that's what I hope to do.
One more thing, as if there could be anything else, right? This story is taking place before the events of the LotR trilogy, and since there is a lot of controversy about Legolas' age, (though, he is suppose to be nearly 3000 in the movies) I have made him about the age of a human 17 - 18 year old, so blame any unelvish behaviour on immaturity. He'll mature, just give it time.
Wow, long author's note. Okee Dokee, I'm done, and here's the first chapter, which is kinda of a short prologue. The rest of the chapters will be longer in length. I hope you like it.
A Curse - Prologue
"I am so sorry" he kept repeating over and over again through the tears that poured down his reddened cheeks as he rocked the small bundle in his trembling arms. He stayed there, by the rushing stream in the thunderous storm upon his knees, sheltering the body of his child with his own as he continued to whisper his plea for forgiveness. "I am so sorry."
The babe did not make a sound, nor did she stir as he sat there, lulling her into a slumber that she fell into quite easily. She did not know that her father wept for her, nor did she know that she would never grow into the woman that she was once destined to grow into. For she was far too young to understand that upon her had been placed a most horrid curse.
Roryn had not known when he had entered into the woods that night, with his offspring nestled tightly to his body, beneath his heavy wool cloak, that he had entered the domain of an unearthly creature. A creature of great darkness, who would suffer no fools or trespassers. This creature was not known of by those outside of her woods, for any who had ever crossed her path, never lived to tell a soul about her existence. Any who had the ill fate of coming upon The Lady Glewiel suffered greatly for their mistake, and it was this night, that the lives of the young fisherman and his little baby daughter would change forever.
He had gone beneath the trees for shelter. What he received, was rather different.
He had plead for the life of his daughter. The only living memory he had left of his recently departed wife, who had passed away during childbirth. He offered his own life in exchange for Fodien's being spared, as the child was torn from his protective arms, but the creature would have nothing of the sort. For Glewiel was one who loved pain. The pain that she could impose on the misfortunate souls she encountered, fed her soul. It would have been so easy to kill the fisherman and his newborn. Too easy. No, she had a more evil fate ahead for these two.
Roryn could still hear the words she had spoken over his tiny, innocent Fodien as he shakily rose from his spot by the stream, as the rain began to die down. On unsteady feet, the sandy haired man began to walk. He didn't know where he was going, nor what he was going to do. All he knew was that his daughter was all he had in the world, and he had to protect her. He had no idea how their life was going to be, or how he would eventually break the news to her, but he promised himself then and there, as he tightened his cloak around the petite body, being careful not to touch her skin with his own, that he would never leave her alone. She would never have to face what had been done to her by herself. He would see to that.
Another tear fell from his silver eyes.
"Valar, please help me with my oath" he prayed silently, as he tilted his head upwards, looking to the stars overhead, as once again, Lady Glewiel's curse rang out within his mind and heart.
Never to feel
The warmth
of a father's embrace.
The comfort
of another's touch.
Child of intruder
His penalty you shall pay
With a lifetime without contact.
And any who dares to break this curse
Shall pay this debt, with twice as much.
Little did Roryn know, that on that dreadful day his prayer was heard. The Valar had listened to his silent plea, and put into motion a series of events that would wage war with the curse put upon the blameless human girl. Hope would be given, but not until the time was right, and in the form of a young, rebellious elven prince, who would need Fodien as much as she was going to need him.
A/N -
Sorry it was so short and simple, but this is just the opening. The real story begins with the next chapter, and that should be up tomorrow sometime. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it has caught your attention. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say, so please, review. Any tips that could help me improve my story would be appreciated. Oh, and not to worry, for anyone who thinks that more descriptions are needed, they're coming. I wanted this chapter to be the way it is, without too much detail. You'll find out more about what happened that night and more about the characters in upcoming chapters.Okee Dokee, bye for now.