Title - Meaning of Love

Author - Hopeless Kokoro

Disclaimer - I do not own Inuyasha or anything related to it except for this plot.

Summary - Rin has never learned the true meaning of love as she grew up in Sesshomaru's care. Nor did she want to know of it as she time went by, but love is something experienced by all.

Author's Note - This is my second fanfic I ever made. This first chapter is a bit short but it's a prologue so just to let you know, the regular chapters will be longer than this and I promise the story will get even better one you know what is happening. This fanfic is an AU (alternate universe) and means that it doesn't continue with the original story and sometimes the characters might seen out of character but I hope you all don't get mad at me. . Please review but don't be too harsh and I might keep this fanfic if I get a lot of reviews. Heheh. Until next time!

- Chapter: Prologue

A girl ran as quickly as she could while passing many trees with her head down. It was dark and it was hard to see anything. She ignoring the pouring rain that began to fall harder and harder above her head. She quickened her pace for she didn't want anyone to find her or see her.

One reason; she was falling apart.

Her clothes were now heavy and soaked with water that they stuck to her small body but she kept running for dear life. What had happened caused her to have so many emotions to stir and the one that was really taking over her was sadness.

For every step she took, she was moving farther and farther away from her problems. Or was it because she just wanted to run away.

She would never tell anyone.

If she told someone, her life would be over and everyone would be disgusted by her. She would probably be banished. So she kept to herself and tried her best to show that she was just like every other human girl. No one would ever understand how she felt.

She tripped over a rock and struggled to get up. Not noticing the blood that was dripping on her knee from the fall. Her pace of running began to slow down as she neared a small cave. Right when she entered the cave, she fell to the ground on her knees as small tears fell from her eyes.

This was ridiculous.

She knew that she was acting like a spoiled little girl and wanted things her way but she couldn't help it if what she wanted was right in front of her but she just couldn't reach it.

What she wanted was the only reason she was acting like this. If she hadn't found it, she would probably had a better life and die happily but that didn't seem to be her destiny.

After a couple of hours of sulking, she decided to go back like nothing had happened. Even though she was just lying to herself.

It was silly.

Everything she was doing wouldn't help her problems. She thought of herself a fool to believe that she had what she wanted and even a bigger fool to be doing what she was doing right now. She pulled herself together as she roughly wiped away the tears on her face. Then, she put on a cheerful smile and went off.

This girl's name was known as Rin. But the Rin with the smile isn't real, for she knew that she would never really be happy because she now knew what the meaning of love is.