Ok, this chapter/epilogue is short, sweet, and to the point. I'm sorry if you wanted to see Alicia and George get married and Angelina have the baby, but I just didn't feel like that was the ending I wanted. If you want, come up with your own happy ending. I hope this will do. Thanks a ton to everyone who read this story, and don't forget to look for the sequel!

The doorbell rang and Katie jumped up to answer it. "Happy Christmas!" her two best friends shouted as they threw themselves on her.

"Oof! Get off me!" she yelled. "It's not Christmas 'til tomorrow!"

"Yes, but we decided we couldn't wait," Angelina said as the twins stumbled through the door, staggering under the weight of packages and boxes.

"Thanks for the help, ladies," George groaned.

"Now, Oliver already told us you have a date," Fred said. "But we'll leave eventually. We would have come tomorrow, but we've got to go home to the Burrow tomorrow. And then Angie and I are going out."

"And I'm going to visit my dad," Alicia added.

Oliver appeared from the hallway and stopped dead in his tracks. "Oi!" Fred exclaimed as Alicia giggled. "Wood, put some clothes on."

"Ol, I told you, you could go streaking some other time," Katie laughed.

"I'm not streaking, I'm in a towel," Oliver said indignantly. "And what are you all doing here? Christmas isn't until tomorrow. I told you-"

"We know, we know. But, we couldn't wait," Angelina said. "Now go put some clothes on before I start having second thoughts about marrying Fred."

"You better not," Fred growled.

Oliver sighed and disappeared back down the hallway. "Streaking?" George asked. Katie smiled.

"You don't want to know."

"Ohh, it's so cute!" Angelina squealed, unwrapping a baby suit. Fred cleared his throat and she looked up at him. "Oh! Right. OK, you guys, guess what?"


Angelina grinned. "I'm having twins." Katie screamed, Alicia gasped, and George let out a whoop.

"We're having twins!" Katie exclaimed. "Yay!"

"Well, that's it," Fred said. "We better get going."

"But Fred-" Alicia started.

He cleared his throat loudly. "Katie and Oliver have plans. We better leave." He and George gathered their things, clapped Oliver on the back, and ushered Alicia and Angelina towards the door.

"What was that all about?" Katie wondered aloud as the door shut behind them.

"No idea," Oliver replied. "Are you ready to go?"

"How much farther," Katie asked.

"Just a little more," Oliver replied. "Keep your eyes closed. Careful, don't fall. We're going up a flight of stairs."

"What? Oliver, I'm going to fall and break my neck!"

"Keep your eyes closed," Oliver repeated. He picked her up and carried her up the stairs to the top. "There," he said, putting her down. "Just a few more steps this way." He took her hand and led her along, then turned her around facing the right direction. "OK, open them."

Katie opened her eyes and looked around. "It's dark," she said. "Are we in the quidditch stadium? Why are we in the stands?"

"Shh." Oliver put a finger to her lips and pulled out his wand. He gave it a little flick and Katie gasped. Hundreds of tiny candles illuminated themselves, all lined up spelling out the words, I LOVE YOU, on the field below them.

"Wow," Katie breathed. "What's all this for?"

"Because I love you," Oliver replied. "Do you need a better reason?" Katie shook her head and smiled. "One more thing," Oliver said, taking her hand. He opened it up and placed several deep red rose petals in her palm. "Do you know what a red rose represents?"

"Love," Katie replied in a slightly confused tone.

Oliver nodded and smiled. "But, I think it also represents the heart," he said. He flicked his wand and the rose petals slowly formed themselves together, creating a perfect single rose. "Because on the outside, a rose is beautiful. But if you look inside…………" He flicked his wand again, "You see the beauty within." The rose opened itself up into full bloom and Katie inhaled sharply. Inside, sat a glittering diamond ring. "So if you look inside," Oliver continued. "You see everything."

"Oliver-" Katie started.

"Let me finish," Oliver said. "Katie, you are my rose. You're everything I need and I want you to remember that. I love you more than anything and always will." He pulled the ring out of the rose. "Will you marry me?"

"Well, I suppose," Katie said grinning. "But only if you promise never to eat my cookies without my permission again."

Oliver smiled and slid the ring on her finger. "I promise."

"So, is this why the twins nearly kicked themselves out of our house?"

"It might be," Oliver replied. "I told them that if they did anything to mess this up, they wouldn't be having any more children."

"Well now that we're getting married, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you can't go streaking."

"What? That's not fair!" Oliver exclaimed, pretending to look upset.

"Sorry, Ol, but that's the way it is."

"Fine," Oliver sighed. "Can I at least go streaking at home?"

"I'd be insulted if you didn't." Katie smiled and kissed him. "Happy Christmas, Ol."

Oliver kissed her back. "I love you. Happy Christmas."

The End…….