Title: From the West Side to the East Side

Summary: A female soc (Casey) discovers Ponyboy being attacked walking home from the movies...If she interfears she'll be cast out by the socs...but if she chooses not to...will it be the end for Ponyboy? What does Dallas do when he finds her brother beating up Johnny? Romance pairing Dallas/Casey...Caseys point of view.

Chapter 1

The day had been perfect five minutes before...Five minutes before I heard the scuffling in the alleyway...Five minutes before I heard that familiar voice growl;

"How would you like that haircut to begin just below the neck?". It's amazing how much your life can change in five minutes. My date, Sam, had said he would be back in a minute...and wait for him by the curb. Is that all it takes to beat up some poor kid in the alleyway? A minute?

As I peered into the dark alley I saw Sam holding a knife to some greasers neck. He and his friends had beaten him to the ground and were holding him down, threatening to slash his throat. I reconized the kid from school...he was in my little brothers class...Matt said Ponyboy always got the highest grades.

There was something in the kids eyes that made me snap. I guess it was because he looked so young...he reminded me of Matt. I was sick of seeing this happen. I know that it's the West side against the East side...but right then it was life against death...I knew Sam probably wouldn't kill him..but the look in the greasers eyes told me that he wasn't going to shake off being jumped as easily as I've seen some hoods and socs do it.

I ran up to them and yelled at Sam to let him go. Sam and the rest of them glared and went back to threatening the greaser. I pulled back my fist and took Sam right between the eyes. He looked up at me bewildered. He stood..shaking with rage. I backed up a few steps out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk. As I did a car full of greasers was driving by.

"HEY GREASE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The breaks came onto that car fast and four hoods jumped out. Sam was still comming towards me...untill he saw the hoods struttin' over. He yelled at his friends to get into his mustang but before he drove off he yelled "We'll leave you with the hoods Casey! Hope they don't ruff you up too bad!!" And they took off with squealing tires...

I turned and looked at the hoods who surrounded me. I pointed to where the beaten greaser lay in the alley. I had no idea what their reaction would be. Their eyes went wide and they took off swearing.

"What the Hell happened, Ponyboy?" One of them asked," God damned socs!"

"Calm down, Two-Bit, it ain't like they killed me."Pony said.

Jesus fucking christ" One of them muttered as he stood up suddenly and turned towards me. He reached for me and I pulled away. He growled and threw me against the alleyway.

"Were you in on this?" He asked shaking me. "WERE YOU!?" he yelled. I shook my head.

"No, Dally Don't hurt her." Ponyboy said, his voice straining. "She punched the soc with the switchblade."

Dally looked at me suspiciously, but he let go of my arms. "Git outa here." He said turning to Ponyboy. As I walked out of the alley I heard Pony say wait. I turned and he was being helped to his feet by Two-Bit and Dally.

"Thanks" I hear his soft voice say. Smiling, I walked away thinking everything would be alright. Boy, was I ever wrong...