The Awakening

Chapter 2

A/N – Now, I honestly wasn't planning on continuing this fic because I had too much else on my plate, however I obviously HAVE continued, so you can all thank Lemony Nymph (Bouzi Neo) for being so persuasive with her constant hounding of me to continue this fic. I suppose I should add that this fic may not be what some people are expecting, but to be honest I really don't care because on the other hand this fic be exactly what other people are hoping for. Read. Enjoy. Review! (See? I smile at you!)

Disclaimer: I do not own DBGT or DBZ! (Or do I…)

Kakarot held Vegeta's demi-saiyan daughter tightly against him, half amused and half irritated by the quiet sniffles and shivers which racked her body as they shot through the sky towards Vegeta. She was such a tiny girl – her body was smaller then Vegeta's but very well proportioned; slim hips, tiny waist, largish breasts which – judging by her mothers – would grow larger as she passed through her teenage years. She was gorgeous.

Her long blue hair whipped crazily through the air as they flew, tangling with his own wild black locks and mingling into one another just as he longer to do with the girl herself. The blue haired princess smelt strongly of strawberries and it was only with an iron will that Kakarot stopped himself from sinking his teeth into her neck and forcing her to recognise him as superior. He wanted to do things to her that he would have recoiled from less then a day ago, now though, his saiyan urges told him it was fine.

He wanted to stamp his mark on her so the world would know she belonged to him and then he wanted to fuck her until she relented and recognised him as her superior. However, before he did all that, he first wanted to see his prince. He wanted to talk to Vegeta, to see how much of the prince's inner-self remained. Was he really tame or had he just maintained a shield of civilised behaviour in order to be accepted? It was difficult to tell with Vegeta – he was clever. Very wily. Very deceptive.

Clever or not, Kakarot needed to know what Vegeta was before he made his next move, for if his prince was still truly his prince he would have no choice but to follow him. His saiyan instinct would allow him to do nothing else. If, however, Vegeta had become weak and human, then it would be a different story. A very very different story indeed…

"Mom…" Bra hiccuped and shuddered in his arms, her tiny frame shaking with the human emotions coursing through her. Her voice was high and scratchy from crying, and the need to chase all the emotion out of her and make her into a real saiyan pounded through Kakarot bloodstream once more.

"It is an exercise in futility to cry for you mother, Bra." Kakarot chided his beautiful princess softly; his voice a low seductive purr. "I broke her neck, remember?"

She answered him with a low moan of horror and he chuckled at the sound, hugging her more firmly against him and revelling at the hitch in her breath as she felt his erection pressing against her. She was so young, so pure and so very his. Her father had done well to protect her from the advances of less worthy mates; Goten and the other mindless males from the local school she went to. Males who Kakarot could remember his son whinging about over the dinner table – complaining that Bra paid them more attention then she paid him.

Too bad for poor old Goten, now! Kakarot though nastily and grinned at the thought of his youngest and weakest son's reaction when he found out that it had been his own father who had mated the princess first; because he would mate her – as surely as the sun would come up tomorrow, Bra would become his.

The sun was sinking into the horizon when Kakarot finally spotted Vegeta way down below them – it wasn't that they'd been flying for a long time, it was just that they'd crossed halfway across the world to find him. Apparently Vegeta liked to make sure that when he was alone he stayed alone and keeping as far from home as possible was how he achieved this.

His saiyan prince was standing in the middle of a crater riddle field, his head titled up to watch them land a strangely calm look upon his proud face as he noted his daughters pale and shaken features as she hung in his grasp.

"Bra." Kakarot shook her a little to get her attention, his voice low so Vegeta would not hear what he said to her. "I should mention that if you say one word to your daddy about what I did to your mother then I'll be forced to do to you what I did to her." He smiled as he whispered the threat to her. He didn't want Vegeta to suspect him as yet – it would be fun to see how long it would take the saiyan to catch on to what he really was.

His princess nodded in his grasp, still too frightened to say anything directly to him. Her fear, sweet though its scent was, coated the air so thickly that Vegeta would undoubtedly pick up on it and demand and an explanation. He could always knock the girl out…but he liked feeling her tremble in her grasp and liked hearing her whimpers whenever he held her close to him.

He descended slower then he normally would, enjoying the look of consternation on Vegeta's face that the saiyan prince couldn't quite manage to hide. Normally such concern for ones spawn would be laughed at – saiyajin's not normally having an emotional attachment to their children. However Bra was a saiyan princess and she was the closest thing to a female saiyan that there was so Vegeta's concern was understandable. His own granddaughter pan had more strength then Bra, but her blood had been diluted with weakness, making her far less valuable to what remained of the saiyan community.

