Strip Snap

"Yes Mother" Madison said sarcastically picking up her books and walking to the girls' staircase, but before going up she turned to Sirius and said "thanks for helping me with my homework" she winked and then ran up the staircase.

"Remus I need to speak with you in a minute when I'm done talking to Madison" Belle said turning to Remus. "Right!" he said going pink as she smiled at him then went to her dorm. "Good job man, awesome!" James said walking to Sirius. Sirius scooted away from him and slumped into the corner of the couch "Yeah, well if you two hadn't walked in at that moment I could have gotten a little further." he said putting up his thumb and index finger an inch apart. "Well Then it's a good thing we came in then I think." Remus said looking at Sirius disapprovingly.

Sirius got up and glared at Remus "why do you always have to ruin everything?" before Remus could answer Sirius rolled his eyes then went up stairs.

A minute later Belle came back down stairs red in the face. "Remus it's about time for dinner. Do you wanna get going?" she asked sighing. Remus nodded and the two left. Right before Remus left however he turned to look at James and whispered "Make sure both Sirius and Madison come to dinner!" then was pulled out of the portrait whole by Belle.

James started towards the boys dorm and was on the third stair when he heard "James wait!" he looked at the bottom of the stairs to see Madison standing there looking up at him, she smiled. "Hold on…I'll go get him." he said while grinning they stared at each other for a moment then he turned and started up the boys stairs again but before he took another step the portrait whole opened and he heard lily's voice she was singing something. He turned and went back down stairs for a second.

"Hey Lils!" James said while running a hand through his hair. Lily blushed slightly and nodded at him. " Stay here, I'll be right back!" he said then ran upstairs.

Lily slowly walked over to Madison "so what happened after I left?" she asked Madison. Madison quickly explained to Lily what had happened, when she finished she looked at Lily to find a huge grin on her face.

"So what happened with you and James" Madison asked. Lily blushed then told Madison of how something a lot similar had happened to them except they didn't quite get caught, but if Lily hadn't hid under a desk Remus and Belle would have given them a lecture too.

Madison rolled her eyes. Soon the boys were back down stairs. Sirius walked over to Madison.

"So where were we before we were interrupted." Madison asked grinning at him. Sirius smiled widely then leaned down and kissed her while rapping his arms around. Madison laughed while Sirius kissed her. "Ok, ok calm down it's time for dinner!" Madison said seeing Lily and James turning away and blushing. Sirius sighed.

"Alright." he said. The four made their way down to the great hall and found their usual seats; Peter and Anne had already gotten there and looked as if they had been running to get to their seats.

"So where have you two been? We haven't seen you since early this morning!" Lily asked looking at them with mock suspicion. Peter and Anne said nothing but went pink.

The dinner started and about half way through Belle and Remus came in looking flustered.

"So just where have you two been?" Madison asked much louder than usual which made people from other tables turn to look. Both Remus and Belle went red then began looking around franticly.

"SSSSHHHH!" Remus whispered.

"OH I SEE IT'S ALRIGHT FOR YOU AND BELLE TO GO OFF ALONE AND DO WHO KNOWS WHAT BUT IT'S NOT ALRIGHT FOR ME AND SIRIUS TO SIT IN THE COMMON ROOM ALONE FOR A LITTLE WHILE BECAUSE WE CANT BE TRUSTED!" Madison said even louder than before which made even the teachers look at them. Belle and Remus both gave Madison a pleading stare while Lily, James, and Sirius cracked up in the back ground. Madison went back to eating but didn't look at them.

"I'm sorry Madison" Belle whispered.

Madison cupped her ears "What was that? I didn't hear you!" she asked loud enough that the group could hear.

Belle sighed and glared "I'm sorry" she muttered wincing as if it was painful.

Madison smiled and began eating, satisfied. James looked at Remus who was trying to act like he wasn't there. James smiled evilly.

Remus, don't you owe Sirius an apology as well?" Remus sat very still staring at his plate of food.

Madison looked up from her plate of food when he didn't move she kicked him from under the table. Remus grimaced.

