Wow...I finally updated! And i wrote this in one day too! I just...decided to write! muahhhhh! It's been so long since i have, i hoep you all haven't lost faith in me! The story was at an ok stoping point but i figured i'd continue. Hope you enjoy!

Christmas Break wound to an end. Seamus and I didn't flaunt our new level of closeness around my family, simply because of awkwardness, but they knew we were more than just friends now. My other brother Caleb dropped in once to meet Seamus and things went surprisingly well, for my brothers. They seemed to like him well enough.

Fairy wasn't too much trouble, but I did come very close to chucking her painting out in the rain one day after one particularly annoying day. She then "accidentally" spilt to Daryl about Seamus and I kissing in my bedroom. I sat at the bottom of my stairs as he lectured me then went to find Seamus somewhere in our small house. I got up and walked to Caleb's room and Seamus crawled out from under the bed.

"It'll be safe to come out in an hour or two, but I wouldn't recommend it right now," I said. I was sending a psychological death ray to Fairy right then.

Seamus groaned. "It's cramped under there!" but he ducked his head back up.

"Oh come on, Silly!" I said and dragged him out. I looked both ways in the hallway, and after triple checking that the coast was clear, the both of us ran up the stairs to my room. "If he comes up, we'll hear him the stairs are creaky. And besides, there's probably aren't virus's growing under my bed. Who KNOWS what's in Caleb's room." I laughed at my own joke. Seamus just smiled weakly. I don't think he liked the idea of Daryl hunting him down, and I didn't blame him.

However, I had been in great spirits all holiday. It's completely true that kissing cheers one up, and the presence of my family made everything ten times better. Tomorrow we would be leaving back for Hogwarts, and although I would get to see Parvati again, I was dreadfully going to miss this newfound state of happiness. I sprawled back on my bed and smiled up at the ceiling.

"You have some nerve coming in here!" Seamus randomly growled. I shot up, and saw him glaring behind me. I turned and saw Fairy glaring back. I felt like punching her, but figured that punching a piece of canvas would do me more harm than her.

"Yeah, I don't want to speak to you right now!" My outer happiness vanished but I was still beaming on the inside.

"Calm, Lavender, think of the baby," Seamus sighed, but he shot an angry glance at Fairy, who was casually perching on her tree now.

"I still have 6 months!"

Seamus just shrugged and turned back to Fairy, who was now giggling at his protection over me. "Leave," he said.

She just batted her eyelashes. "Why would I do that? You two are putting on a pretty good show right here, though I might decide to leave if things get much worse. You see, my painting may be very old, but I am simply a young fairy and I would like to retain what little innocence I have left, if you catch my drift. If you guys really want to be alone just take him to that secret hideout I know you have. Then at least my innocence would be spared. It's already two late for the both of you." She laughed.

I glared at her Seamus shouted "GET OUT!" It was a big mistake. Not only did Fairy not listen but Daryl came running up the stairs.

"AhHA! I found you!" He jumped, and looked from Seamus to me. I put on a big cheery smile.

"You know it's just Fairy causing trouble," I said.

"Whatever. What is HE doing in here? Didn't I JUST tell you not to have boys in your room?"

"I was hiding him from you, thank you very much!" I stood up and lost my smile again.

"I wasn't going to hurt him!"

"Oh come on, Daryl. We only have one night left; we might as well enjoy it."

"Fine. But Seamus, as you yelled earlier, GET OUT!" He marched down the stairs in a huff, and Seamus's eyes had grown twice their size.

"Don't mind him, he isn't really mad, let's go and get some hot cocoa," I took him by the hand and pulled him down the steps. His hand was hot and sweaty in mine, and I could feel his pulse beating. I let go of his hand and looked at him straight in the eye. "Daryl really doesn't mean any harm. He thinks it's up to him to watch out for me, he's always been like this. I bet you anything that he'll greet you with a normal charm down in the kitchen."