When he touched down on the ground he set Bra on her feet and then looped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him, smiling slightly at the whimper that slipped from her mouth. His smile broadened as Vegeta's gaze zeroed in on his arms linked around his daughter and then slowly lifted to look from Bra's terrified face into Kakarot's highly amused one.

"Kakarot?" Vegeta strode forward, a threatening rumble in his voice that Kakarot recognised as the beginnings of a challenge. "What is the meaning of this?" The outrage in the prince's voice made Kakarot lower his eyes to hide the dancing amusement in them. He fought hard to will all emotion out of his eyes as he answered.

"My Prince?" Kakarot lazily asked, lifting his face and meeting Vegeta's eyes. "Of what do you speak?" He kept his voice as neutral as possible as he held the prince's eyes, searching for any sign of weakness in them. It was a hard task as the prince's eyes were as guarded as any he'd seen – there was no trace of anything in his eyes, in fact he seemed empty of any perceivable emotion.

"Why are you touching my daughter?" Vegeta ground out as the first touches of anger sparked in his eyes.

"Because I want to." He smiled - goading Vegeta to see what he'd do. It was strange to be challenging his prince in such a manner, but at the same time it was necessary to make sure Vegeta was still saiyan. He wanted him to be a saiyan; he needed Vegeta to be a saiyan. He was only a third class warrior…he needed a prince to rule over him; he needed a dominant.

His dark eyes clashed again with Vegeta's and this time he could sense stillness within him as Vegeta tried to make sense of what was happening. His prince frowned abruptly and took a few more steps forward, his manner hardening as he noticed that 'Goku' wasn't talking, standing or even looking like 'Goku'.

"Who are you?" Vegeta asked slowly, his concern for his daughter fading into a morbid curiosity for the saiyan standing in front of him. "You're not Kakarot…"

"But I am." Kakarot grinned, running one hand up Bra's body and twisting her long blue hair in one hand, jerking her head back and exposing her throat. "I finally am Kakarot."

Vegeta jerked as though Kakarot had just hit him. His eyes widened and he drew in a deep breath – an unreadable expression quickly dashing across his face.

"Tell me, Vegeta…" Kakarot smiled faintly as Vegeta's name slid of his tongue with an alien like growl to it. "…What would you say if I said I'd killed your pitiful human mate?"

"Bulma?" Vegeta clarified, his expression remaining closed and guarded.

"You've had others?" Kakarot's smiled broadened and he chuckled when Vegeta nodded and Bra jerked and moaned in his grasp – hurt by her father's revelation. He squeezed her tighter to remind her to be silent then addressed Vegeta again. "Yes, I meant Bulma."

"I'd be…suspicious." Vegeta was still giving him a poker face. "I'd probably ask why you killed her."

Kakarot nodded. "I'd reply that she was weak and probably making you weak." He pulled Bra's head back further and breathed across her neck, enjoying teasing her. "Would I be right?" His eyes snapped back to Vegeta once more, ferociously glinting at him.

"No." The prince abruptly smiled a very cold and very distant smile. "You'd be very very wrong if you thought that. I admit I did care for her a little but there was no real commitment from my side – she was an amusement."

"Daddy?" Bra whimpered in disbelief, her voice high with shock. "Daddy he killed mom!" She almost sobbed in her desperation to break free and run to the person she thought she could trust.

"Hush Bra." Vegeta waggled a finger at her. "Stay quiet while I talk to Kakarot of things that don't involve you." His eyes moved back to Kakarot, shutting his daughters pleading look out of his mind. "So you have killed my woman, have you?"

Kakarot shrugged. "She was testing one of her…inventions…on Goku and inadvertently resected me. I thought a clean painful death was the least I could do to thank her." He grinned nastily. "She was despicably weak and I broke her neck with the barest of touches." He twisted Bra's head back further and felt resistance. "Your daughter is far stronger though. Still weak, but much more worthy then that human was."

"Worthy of what?" Vegeta frowned as Kakarot laughed suddenly.

"Of me." He abruptly let Bra go and she stumbled out of his grasp, falling to the ground in shock and then quickly scrambling to her feet and running to her father. She clung to him like a limpet – not put off by the fact that her father made no move to touch her in return.

"Daddy…" She sobbed as she clung to him, tears streaking down her cheeks. Slowly Vegeta put a hand to her back and pressed her closer to him in an embrace designed to calm her as he continued to stare at his one time rival.

"So you took it upon yourself to rid me of my…weakness?"

"Yes." Kakarot crossed his arms across his chest and stepped forward, slowly closed the distance between himself and Vegeta. "What are you going to do about it? Rally the Z gang and try to defeat me? I'd like to see you try."