"Sorry!" he said loud enough for the group to hear.

After dinner was over the group went back to the common room laughing and joking. When they arrived they all went to the chairs near the fire.

"So anyone up to a game of strip snap?" Sirius asked looking around hopefully at the girls.

"Sure. Why not? It'll be interesting at least!" Remus said looking at Belle who rolled her eyes.

The girls also agreed. "Well I guess we should all get into a circle then!" Lily said as she got onto the floor, the other girls followed. The guys all looked at each other and smiled evilly.

"I just want to warn you now Potter, Madison and I are very good at this game and we haven't found anyone who could match us yet, so prepare to lose!" Lily said casually. Madison in the back ground rolled her eyes. "Anne aren't you going to play?" Lily asked suddenly seeing Peter and Anne heading towards the boys dorms.

"Uh no thanks Peter and I have homework!" Anne said "We're going to study…. in his dorm." she continued after seeing the look everyone was giving them. The two turned and left quickly.

"Study, yeah right, Anne hasn't studied anything a day of her life except guys!" Madison said turning back to the game.

The game started and went on for about an hour. By the end of the hour the girls were down to nothing but their bras, skirts, and socks. The boys however had only taken off there ties and shoes and that's only because they were all a bit excited at what they were seeing. The boys hadn't lost a round yet.

"Ok girls can I have a word with you?" Lily said quickly while pulling the others to their feet and dragging them away from the guys.

"Why exactly are we loosing?" Madison asked "I heard the guys were good at this game but this is just ridiculous!" she finished while flipping off some guy who was starring at her.

"I agree with Madison, there is something totally wrong here the guys had something to with it! Belle said very agitated as a burst of catcalls came from the guys.

"Well let's go back there and see if we can keep what dignity we have left!" Lily said taking a deep breath and straightening up. They walked back to the guys who were starring at them in awe. They sat back down next to the guys again. As they did James put his hand on Lily's back then rapped his hand around her bra strap pulled back then let go. Lily yelped in pain for a second then turned and slapped James across the face as hard as she could.

"YOU ASS HOLE!" she shouted. James put his hand to his face where she had slapped him there was a big red hand print. Everyone in the room began laughing.

"Hey lets all just call it quits!" Remus said finally noticing Belle and Madison looking murderously at James. Belle picked up a few of the cards and looked at them closely then handed them back to Sirius.

"Those are very nice cards you have there!" she said to him "Nice and jinxed." she said casually. Sirius suddenly looked up at her.

"Why would you say that?" he asked looking away quickly. She grabbed a card out of his hand and pointed to a very tiny inscription on the card that said "Zonko's".

James and Remus backed away quickly from Lily and Madison who were getting to their feet glaring; both of them looked ready to spit fire, but suddenly Belle began laughing the group looked at her puzzled.

"Cut it out girls; your going to make them piss themselves!" she laughed. The other girls smiled at the looks on the guys' faces. The girls began gathering their clothes but the guys kept their distance. The girls started talking to each other as they began to leave.

"What are you looking at" Lily said to a third year boy who had begun to stare as the girls passed. The boy looked away quickly turning a dark shade of red.

"Let's just hurry and get out of here instead of stopping to tell people off for looking at us!" Belle said quickly. "I don't suppose either of you have noticed that its all guys down here have you?" She whispered quietly; Madison nodded.

"I agree lets just get out of here, I don't like being down here half naked." she said.

"AWE, Why not?" Sirius asked stupidly. As soon as the words were out of his mouth he realized he'd said the wrong thing. Belle, Madison, and Lily turned around with looks of pure hatred on their face. Madison reached out and grabbed a wand off the table next to her. She said a quick spell and a second later the shoes that Sirius had been holding were kicking him in every place they could reach.

Yay! We finally got a new chapter up. Sorry it took so long, we both finally got burger anyways. Well have fun...HELLO LONDON! lol sorry i'm a bit hyper...hehe "---Virginia

yeah sorry it took so long my fault I dont understand the computer Virginia had to come and post it but hey it all worked out I guess...-----Kassie