Author's Note: The real end...(tears up) hope you've all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it...

Epilogue – A Gift: Reprise

One Year Later...

"His eyes glowed with a crazed green hue..."

He watched as her hands deftly wove the tale along with her words; animated and lively. Thirteen pairs of eyes were transfixed from where they sat around her, occasionally interjecting with excitement, or surprise, or fear. One pair of eyes was watching her from the back of the room, reluctant to intrude on the scene.

"But the brave Zane stood tall, trying to hide his shaking hand..."

He noticed that Wright, Cid's son, was among the children sitting there, closest to the front. He fidgeted as he sat there, but his face looked intensely interested. A shy girl, probably around twelve years old had noticed him, flicking her dark brown eyes over to where he stood. He gave her a nod, and she turned away, blushing furiously.

"'I forgive you' the beautiful woman said, 'please, open your eyes' and he saw..."

The children all knew the ending: Zane woke up to see his friend Rosie trying to save him. Yet, they all had their own theories about what would happen afterwards, for that is where the story abruptly ended. Still, despite, it was their favorite tale.

"Alright, now, it's time for you all to be heading to bed," Tifa said merrily, ignoring the whines and moans as she did so. He felt a lopsided smile on his face.

"Did he kiss her?" one girl said, the token romantic, and only at ten years of age. Tifa shook her head.

"Bedtime," she said gently, "The story is over. Maybe you'll find the answer in your dreams." She gently patted her hair, making the young girl giggle.

"Maybe!" she answered happily, "And they'll live happily ever after!" Tifa smiled broadly.

"Of course," she whispered, ushering them from the main area of the room to their beds. One girl was staring over at a corner of the room, shyly trying to keep it hidden.

"I think you have an admirer," Tifa said to the corner, low enough so the girl wouldn't hear. She heard a small chuckle.

"Perhaps," he answered, stepping out towards the light, "You've gotten quite good at telling that story." She signaled him to follow her, as she began to exit the room.

"Goodnight!" she said cheerfully, flicking off the light to the room as she crossed the doorframe.

"You'll scare them one of these days," she said with a hushed voice, "Sneaking in like that..." He smirked.

"You seem to be doing well," he said, a little louder as they were finally out of earshot. She tiredly ran a hand through her now shorter hair.

"Yes, but they are a handful," she admitted, stifling a small yawn, "...It's good to see you, Vincent." He grinned.

"Would you like to take a walk?" he asked, extending his left hand. She nodded, and followed him towards the door.

A Little Later...

"So you found him then," she muttered, relaxingly following his stride, "Somewhere around Gongaga?" He nodded.

"Cloud has been all over the place," he replied, absently tucking a piece of his shorter hair behind his ear, "from what he tells me. He's trying to get back the years he missed."

"Yes," she sighed, "Poor Cloud. He's so mixed up in his head sometimes..."

"Which is what confuses me," he interrupted uncharacteristically, "Why didn't he just stay here with you?" She stopped walking, and curiously eyed something on the ground.

"How's Yuffie taking care of my bar?" she said avoidantly, changing the subject, "Has she destroyed it yet?" He didn't answer.

"...Why didn't you stay here?" she whispered, crouching down to inspect the flower she had been gazing at.

"You know why," he whispered back, crouching down also, "complicated." She absently tickled the flower's petals.

"I told him he needed to find his own answers," she breathed, finally answering his question, "So I could find mine." He stood up abruptly.

"So did I..." he said carefully, back turned, "It is odd...having my mind to myself, after all those years. I almost...miss them." She slowly stood up herself, the pink blossom in her trembling hand.

"I found that legend," she spoke calmly, causing him to turn around, "About the demon. My mother had was with me all along. It also had tree."

"I know," he said quietly, sheepishly looking at her, "You and her are...distant relations. You don't look like her, though." Tifa scowled. He chuckled.

"You're a different kind of beautiful," he mumbled, hoping she didn't hear. She did, but pretended not to notice.

"Oh hell," she muttered, her face arguing with itself. He looked at her, perplexed.

