Miasma Memories Ch.7

By Vampyra142001

He reached behind him & grabbed his hair. The ends were stuck together, brownish, & had bits of crushed candy on them.

"Ew, you better wash your hair,"I said.

"I'll get to try out the shower."

"Why the shower?"

"A bath would take too long & it is late."

"I guess..."I said hesitantly.

He had already been using the shampoo & that to take baths & I had explained how the shower worked, so I figured that it would be fine. Boy, was I wrong.

Okay, the toilet is in the room next to the bathroom. Sota unknowing washes his hands in the sink & runs downstairs for a snack, almost tripping over the cat on the way. A minute later Sesshomaru steps out of the bathroom wrapped from waist to ankle in a towel, one hand holding it in place.

"Why did the water become cold?"he growled, his wet tail twitching angerly behind him.

"Sota turned water on, it should be warm again now,"I said, swallowing my pulse & not because of fear.

"Are you sure it will not become cold again?"he asked.

"Not unless someone else does it."

His tail twiched again & I think he might have said something else, but Buyo decided to pouce on the end of the twitching white thing.

Both hands flew to jerk his tail away from the cat. With no hand to hold it up the towel crumpled at his feet. I could suddenly see where else he had markings & more besides. Though he was still in the hallway & I was still sitting on my bed, I could see every inch of him perfectly.

When he turned around, tail cat free, he noticed two things at the same time; no towel & me staring open mouthed at him. He picked up the towel, but didn't put it back on & walked into the bathroom. Was he teasing me or didn't he care that he was naked?

A blush crept onto my face, but my thoughts kept drifting back to him standing there. His pale muscular body, the stripes on each hip, his tail connected just above a tight butt, him nestled in a tuft of white hair. The worse thing was that part of me was very embarassed, but part lf me wanted to see him nude again, wet or not.

"Naraku, do you want the shards? If I give them to you, you must destroy the girl, Kagome, that usually travels with Inuyasha. When she is dead I'll have a whole soul again, I may even be able to take over her body and live as flesh," Kikyo told Naraku. She wanted Kagome dead? I thought she just wanted Inuyasha and that Kagome didn't matter. I wanted to scream at her, but I had escaped and didn't want to give away that I was spying on them. Inuyasha was probably still sitting in camp like a good dog.

"Is she not your reincarnation?" Naraku asked.

A second Naraku appeared. He waved his hand and the first Naraku turned into a wooden object with a hair tied around it. Demon puppetry.

"Consider her dead." He held out his hand and she dropped the shards into it. He jingled them, then said, "It is not complete, where are the last shards?"

"The girl has them."

"Where is she now?"

"In the village I died in, there is a well, she will climb out of it within the next few days. Be warned, she may have Inuyasha's half-brother with her, and his memory may have returned."

"Memory? The miasma should have killed them."

"As my reincarnation, the girl is able to purify."

"If you want to inhabit her body, I suppose you'll want a neat kill?"he asked.

"Yes. Oh, before I forget, Sesshomaru now has both arms and may able to kill you, memory or not," she said lazily. I hope he kills both of you.

"Doubtful." Appearantly he was in doubt, because he placed all his shards in one hand and squeezed, fusing the pieces.

The second his attantion was else where, Kikyo loosed an arrow through his chest and had another notched. Kikyo's arrow dissolved most of his body, only leaving the arm holding the jewel and the flesh connecting in to his chest.

"How dare you?!" he shouted. How he shouted without lungs is beyond me.

"I dare because you killed me, because I could be an old woman now, instead of a walking pile of ash and clay!" With that she shot her arrow and obliviated him completely.

She picked up the jewel and started walking back towards camp. I turned to run to Kaede's village, but found several soul-collectors surrounding me. I squealed in fright and tried to run, only to be wrapped up again, and taken to Kikyo.

"I am a trained priestess, I would not overlook even a demon as weak as you."

We headed back to camp, while I swore under my breath.

"Hey Kagome. Who was that guy you went to the movies with?"asked Yuki as we walked to school.

"Um, just a friend,"I said.

"So he's not your mystery boyfriend?"she questioned.

"No, that's his older half-brother. Both of them got amnesia and they never get along, so Sesshomaru is staying at the shrine for a while."

"He's got a nice butt,"Eri observed. The other two agreed.

"Eri!" I gasped, shocked.

"What? You can't tell me you never looked,"she said.

"Not intentionally. Last time I saw Sesshomaru he was beating his brother up. Why would I look at a jerk loke that on purpose?"

"So how did you end up looking at his butt?"asked Yuki.

"He was naked,"I said, blushing.

They stared at me open mouthed. I explained the shower thing, minus the demonic stuff. In this version Buyo grabbed the towel.

"Why do so many hot guys have to be jerks?" Eri wondered.

The three of them proceeded to fire questions at me till class started. And at lunch.

"I've got an idea. After school we can have a study session at my house and you can meet him, okay?"I suggested.

They were all for that. I had feeling this wasn't going to turn out like I was hoping.

The girls were giddy by the time we got to the shrine. I stopped them infront of the door.

"Please remember that he doesn't know who he is and that we have work to get done,"I near begged.

They assured me they'd behave. I sighed. I could only hope that Sesshomaru had put the makeup on.

Said demon was reading a book and taking up the entire couch. His marking were covered, but his tail was draped over the couch. I had to do something.

"Sit up right,"I ordered. I grabbed part of the fluffy appendage and flipped out of the way. He moved so that he and his tail were only taking up one cushion. The girls were still gapping at him when I flopped on the couch.

"Guys, we've got studying to do."

We did eventually get around to working, though they focused better while Sesshomaru and Sota were playing video games. When we got to math Sesshomaru came over and explained an easier way to figure the problems out, but I think I was the only one actually listening.

"How'd you know that?" I asked.

"I did get an education and I have forgotten very little of it," he stated.

"So, how old are you?" Yuki wondered.

"Old enough." I wonder how old he really is.

"Hm...I'd say he looks around 20," Aniyumi said.

"Ack, enough!" I begged.

"What's up with the fluffy thing you're carrying around?" Eri asked.

"It's important. He doesn't know why, though," Sota lied. "Maybe it's some heirloom pelt or something."

"Heirloom? Kagome, that was mean - throwing it around like that when we came in," Yuki scolded.

"He's been told not to leave it lying around," I said defensively.

"I did not know you were expecting company," he said flatly.

"Fine." He was right, but he was also intentionally getting on my nerves.

"Kagome, it's time for your friends to go home. You need to get ready for bed," Mom called. Thank you Mom.

"Okay," I answered.

"Aw, man," Yuki whined.

"Well, this was fun," Aniyumi assured me.

"Come on, Mrs. Higuashi's right. My mom is so going to kill me!" Eri said, then hurriedly drug the other two out of the house.

I ignored Sesshomaru as I gathered up my books and went upstairs. I had too bad of a headache to want to yell at him, but there was always tomarrow.