Chapter 1 A Successful Hunt
Well...ahahahaha....this is my first Kouga/Kagome pairing fic...ahahah ;...I rated it R just in case...and yes there WILL be lemons later in the chapters...I just gotta see if I'm up to the task the way...this chaps a bit boring but the next one will be full of excitement
Chapter 1 A Successful Hunt
"I'm bored" complained Sango as she pushed away her book
"Mmm" replied Kagome as she finished off her poem
"I'm boooored!!!" complained Sango louder seeing Kagome ignoring her
Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed
"Okay okay okay, you can go with them" Sango grinned victoriously and hopped off the bunk bed
Kagome watched Sango pull on her skirt and singlet before tying up her hair
"So??? How do I look???" she asked as she twirled around
"Mmmm....great" Kagome muttered as she went back to writing her poem
"Hey, aren't you coming along???" asked Sango as she sat next to Kagome to tie her shoes
"Nah....I still got a lot of homework and assignments to finish off you know" replied Kagome as she burrowed her pale face into her work book
Sango sighed in resignation
"Come on Kagome, its camp!!! There's still another 2 weeks before all this work is due!!! Why don't you put down that pen of yours and have some fun with the others at tonight's disco for once
Kagome shook her head stubbornly
"I can't, mum said I have to get top grades not to mention a perfect score if I want to get a good job and to live a happy future"
"So you're just gonna throw away the happiness and pleasures of being a youth for some lousy future???" asked Sango incredulously
"Uh got it spot on"
Sango sighed once more
"Well okay....are you REALLY sure???" Kagome nodded her head
Kagome rolled her eyes and grumbled in irritation
"Yes I am sure I'm REALLY sure"
Sango smiled slyly and bent over to tie her shoes as she spoke out her thoughts
"You know...I heard Inuyasha decided to come to camp this year and he's gonna hang out with his friends tonight at the sane people on this planet would want to miss this chance to hang out with the most hottest guy in the school..."
Sango sat back up to look at Kagome
Kagome hesitated, she nibbled on her lip for a second just a second though
"I'm staying here and that's that, there is no way you can try to tempt me out of this again, I have made up my mind and it WILL stay like that" she finally answered
Sango school her head at her friend's stubbornness and walked out of the cabin
"Have fun at tonight's disco with Miroku!!!" called Kagome just as Sango disappeared out of the door
She giggled lightly as her friend back tracked her steps to give Kagome a death glare before walking out of the cabin again, not bothering to close the door behind her
Kagome's grin slipped off her face and with a heavy groan she picked up her pen and began to continue her work
Somewhere else...
Kouga licked his lips in satisfaction
He had just killed quite a large moose that had its horns stuck tightly between two branches
His two other most trusted accomplices Ginta and Hakkaku caught a young deer and three old ones left behind from their herd.
Kouga was in a high good mood
There would be enough meat for his tribe for the next two nights
Kouga grinned wolfishly
"Ginta Hakkaku take our killing back to the tribe, I'm off to 'hunt' again"
The two looked at each other with silent suppressed glee.
Whenever Kouga 'hunted' he would either bring back a female wolf or two from other tribes
Whether they were mated or not
Other tribes dare not fight fear of being eliminated off the face of the planet
Those that were already mated served as stress-relievers (obvious hint here)
Those that were not mated were accepted into the tribe and mated with the young free males, thus creating the tribe stronger
It was a very neat system if you ask me
But because of all this stealing Kouga's tribe made enemies, plenty of them, but with enemies they had alliances, in payment for Kouga's tribe not to take any of their females and to drive away the annoying, pesky and nosing humans many desperate tribes agreed to pledge alliance with the tribe.
The two wolves trotted back to the tribe (with some difficulty), dragging the food along as they went.
Kouga sniffed the air again
Ah...the scent was still there, the smell of Jasmine and rose wafted through the air and tickled his sweet, the innocent smell aroused him greatly
'Definitely feminine' he thought in satisfaction and smirked as he took another sniff
Kouga smiled in content and trotted off, in search of his prey
'She will be mine...'
"Bored bored bored bored bored!!!" grumbled Kagome as she slammed down her work onto the soft bunk bed in defeat
She moaned
"Not ten minutes since Sango left and I'm already whining"
Kagome cursed Sango for trying to tempt her and for telling her Inuyasha was at the night's camp disco.
Still homework is homework and no matter how much she may be to join Sango she must get her work done.
With those thoughts anchored firmly in her head Kagome proceeded to pick up her pen once more and continued to write
Kouga stopped and glared at the small camp below him
"Stupid humans" he growled, but the smell was coming strongly from down there, and he wasn't going back to his tribe empty handed
"If she is a human then I shall leave her alone....if she is a Youkai however..." he licked his muzzle
Decision made, he leaped down the rocky cliff and descended to the small settlement below.
Kagome couldn't concentrate; there was a faint musky smell in the air that reminded her of Inuyasha over and over again.
"Dammit!!! I could have done my homework tomorrow!!! I'm such an idiot!!! I would have had a chance to dance with the hottest guy in the school, but noooo you just HAD to refuse Sango's offer, smart move Kagome Higurashi you royal idiot!!!" Kagome thought furiously as she frowned lightly at the small problem in front of her
"Argh...I can't concentrate" she finally pushed her book and pen away from her in disgust and turned to face the large open window next to her bad, letting the warm summer air to caress her cheeks and neck
She sighed blissfully as the wind ran its cool fingers through the silky hair, she liked her hair and it was her joy
It was naturally jet black with an unusual faint tinge of dark blue in it
She always wore a black sleeveless turtle neck with her black trakkies
It fit well together
She took a hair band from her wrist and tied her hair up to expose more of her creamy skinned neck
Kouga sniffed as he walked towards the girl's cabin
His prey was definitely in there
Kouga crept forward slowly...and walked up to the open door, his claws clicking softly on the wood
His prey was definitely in there....and alone
Kagome continued to stare out to the stars, the smell was getting stronger, she felt drowsy and excited...this smell was drugging her senses
Kagome shook her head in an attempt to clear her head and turned around to grab her work
She stopped...and slowly looked up
Hehehehe....cackles evilly Muahahaha!!!! I left you guys a cliff hanger!!! Ain't I evil?!?! Muahahaha!!!! Anyways, I know this chap don't have no romance or kisses and all that but there will be in the next chapter!!! And yes, Inuyasha will definitely appear and get in-between those two
Love ya's all!!! mua
With love, Noodles