Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or HP.

Chapter One

"You want us to WHAT!" Yusuke exclaimed. Yusuke and Kuwabara were looking at Koenma in a state of shock.

"Yeah, I mean, really, we don't usually go to school, an now you want to send us to an English boarding school? What's up with that!"

Hiei snorted at Kuwabara's remark. "Well, I suppose that explains your pitifully low intelligence level," Hiei remarked from his casual reclining position against the wall, while Kuwabara visibly bristled against the affront.

"Well, I for one would enjoy learning about western magic," Kurama quickly intervened.

"Thank you Kurama; now, have any of you heard about a dark lord called Voldemort?"

Koenma's question was met with three blank stares.

Koenma sighed. "Voldemort, or previously known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, is a powerful dark lord who is bent on several things: immortality, the purification of the Wizarding world and the annihilation of Harry Potter to name a few."

"What exactly did you mean when you said that he wanted to purify the Wizarding1 world?" Yusuke asked.

"Basically that he wants to purge the Wizarding race of all who don't come from an all magic family."

"Hey, how come you know this much!" Kuwabara asked, pointing at Kurama accusingly.

Kurama smiled at Kuwabara's outburst and replied that his mother was a squib, and that a relative worked at Hogwarts.

"Alright, what the hell does this have to do with us?" Yusuke snapped irritably.

"Yes, why did you call us all here? Those humans should be able to take care of him. If you involve us, it would only be wasting our time and energy," Hiei added.

"Well, this is usually true when dealing with dark lords, however, Voldemort has enlisted some help; even before this help came, I was considering sending Botan to watch over Mr. Potter, now we have to send you in."

"Wait, is this help coming from demons!" Kuwabara shrieked, "Are they like the Toguro brothers?"

"Baka, of course not. Why would demons of such a high class help a human?"

"Hiei's right, Kuwabara," Koenma interrupted, "The help is definitely not of demonic origin. A group of humans from around the globe have formed an agreement with Voldemort. They will help Voldemort take over the west, if Voldemort helps with the takeover in the east."

"If that's the case, shouldn't we simply play the two off one another?" Kurama asked.


"You've lost me. What exactly are we supposed to be doing?" Kuwabara asked, looking back and forth between Koenma and Kurama.

"Umm, excuse me Koenma sir?" everyone looked over to see George standing next to the doors looking decidedly uncomfortable.

"If you have to use the bathroom, ogre, by all means do so. I don't need your..."

"Well, actually sir, it wasn't about that."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, sir. Botan is here with the three..."

"Yes, yes, let them in."

(This takes place before George arrives at Koenma's office:)

"And Harry Potter has caught the snitch, Fred's team wins 245-160!" Hermione's amplified voice cut through the cheering.

"Bravo, bravo, simply fantastic!" Everybody in the Weasley's backyard looked up, or in some cases down, to see a blue haired girl wearing a pink kimono perched upon a floating oar. Everyone tensed except for the floating girl.

"Who are you? Lift up your left sleeve!" Harry commanded already reaching for his wand. Botan looked quizzically at him, and lifted up her left sleeve to reveal an unmarked arm.

"Finite Incantatem! Hermione shouted, fortunately, she had removed the Sonorus charm.

Nothing happened.

"So, your not a Death Eater. Now who are you?" Ginny demanded.

"Oh, yes, of course. How rude of me! I'm Botan, a ferry-girl of the Sanzu River, or the River Styx in your mythology. I'm also called the Grim Reaper in your culture." "But isn't the Grim Reaper supposed to be, I dunno, Grim?" Ron asked.

"Oh, really, Ron, haven't you ever read the book Myths, Legends and Folk Law of the After Life by Postea Shi before?"

"Hermione, why should we when we have you?" Ron argued.

"Oh, don't worry, Yusuke didn't believe I was the Grim Reaper when he died."

"If you're the Grim Reaper, why are you here? None of us are dead, yet," Harry pointed out.

"Unless, this is how people die! You come and steal their souls!" Fred cried.

"My dear, my poor, poor dear! The death sign came true! Oh, my poor dear!" George swoon whilst doing a Trelawney impersonation.

"Yes, savor the last moments of your life and your victory before she..."

"Oh, please. If I was going to do that, I would've brought, say, Hiei to help!" Botan dismissed.

"Umm, who?" Harry, Ron and Hermione asked.

"You'll all find out as soon as we arrive at Reikai...and we better get going soon, or we're going to be late! Ron, Hermione, Harry, get a broomstick and follow me." Later at Koenma's office

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked around. They saw three teenagers around their age.

"Mr. Koenma, sir, I've delivered them as asked."

"Bloody hell! You mean that midget is Koenma!" Ron exclaimed. Harry groaned in embarrassment and Hermione resisted the urge to hit herself in the head.

"Ron, manners!" Hermione hissed, nudging Ron in the side with her elbow. Ron yelped.

"Hey, don't do that! That hurts!"

"Well, it's your own fault."

"But Hermione..."

"I believe we've all heard enough of your marital issues," Hiei said, earning glares from Ron and Hermione, and a semi-amused glance from Harry. "So, if we are quite done now, I'm sure we would all like to know the reason for coming here."

"Oh, umm...thanks Hiei," Koenma said, uncertain as to why Hiei had helped him.

"Don't think I did it for your benefit, I did it because watching those two flirt is sickening."

"We're not flirting, I'm trying to knock some sense through his thick head, into his brain!"

"My head is NOT thick!"

"SHUT UP!" everyone stared at Koenma in alarm. Harry, Ron and Hermione in particular, since they weren't used to a toddler with such a large set of lungs.

A/N: Okay. I made a little change in one of the later chapters, which is why I reuploaded this. It wasn't anything major, but...I don't like plot holes. There's only around maybe a two word difference, nothing big.

1: Yeah, I know that word doesn't exist, but I always referred to the magical community. Like that. But magical community implies wizards, witches and magical creatures. When I say Wizarding world or Wizarding race, I'm referring to witches and wizards only.