First off, I don't own Squaresoft (or whatever it's called now), but if I did, then I would probably kidnap Auron and Vincent (hugs them both). Secondly, I haven't played all of FFX-2, so I'm working from the end of FFX, and I'm also throwing in a little FFVII and VIII for flavor. All right, enough idle chitchat for now, so please sit back and enjoy.
Chapter One: The Mysterious Stranger
Ria Summers stepped into the darkness beyond the fluorescent lights surrounding the Gas-N-Go where she worked. It was closing time, and the only thing the young woman had left to do was take out the trash. This was no mean feat, because the enormous metal dumpster lay hidden in the dank recesses behind the store, and one never knew what might be lurking behind it. Ria dragged the black plastic bag to the dumpster and tossed it in, but paused as she noticed an odd not-garbage smell emanating from the general area. It reminded her of cinnamon, but mingled with the musky smell of patchouli.
She had shrugged it off and started back to her car, when a low hiss sent chills down her spine. The young woman turned around, certain that is was a cat or a 'possum that had met up with some competition for territory, but she when she turned to look, the chills instantly transformed to a cold bar of terror.
What it was, exactly, Ria couldn't say. It was human-sized and insect-like, with a large barb sprouting out of its back. The thing moved on four legs like a crab or a spider, sword blade claws folded back along its forelegs. As it inched closer, Ria got a good look at the monster's face, and tried not to faint or throw up. The beast had a face like one of the hunters she had seen in the "Predator" movies, all mandibles and glowing eyes filled with hatred.
Ria turned and ran, hoping that she could reach her car, which she had left parked a hundred feet away. It might as well have been a hundred miles, because the terrified woman found herself shoved to the ground, where she inadvertently flung her keys across the parking lot. Ria shut her eyes, waiting to die, when she heard a loud chopping sound and a shriek of agony. Surprised, she rolled over on her back and saw that her attacker had lost one of its legs, and a dark, greenish fluid was pouring out of the wound.
As the monster bellowed in rage, all Ria could do was stare at her savior, who placed himself between it and its prey. He looked like he was Ria's height and broad-shouldered, with a massive katana in his gloved right hand. The stranger spoke not to her, but the creature, in an impassive voice. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that this hunt is over."
It screamed once again, and then flung itself at the interloper, remaining claws extended. Without turning a hair, Ria's rescuer swung his sword around with all of his strength, ripping through the monster's torso like paper. The beast fell short of its goal, thrashed once, and died with a sigh. Ria and the stranger both stared as the now-dead creature disintegrated into a group of opalescent lights that swirled and pulsed like a living rainbow. Suddenly, the lights stopped, and for the space of three heartbeats changed from their prismatic hue to an evil black surrounded by a poisonous red aura. They oozed boundless hatred for that brief moment, and changed back to their original appearance before they vanished, leaving only a faint remnant of the odd smell and the bloodstains behind.
The stranger put away his sword, and turned to Ria. "Are you okay?" he asked, offering her his hand.
"Yes," she got up and dusted herself off. "What was that thing?"
"That was a fiend," he said, as if that should explain everything.
Ria knew that she should thank him for saving her, but the young woman found herself speechless as she stared at him. Her mysterious savior had dark hair with silver streaks, a swarthy complexion, and behind the odd-looking sunglasses, one deep brown eye that seemed to see into her soul. She finally opened her mouth to thank him, but instead, blurted out, "Who are you?"
Ria winced, knowing that she probably sounded ungrateful, but he just gave her a slight smile and replied, "My name is Auron."
Well, there goes the first chapter to my maiden voyage into fan fiction. I hope it's not too boring for you because it will get better, I promise. I'll greatly appreciate any reviews you send me. (Just try not to be too mean) Thank you for your time and patience.