Disclaimer: I own a movie ticket from half a year ago bearing the title Van Helsing...and a DVD...and a key ring...and the animated prequel...and a few cute figurines...but not the rights. Sorry.
Dear diary,
Today mastered Glycerin 49.
I will have to spend next month cleaning the forge. Damn that Cardinal. Van Helsing laughed so hard he dropped my new invention. I will have to replace that with some form of ingenuity. I am possibly the most sensible person to ever to set foot in the Vatican and look how I am treated! I would like some form of respect. Especially from Van Helsing.
I've seen him in his element, shooting anything that moves. Quite a thrilling job, but not what I'm made for. I will gain his respect. Blustering friar indeed! Me, a popinjay!? Hah! Can't even think up your own insults.
No, Van Helsing is a friend. I respect him, now he should respect me. And I don't know how that feat will ever be accomplished.
Dear diary,
I have resumed having nightmares about flux capacitor again. Van Helsing says I should go with him more often. Well, excuse me for not wanting to have a price on my head. Will he not regard me as a companion and not some, some, maid who needs nursing! There is only one way I will ever get him to respect me. And that is not through this Van Helsing.
I'm going to discover other worlds, parallel to this one, in which he does respect me.
This may seem foolish. This will be difficult. But I have complete faith in my abilities. Damn Van Helsing.
Dear diary,
I have done some research into travel other than spatial travel. Most common is called the fabric of space time continuum. Most believe it is only for time travel. No one has figured it out yet. This is not acceptable, really. Who wants to go to the future? All I want it some respect. I'm going to find a parallel world where I am respected! This is an excellent notion.
Dear diary,
Today discovered a way to manipulate the space time continuum. Time travel, huh! I successfully sent a candle through machine. Though, I have no idea what happened to it. Van Helsing could have eaten for all I know. I have constructed a design that I will be able to manoeuvre myself into. Tomorrow, I am hunting respect. I must pack and wear inconspicuous travelling gear. Van Helsing is the source of my enquiries.
Dear diary,
Van Helsing helped me select inconspicuous travel wear, with minimal questions. I told him not to wait up. I was seeking respect, I explained. He laughed and told me I already had it. An argument ensued. In three hours, I will no longer reside here. I'll bet that's upsetting to Van Helsing. He'll miss me. He won't know how to live without me.
Next chapter: Logan aka Wolverine