
Nysoku-loves-sesshomaru: Yes,,Cliffies!

Sarcasm girl8: Nope.

Ayamefiregoddess: Thanks.

Kie-san: Well, yeah.

Reaka: Cuz.


Reaka: Lol.

Inuyashatotallyobsessed: Is it me? He took out tensuaiga to get it away from him so he could to that to himself.

Kie-san: LoL

sarcasm girl8: thanks.

Ayamifiregoddess: Thanks.

Nysoku-loves-sesshomaru: Thanks, you remind me of myself. I do that too. Do you print yours off as well?


Silver FOx Michiko: Please, for the love of god, do not say my given name, i hate it for all it's worth. It isn't me. I love ya to death, kristin, but it doesn't, oh, and btw Thanks for reviewing.

Chpater one: as weird as it is...

Izzy: Here's your cuddly. you're late on the uptake though.

InuyashaKagome kissie plusshies for everyone! Yayness!!!!! And Inu cookies, and inu yasha themed Cakes! All for all of my reviewers!!!!

There's the reviews. Thanks for all of yalls help and encouragement. this will be the last chapter to be placed with this story, it's my epilogue. Wow. 74 reviews, that's the most i've ever had. Thank yall.

Now on to the end.


Inuyasha was pacing outside of the little hut.

His clawed, bare feet clicking softly on the wood as he walked back and forth.

He heard a scream from inside the hut and forced himself not to race in. He had been kicked out.

His brows creased in worry, and he began to pace again, his sensitive ears dulled by the spell Kaede had placed.

Then the sound of crying peirced the air and he turned toward the door.

It was still locked and talismaned.


Kagome was asleep, her pale, sweat veiled face peaceful and happy.

Sango wrapped the black haired hanyou in a small, fluffy blanket provided by Sesshomaru.

She cleaned the child, washing it with a small damp cloth before she turned toward Kagome's still bleeding womb.

The bleeding stopped after a few moments, making Sango and Kaede smile at each other.

Then Sango stood to let inuyahsa in.


Miroku watched the hanyou pace, stop, then pace again.

He had never seen the hanyou soo nervous and jittery before.

"Inuyasha, it's going to be okay." Miroku said, but he knew it was hopeless.

Then the door opened and the talismans were taken down.

Miroku jumped up and followed him into the room.


Inuyasha searched out Kagome first. She was awake and holding their baby.

He looked like her, only he had his ears.

"What are you guys going to name him?" Sesshomaru said, stepping out of the shadows.

"Inyo." Kagome said, "Inyo Triyoukai." She smiled at Inuyasha and he nodded.

"Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha said, looking up at him


"We were wondering, will you be his godfather? Will you take care of him if we...if something happens to us?" Inuyasha asked.

Sessomaru was shoked, Then he grinned and nodded.

Inuyasha was startled then, His brother, the king of ice, was grinning.

Inuyasha took inyo from Kagome, held him in his hands.

the little one grinned up at him, makin cooing sounds.

He would grow up happily. He would make sure of that.

"Hello, My little Inyo." He said, nuzzling the infant.

Then He handed Inyo to Sesshomaru, Who placed the family mark on his back, a small, blue crescent at the small of his back.

Inuyasha smiled, The crescent had been found by Kagome on their first night.

It was in the same place.

Inuyasha took the child back and knelt down beside Kagome again.

as he lay the baby in her arms, he stole a kiss.

And they were happy.


Okay, sappy, i know, but i like it.

Anyways, i have another story, it's called SKY Blue, it's under Ruroni Kenshin, but it's a sort of continuance of this story. One of the main characters in Inyo.

Anyways, I'm gonna go and let yall have yall's fun. Bye.

Oh, and could you read and review Wolf's Maiden by Kimera Diablos, i'm helping her with that too.