This didn't seem to reassure Seamus that much, but he did go downstairs with me. I went to the kitchen through the dining room, just to be safe, incase Daryl was in the sitting room with Dad. I hadn't been completely honest with Seamus; Daryl usually took more than a minute to cool down.

I put some milk on the stove and sat down on the counter. Seamus just stood there with his hands in his pockets. "I told you not to worry," I sighed.

"It's not about that," he said, staring at his feet now.

"Then what is it about?"

"I don't want to say."

"Then why did you bring it up?"

"I didn't."

"Good point."

"I just don't know what's going to happen when we're back at school! There's just too much going on. What will we do AFTER the baby is born?"

"Well, gee, you don't think I'm not worried about that kind of thing either?" I shoved the fact that Voldemort was after my child in the back of my mind. I still hadn't told him. "We'll tackle that as it comes nearer."

"How can you be so calm?"

"I'm trying to enjoy happiness while I can. Don't be such a kill joy."

Seamus shrugged and hoped next to the counter. I sighed. If only he knew that was the least of my problems….

We said gracious goodbyes to my family, though Daryl only gave Seamus an empty hand shake. I just rolled my eyes and the two of us boarded the train. "Go say hi to your friends," I said once my trunk was settled into a compartment. Hopefully I could find Parvati without Seamus around so I could tell her everything. Seamus nodded and pecked me on the lips before walking out of the compartment. I giggled to myself and sat down, waiting for Parvati to walk by.

Eventually she did, right before the train began to move. She saw me and burst into my compartment squealing. Her sister went off to find her own compartment.

"Lavender! You're so big!" The last time she had seen me, I hadn't shown at all.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. My mood was declining, as I watched my family leave my view, but I was just as happy to see my best friend.

"Well?" She sat down across from me and put crossed her arms.

"Well what?"

"Well, who is he! What's the update on the baby? Last time I talked to you, you had gotten out of the hospital wing and were completely loony!"

I laughed. "Baby is fine, and I'm not loony anymore."

"That's good. Now who is it!"

"Define it." I smirked at her. I was giving her a hard time, just like old times, and it was fun. I knew she would be completely shocked at finding out "it" was Seamus and my fun would poof away. I should enjoy while I could.

"You know what I mean!" She snapped. "Who is the father?"

"Oh, it's Seamus." I said simply, with an air of discussing the weather.

"HIM?" She shouted. "How do you know? Are you sure? How can you know?" Her reaction was rather predictable…

"I know because Professor Dumbledore said it was, and he was the only one who couldn't remember who he had for the love potion class."

"So what are guys doing? Are you together? Married? Friends? Why does Professor Dumbledore know?"

"I'll get to that. But we were friends, but then I brought him to meet my family and I think we're more than friends now," I blushed and giggled. Maybe things would be like old times for at least a bit longer. Right on cue, Seamus came up to the compartment door. I motioned that he could come in and he sat down beside me. Parvati was convulsed with a fit of giggles. He and I exchanged looks.

"Can I talk a bit more with her? Then you can come in," I said to Seamus. He nodded and went out into the hallway. As soon as the door was closed I hopped over next to Parvati. "There's a lot more to it." I said under my breath.

"What? What's going on? What's wrong?" She read the look on my face. I had lost my humorous air now that I was about to finally tell someone who mattered about Voldemort.

"Look, there was a prophecy." At this Parvati squealed. She liked prophecies. I just rolled my eyes and continued. "Basically, it says that Seamus and my baby will be able to kill Harry Potter. So You-Know-Who tried to kidnap me, by sending Malfoy undercover to act like the 'father' and give me a false sense of security. He hugged me and everything! And then once, You-Know-Who even came into my dormitory himself, but fled when Hermione entered. She knows, and Dumbledore knows, and I think Harry and Ron know as well." I was finished. I sat back in the seat and let it all sink it.

There was a long moment of silence. "But you'll be safe at Hogwarts, right? And then you and baby can go into hiding or something…gee, Lavender!" Parvati was white in the face. There was another long period where no one spoke.

