Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Game and am not making a profit from this story.

The Flower Maiden

Chapter Seven: Rules And More Rules

"There are many rules that govern us." Relena told her two charges.

Ishtar looked a little bored. "Such as?"

"The chief's word is law." Relena said sternly. "My father, Gabin, is chief of this tribe. The rules for women are stricter in nature than the ones that apply to men. Women are responsible for their own virtue but their menfolk are also protective of them because a woman's honor brings honor to her family. Loss of a woman's honor brings shame upon her family and her tribe. After the chief, a woman's male kin's word is law."

"Go nowhere alone. Do not meet any men alone except for him. I will tell everyone that he is your brother and only family." Relena nodded at Duzell. "Your arms and legs should be covered decently to keep from arousing the baser instincts of any man that you might encounter. Don't point. It's considered insulting."

Ishtar was sullen. "And what rules apply to Duzie?"

Relena gave the hint of a smile. "He is a man and no rules apply to him, besides the ones that give him the right of protection over you."

Ishar glowered. "That's not fair."

"Life is not fair." Relena replied. "Men make the rules and enforce them. But you'll find that life can be quite satisfying within those rules. Questions?"

"Yes." Ishtar leaned forward. "Can Duzie just be the girl here?"

"No." Relena said once she realized Ishtar wasn't kidding. "I'll take you under my wing and show you what you will be required to do in the way of chores and taking care of your brother since he has no wife."

"Great." Ishtar folded her arms across her chest and sighed. This was going to be boring.

"What will I do?" Duzell asked his hostess.

"Hunt, take care of your livestock, repair your tools. Boast with the other men and drink too much ale." Relena shrugged indifferently. "But be warned. Do not toy with any of the unmarried girls affections. One of our most basic laws is that none of our women may marry an outsider. So don't even think of dallying with any of them."

"Don't worry." Duzell said coolly. "I won't bother any of them. Ishtar's enough trouble by herself for two men."

"Hey!" Ishtar exclaimed, insulted, and whacked him in the side.

Relena smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. Ishtar, come with me. Duzell, I'll take you to my husband and he can show you what to do."

"What are we going to be doing?" Ishtar was suspicious.

"Cleaning for the most part." Relena answered. "Arcadia bought a wagon for your use but it needs to be cleaned."

"Fun." Ishtar sighed.

Relena smiled. "But if when we get done I will show you a little of the fortune telling we are so famous for."

"Fun!" Ishtar enthused. "Let's go. Hurry up, Duzie!"

Duzell heaved a silent mental sigh and glided after the two women.

"So that's how you do a tarot card reading." Relena was saying to Ishtar as Duzell walked through the door.

"Duzie." Ishtar greeted him. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Duzell shrugged. "It's been a long time since I've hunted."

Duzell enjoyed the look on Ishtar's face as she was plainly torn about asking the answer to his ambiguous statement. Finally, she seemed to decide she didn't want to know whether he meant human or animal.

"Uh...that's nice." Ishtar finally said. "Want me to do a reading for you? Relena's been teaching me."

Relena shook her head. "Later, Ishtar. Your brother has come how and wants you to prepare his supper." She turned to Duzell. "I assume you left the game outside?"

"I already spitted it and it's roasting." Duzell told her. "Ishtar's done a lot for today."

"Thanks, Duzie!" She jumped up and hugged him. "You know I don't like the sight of blood." She shuddered.

Ishtar's antics made Relena smile in spite of herself. "I have to go. My husband is probably wondering where I am right now and why his belly is still empty."

"Okay!" Ishtar untangled herself from Duzell. "See you tomorrow."

Relena headed towards the door. "You might just have a knack for fortune telling, Ishtar. Practice your cold reading on your brother. Laundry day is tomorrow so I will come and collect you after breakfast."

Luckily, Relena left before Ishtar started complaining.

"There's too many rules." Ishtar was a little grumpy. "You have to introduce me before I can talk to someone. After that, I can't talk to any man unless you're with me. Too many stupid rules."

"We're lucky they took us in." Duzell pointed out. "So we're going to abide by their rules."

"Not if I can help it." An unholy grin spread across Ishtar's face.

Not that look. Duzell was alarmed. Last time I saw that smile Ishtar ended up passed out in a bar full of sailors after dancing on a table.

"Whatever you're thinking, the answer is hell no." Duzell told her firmly.

Ishtar touched his arm. "I'm only going to shake them up a bit." She wheedled.

"No. I want no part in your crazy, insane plans that always backfire in the worst way." Duzell shook his head. "So don't even think about it."

"Man, Duzie." Ishtar said, disappointed. "You're just no fun."

Funny, Duzell thought. I never used to get that comment.