"What is it?" he asked, eyebrows raised. She shook her head.

"I can't leave the children for long," she answered, twirling her flower without thought, "I need to get back..." He quickly grabbed her hand, depositing something in it. She didn't even notice for a moment, taken aback by the sudden contact.

She opened it, peering at the delicate necklace resting in her palm. She carefully picked it up with her other hand, dropping the flower in the process. It had a deep red stone, nearly the same color as her eyes.

"What is this?" she asked, peering over at him curiously. He was giving one of those rare full smiles.

"It reminded me of you," he whispered. Her voice felt strange in her throat, especially hearing his words echoed back at her.

"Will you stay?" she finally gasped out. He nodded, gently putting his left hand on her shoulder, guiding her back towards the house.

"So this is how it ends..." she whispered, casually taking his free hand, pleased to see that he did not flinch.

Now time for the obnoxiously long Author's Note (only because the story is over...):

About the epilogue: Confused about the whole necklace thing? Well, remember from earlier, when Vincent was fiddling with a necklace that he had on...guess who gave it to him? Tifa. I've actually got a little story (humorous too) about it...called October the 13th Read it if you want something a little on the fluffier (though not total fluff) side.

I'm considering doing a sequel...for I couldn't let the ending go to total sap...or have crazy confessions of love or anything...doesn't fit in my mind.

Some theme songs (which will explain so much about this fic):

Overall Themes: Porcelain Moby (When played at least five times in succession), Clocks Coldplay (explains the dreamlike sequences), and The Pain of Mediocrity Chris J. Emanuel (go indie techno!)

Tifa's Themes: Not My Idea Garbage, The Dream Within Lara Fabian, Mercy Street Peter Gabriel, and Dark Blue (full version) No Doubt (Gwen Stephani has the voice I imagine Tifa has)

Vincent's Themes: I Grieve Peter Gabriel, Bring Me the Disco King (Loner Mix) David Bowie (Bowie's voice is actually the voice I imagine Vincent having...), The Sky is Broken Moby, and Awakening The Damning Well

Tiveph's Themes: Judith (Renholder Mix) A Perfect Circle and Green Eyes Coldplay

Sephiroth's Themes: Death Dealer's Descent Renholder and As Heaven is Wide Garbage

Cid's Theme: It's the End of the World REM (imagine drunken singing...ya)

Nanaki's Theme: Fooling Yourself (Angry Young Man) Styx (seems like something he would tell someone...maybe Cloud...)

Obsession's (Hojo's) Theme: Psycho Killer The Talking Heads (he he)

Annihilation's (Lucrecia's) Theme: The Scientist Coldplay (obvious? ya.)

Surrender's (Cloud's) Themes: What Else Do I Need Vast and Go Andy Hunter

Other Influences: Underworld Soundtrack and Score, FF7 and FF8 Piano Collections, FF7 OST, select songs from FF8 OST, and select songs from the Spiderman Soundtrack


La Atressa: For being my first reviewer ever, and having a really cool homepage. It was very entertaining.

C.R. Carter: For being my first regular reader...ever... Also, cause she's really cool and writes fantastic stuff.

Cobalt Dragonfly: For helping me to appreciate romance and reacting so funnily (word?) to chapter 20. Email her and tell her to write more (kidding, I know you're busy)

Ikleeshumo: For reading my little known fic and many other things of mine...your criticism and support have helped me improve greatly.

Humor Queen Merc: For introducing me to fanfiction and letting me sit on her bed with my laptop to write this story. Also, for letting me talk about all the crazy stories in my head even though she hasn't played FF7 or any RPG for that matter...

The Highwaywoman: For being such a nice multiple times reviewer. It helped me to keep writing.

Hoheehum: For FANART! (which I still would like to see...) and being so kind.

Zelda6: For wonderfully long reviews...and great email. I'll be sure to mention ya when I finish Interlude too (which will probably be a looong time from now).

And anyone else I left out: Sorry, this author's note's gotta end...