It was a beautiful spring day in New Mexico when the girl entered the ground level of Project Quantum Leap. Just from looking at her security could tell there was something off. She was no taller then 5' 4" and had long brown hair which barely covered what her shirt didn't as it hung over her shoulder. A pair of ripped and faded blue jeans and a badly serrated t-shirt were the only clothes she wore. She stood in the middle of the main lobby and stared about as if seeing the place again after a long time of being away. Slowly she began to come out of her stupor; shaking away the last remnants of some vague memory she lurched forward to the receptionist's desk. She leaned against it heavily, giving the woman behind the counter an unsavory view of her cleavage over the top of her loose-fitting and torn t-shirt. The receptionist watched as the poor girl clawed at the desktop as if she were holding on for dear life lest someone try to pry her away. Turning to look the receptionist straight in the eye she began to pant.

"I need to see Ziggy," she wheezed. She looked about ready to collapse and the desk worker felt sorry for her.

"I'm sorry," she said. "No one is allowed beyond this point without proper qualification."

"You don't understand," the girl pleaded. "I need to see Ziggy. It's urgent." The lady stared at her for a second before calling Dr. Beeks up to the lobby. The young lady had heard this and became agitated. "I don't need Verbeena," she barked. "I need Ziggy. I must speak to Ziggy."

As she was saying this, Dr. Verbeena Beeks entered the lobby. Seeing the girl clinging desperately to the receptionist's table she quickly dialed for a medical team on the curtsey phone beside her. The girl saw her and seemed somewhat relieved. Leaving the table she stumbled over to the psychiatrist and grabbed her blouse.

"Verbeena," she gasped, "Verbeena, I have to speak to Ziggy. Please, let me speak to her." Verbeena looked down at the girl clutching her shirt with befuddlement. She could have sworn she recognized those eyes from somewhere, but she couldn't quite place them. The girl continued to look up at her, entrancing her with those mournful blue eyes. Blue with an under-shadowing of...brown? Yes, she recognized those eyes; the sorrow and the pain, the fright and the loneliness. If only she could place that haunting look of being lost and alone. But she couldn't. Shaking her head she turned the girl over to the medical team that had just arrived.

"I'm sorry," she said firmly yet gently, "all access to Ziggy and the lower floors is restricted to personnel only." The girl stared at her, betrayed, as they strapped her to the gurney.

"NO!" she screamed. "Verbeena please! Ziggy! Ziggy, I need you! I need to talk to you! ZIGGY!!!" The paramedics looked sadly at Dr. Beeks, shaking their heads at what they assumed was just another loony. The girl did not abate her screams as they began to wheel her off. As they began to pull her closer to the door, Verbeena heard her change her cry to one that seemed senseless to her. "ZIGGY!!!" she was screaming. As she neared the door, she gave one last attempt. "004-002-02-016!!! 004-002-02-016!!! Ziggy, please! 004-002-02-016!!!" The paramedics paid it no mind as they began to wheel her away. Before they even got her half out, however, Ziggy's voice filled the room.

"Dr. Beeks, please bring the visitor to me for further interrogation," she said in her usual sweet tone. Verbeena jumped a little and the paramedics stopped; bringing the now quiet girl back after a few seconds and un-strapping her. She seemed a little shocked her self, but headed down the corridors to the console room without even a thought as to which way she was headed. This did not escape Dr. Beek's notice, but she pushed the thought from her head as she followed the girl to the housing of Ziggy. When they arrived, the door slid open to admit the girl entrance. Verbeena tried to follow but the door snapped shut curtly in front of her. A little put-out, she decided to go to the cafeteria while she waited. Arriving there, she found that her colleagues seated around a table, eating lunch.

"Gooshie," she said as she came closer. "Shouldn't you be helping Sam and Al?" The short little man shrugged and took a bite of his sandwich.

"Ziggy forced us out of the control room about fifteen minutes ago," he replied through a mouthful of food. "She said she could handle them; said she had some other business." Verbeena sighed and sat down with her co-workers. A few minutes later a piercing shriek rang out from Ziggy's control room. Worried that the crazed girl might have done something to Ziggy, Verbeena sped toward the console room, the other doctor's close behind. When they arrived, the door slid open before them, revealing the crazed girl Verbeena had left there lying prone on the floor in front of the door.

"Please have her sent to a medical facility within the project," Ziggy commanded. "She is not to be disturbed." Ziggy's orders were carried out quickly. All were curious as to what had happened, but Ziggy would not acknowledge anything regarding the girl's existence, let alone her conversation. The colleagues knew that the girl would be no better even if they could wake her. Ziggy had probably erased her memory to keep whatever it was confidential. The project workers dismissed the incident quickly; they had other fish to fry.