"I've got to keep my baby, unless I kill myself," I sighed. This perked Parvati up.

"Don't!" She looked me right in the eye and didn't blink.

"I won't." I said. It might've been a lie; I hadn't let myself think of it much. I didn't want to die, but if Harry did, the world didn't have much hope. If I did, it wouldn't matter. I sighed again. My happiness vanished completely at these thoughts.

"Don't do anything rash, I'm sure everything will come together in the end. You and Seamus can get married and start a life and put this whole You-Know-Who thing in the past." Parvati said, seeing my down face.

I choked. "We're just….somewhere. We aren't like going to get married, you know. And he doesn't know about 'the whole You-Know-Who thing' anyways, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Why doesn't he know?"

I shrugged. We heard a thump in the hallway and I opened the compartment door. Seamus had been sitting outside the door and had nearly been run over by the food cart. He got up sheepishly.

"Chocolate frog?" He grinned.

We bought some candy and the three of us sat and talked for quite awhile. For some reason Seamus was sitting near Parvati, instead of beside me. Our conversations wound down and suddenly, Seamus said, "So, You-Know-Who is after you and you don't bother to tell me?" He looked angry. My heart skipped several beats.

"H-how?" I stuttered, not sure what else to say. He stood up.

"I heard you two talking, if you're asking how I know," he spat. Parvati looked back and forth between Seamus's glare and my shocked and startled expression.

"Wait," I thought for a minute, "these compartments are soundproof, how could you have overheard."

He turned a bit red, but drew out a flesh-colored string from his pocket. "Extendable Ears, from a joke shop."

"So you were eavesdropping and expect ME to feel guilty?" I didn't know why I was so ticked off about this but my voice was rising.

"I'm….going….to go…" Parvati was out the compartment door in a flash.

"I was just curious as to what you were saying, and I was bored! You SHOULD feel guilty. I'm the father of the baby and you don't even tell these kinds of things?"

"Well I'm glad I DIDN'T, now that I know I can't TRUST you!" I stood up, tired of him looming over me. He was still looming, but only by 4 or so inches.

"I'm glad I did eavesdrop, if you aren't going to tell me things I'm supposed to know!" he shouted. I was so glad these compartments were soundproof.

"It doesn't concern you! It concerns me, and the baby. You-Know-Who wants nothing to do with you! You. Don't. MATTER!" I screamed the last part, breathing in heavily. Every emotion, every anger, everything stupid little thing that I hated about this whole situation was forming itself into hatred towards Seamus, but I didn't care.

"I wanted to help with OUR baby!' He put a huge emphasis on 'our'.

"So eavesdropping on me was somehow supposed to help?" I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

"I was trying to find out if you really liked me or not," he said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Well how about I clear that up for you then. I DID but I DON'T anymore!"

"Oh, I'm dreadfully hurt," he said sarcastically, though he really did sound hurt in the end. "I don't need to be involved, you know, and clearly you don't want me to be. Clearly, you hate me! I don't know what I did!"

"I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW BECAUSE I FIGURED YOU'D BE HAPPIER IF YOU DIDN'T!" I hollered. "I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING NOT TO KNOW! YET YOU GO AN RUIN THIS FOR YOUSELF!" As I screeched 'ruin' I shoved him with all my might against the window. He flew back hard and I turned away in embarrassment and frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Lavender?" He grabbed my shoulders and turned me back around to face him. I shrugged his warm hands off of me and stepped back.

"Get out. I don't want to speak to you again." I put a look of fierceness and sincerity on my face and pointed to the door. He hesitated, then left, slamming the compartment door behind him. I lied down along some seats and sniffed back tears the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

Well, there you have it. Thanks to ALLL of my reviews, i l.u.v. you guys SOOO much! huggles reveiwers hehhhh... anyways, i'll try to make this next update a bit quicker, assuming i get enough reveiws. Cheese, y'all!