Vegeta was silent as he stared at Kakarot for even longer, he lowered his hand from his daughters back and slowly pushed her aside. "Do you really think I'd want to destroy you now that you're mine?"

He could sense Vegeta was testing the water; trying to see if he was telling the truth or if he was playing some sort of stupid game. The saiyan prince was being cautious, and Kakarot suspected it was because he was in trouble of being caught out. Not by him, but by 'Goku'. Vegeta wanted to believe that Goku was gone and Kakarot was back, but his distrustful nature was forcing him to be cautious.

"I think you'd do a lot of things to me if I was yours, but not kill me. I'm far too valuable – and besides," Kakarot smirked. "I think your daughter has a crush on me." He switched his gaze into Bra and she whimpered as she pushed closer to her father.

Kakarot chuckled and looked back at Vegeta as his smirk faded and their coal black eyes locked…and in his eyes he saw the strangest look of longing; He wanted to believe it was Kakarot so badly…

Slowly Kakarot lowered himself to the ground until he was on his hands and knees then he inched forward until he was crouched at Vegeta's feet. He hesitated there for a moment as he breathed in Vegeta's musky scent and an overpowering urge to abase himself welled up within him – this was his prince! Almost whimpering with the submissive urges inside of him he pressed closer to the ground until his head was resting on Vegeta's feet.

"I just want to make you stronger." Kakarot muttered as he rubbed his head on Vegeta's boots, ignoring Bra's whimpers at his close proximity to him. Being this close to Vegeta was almost intoxicating – he understood now why Nappa had been so loyal to him. The aura of power and control around him was mind blowing, and oddly it wasn't diminished at all by his knowledge that his own power was greater.

Vegeta moved above him; he crouched down and grabbed a fistful of Kakarot hair then jerked his head up so their eyes could meet again. "I forgive you for killing the woman," Vegeta told him huskily and smirked, "she was weak. However if you think I'm going to let you near my daughter then you're crazier then I thought." He stood up abruptly and pulled Kakarot up with him, forcing him to stand before him.

A bubbling resentment instantly began to fester away inside of Kakarot as his eyes flicked from Bra's huge terrified eyes to Vegeta's steely black ones. He didn't want to disobey his prince but he had to have Bra. He had to – he'd virtually promised her that she would be his. He couldn't let her down now could he?

"Who would you rather she be with?" Kakarot pulled himself free and bared fangs at Vegeta, his anger barely kept in check. "A human? Perhaps one of the other half-breeds?" He chuckled as the prince's eyes narrowed. "I may be a third class soldier but I'm also the strongest saiyan alive and if allowed to mate with your daughter it could only strengthen the your royal line."

"True." Vegeta nodded slowly, his eyes still cautiously blank. "Children from yourself and my daughter would almost negate the shame of mating a royal with a mere low level." He looked thoughtful.

"Who better then the last purebred saiyan?" Kakarot moved closer, knowing that Vegeta would have to be feeling the strange connection they had as the last two saiyans. "I could arrange for you to bed Pan, if you wish. She may not be completely human and befitting of you…but she is infinitely more worthy then a human."

Vegeta's head jerked up and he looked both attracted to the idea and repulsed. "Perhaps…" His eyes distanced themselves and Kakarot instantly knew Vegeta was thinking of bedding the younger female. She and Bra were the same age – sixteen – a perfectly acceptable age for saiyan females to become partners with males.

"Daddy?" Bra was still clinging to her father, but the look in her eyes spoke volumes for how frightened and confused she was. "Is this some kind of joke? You're not going to give me to him are you? He killed mom! He killed…"

"Be quiet, Bra." Vegeta turned on his daughter in a flash and growled down at her. "You're a saiyan princess and you'll do what you're told."

"No!" Bra pulled free, her fear fading as she stared at her father as though he was a stranger. "This isn't Goku, dad! Don't you get it? He killed mom! I saw him do it right in front of me! He isn't Goku…"

"No, he's not." Vegeta put a finger to his daughter's lips and she instantly fell silent, perhaps because her own instincts forcing her to obey the saiyan prince. "He's Kakarot…and he's mine." He glanced at Kakarot and smirked. "Get me Pan and you shall have my daughter."

A/N – Before people can start yammering on about clichés and stuff – this isn't going to be a Pan/Vegeta fanfic. This is a Kakarot/Bra…and maybe a little Kakarot/Vegeta in parts. If you can't handle it then don't read it. It's a nasty fic. Anyway, let me know what you think i.e. – review! (Thanks TrUnKsGiRl for letting me know about the errors at the start of the fic. I think I got them all this time!)