I'll be with you forever, If only in my dreams.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket. I like to pretend I'm one of the characters from Fruits Basket sometimes, but I don't own it.

Summary: This story is mostly about Tohru and Hitori, with some other couples. I know there is a huge age difference, and its illegal and all that, but this is more of a "what if?" kind of story anyway! So this is pretty much going to be a romantic/fluffy story I'm thinking. ((Pairings: Tohru/Hitori, Yuki/Haru, Kyo/Kagura.))

"Breakfast is ready!" rang a smiling Tohru as she walked out of the kitchen

It was the anniversary of Akito's death. Exactly a year ago, he had passed away from his illness. Everyone had been surprised he had even lasted as long as he did.

It was an early spring morning. The same as it had been the year before. There were many mixed feelings coursing through the air as Torhu sat the tray of food down in the center of the table and began to distribute the food. It was more a feeling of acceptance then loss for the Sohma family, for Akito had very few actual friends. Tohru however had grown quite close to Akito in his last days, and had even gotten the chance to see him smile. His death had been sad, but at the same time they knew he was happy. His suffering was over. He could finally rest.

"Arigato Tohru" Shigure smiled slightly as he lifted some rice to his mouth.

"Ar-arigato" Kyo muttered under his breath, not looking up from his food.

"Hai, Arigato Tohru-kun" Yuki smiled.

Tohru smiled and continued to eat her food, hoping the mood would lighten.

Many things had happened in a year. She had gotten to know Yuki a lot better. After awhile and some pleading on her part, he dropped his barrier and began to call her Touru-kun. She would be graduating in a few days, along with Yuki and Kyo. It was a very exciting experience for her. Hanajima and Arisa were both graduating as well. The three of them had been inseparable for many years, and now she was finally fulfilling her mothers dream, her goal. She knew that on that day her mother would be smiling down. That day was for her.

She was signed up to go to university to become a nurse. It was what Tohru had always wanted to do, to help people. Yuki was going to get an apartment with Haru and study law. Kyo didn't really have plans, he wanted to go back to the mountains to train, but that would mean leaving Kagura, and that was something he wasn't yet ready to do.

Kagura had shown Kyo her soft side. She had warmed his stone heart. He taught her how to control that aggressive side of herself. Together they were complete, they had rekindled what they once had as children and were quite happy with each other.
Yuki had spent a lot of time helping Haru with his homework, and studying. He soon was swayed by Haru's calm, collected charm, and fell in love as if it was inevitable.

Tohru hadn't found anyone yet to call her own. She had always like Yuki and even Kyo a little, but she hadn't said anything, and now it was too late.

It had been late at night when she heard Shigure talking to Yuki. That was a night that changed her.

Flash back
Tohru opened the door quietly, she figured everyone was already in bed. It was late and she was tired, her part time job had gone on longer then usual tonight. She slipped off her shoes.

"Tada-" Tohru began to whisper before something caught her ear.

"So you're going to be living with Haru."

Tohru looked around the corner and saw Shigure and Yuki standing in the kitchen, neither were looking at her.

"Hai." Yuki said flatly.

"This is sudden. I thought you and Haru didn't get along…but then you were his tutor, so maybe it's something more?" Shigure said a grin playing on his lips.
Yuki was silent for a moment.

"I knew it! You not just his tutor are you? You're more! You're his boyfriend right!" Shigure teased excitedly.

"Shigure!" Yuki said coldly. "If you must know…Yes, Haru and I are….together."

Tohru couldn't believe what she was hearing. Yuki, her Yuki was leaving her, and worse to be with…Haru? She felt tears forming in her eyes. Hot tears that trickled down her cheek. Stumbling backwards she bumped into something behind her.

"Honda-san?" Yuki called walking towards the kitchen door.

'Oh no! What if he finds me here? Like this?' Tohru thought holding out her hand as a single tear slid down her cheek and landed in her hand. Jumping up she ran for the stairs just as Yuki got out of the kitchen.

"Honda-san? Is something wrong?" Yuki asked as she darted up the stairs.

'He saw me!'

"No nothing! Just tired is all…" Tohru said turning around.

"Honda-san! Is that…"

"It's nothing!!"

"Honda-san you're bleeding."

Tohru looked down to her leg. She must have cut herself when she stumbled backwards.

"It's nothing really." Tohru said faking a smile.

She started up the stairs again, stopping as she came face to face with Kyo. 'Ah! I must have woken him up!'

"Ah, Gomen! I didn't mean to wake you Kyo-kun."

"You didn't wa-" Kyo began stopping as he watched a tear run down her cheek.

He gave Tohru a worried look and then looked down the stairs to Yuki.

"Leave Tohru to me."


Tohru smiled as she looked down at Yuki, "It's alright, Kyo will help me."
She was thankful that her face had been shadowed.

Kyo took Tohru's arm and walked her down to her bedroom. He pointed to the bed and she sat down.

"Let me get some things for your leg."

Tohru nodded as Kyo left the room. Her mind drifted back to what she heard downstairs.

"If you must know…Yes, Haru and I are….together."

It played over, and over again in her head. She felt more tears began to make there way down her pale cheeks. Closing her eyes, Tohru brought her hands up to cover her face. She didn't want Yuki to see her. Didn't want him to know why she was crying. Tohru's head shot up as the door opened. It was Kyo.

"Don't look so shocked, it's just me."

Tohru nodded and watched as Kyo started to tend to the cut on her leg, which was now trailing blood down onto the floor.

"What's wrong?"

"Anou….I cut myself…and it hurt."

"No. I mean feel like talking about why you're crying?"

"That is wh-"

"The real reason."

Tohru thought about it for a second before tears began to pour from her eyes.

"Gomen…it's just."

Kyo finished wrapping her leg and then sat on the bed beside her, watching as she cried. There was nothing he could do. He wanted to hold her, to stroke her hair and to tell her that it would be okay…but he couldn't. He didn't even feel angry…he just felt sad…he wanted to hold her. He wanted her to see him as more then just the anger he expressed…but she was his. She was in love with the stupid mouse. What he felt for her didn't matter right now though.
"Gomen" Tohru cried.

"It's alright…everything will be okay.." Kyo said finding the courage and finally putting his hand on her back.

Tohru stopped crying at his touch. She looked up, her face tearstained.
"It's okay to cry…I understand…but it will be okay…in the end."

Tohru felt hot tears welling up in her eyes once more. She reached out to put her arms around Kyo, but he stopped her by putting his hand on her head.

"I can't…."

Tohru took a second to realize what he meant.

"I forgot…."

"I know…"

Kyo moved Tohru so she was lying down on the bed beside where he sat.

"You should sleep." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Tohru smiled faintly as she sniffled and dried her eyes.

"Arigato gosaimasu…Oniichan" Tohru whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

'Oniichan?' Kyo sighed as he stood up. His efforts were mistaken. 'So she thinks of me as her brother?' Kyo thought as he grabbed the medical kit and left the room.

"How is she?"

Kyo looked up, rage in his eyes. It was Yuki with a worried look on his face.

"She's fine! She just hurt her self Baka nezumi"

Yuki glared at the back of Kyo's head as he walked away. He didn't want to disturb Tohru, but he was still worried.

End flashback