Author's Notes: I like the idea I made this fic on. Now for the acknowledgments: Orion belongs to Sonic626, Charlie, Alexa, Caitlin, and Jessica are mine. Everyone else belongs to Disney.

Life in Paradise

An orange pup was curled in a ball, a rubber pipe in his mouth, eyes shut. His tube slowly drained of the gel like liquid, leaving the pup laying, perfectly dry, eyes still closed. It stirred uncomfortably on the cold metal bottom that made up the tube. There was a hiss and the compartment slid down the pipe into another area, then there was another hiss as the wall slowly slid open, a comforting light coming through.

The pup slowly unrolled itself and stretched over the floor, he reached out and grabbed his feet, rolling up and onto them. He opened his eyes slowly and stretched again, taking the rubber pipe that had provided many a meal during his growth out of his mouth. The pup yawned before stepping out of the tube and into the light of the lab. He blinked a few times, getting used to the light as he looked around, walking up to a door and reaching for the knob, only he was too short. He got onto his tippy toes and stretched his arm out as much as possible, but still couldn't reach. He could just touch the bottom, but was still too short. Then the knob shook and twisted.

"Uh oh..." The pup said and went behind one of the many cabinets scattered throughout the room. The door opened and a black experiment with a purple chest, antennae and eye patches walked in. She hummed to herself as she walked through the lab.

The orange experiment poked his head out from behind the cabinet to see the female experiment. She looked around the lab, taking some chemicals in a box. Then she noticed the open tube and froze, looking through the lab. She noticed him. He gulped and pulled his head back behind the cabinet. She smiled and walked to the cabinet, looking behind it and at the orange pup.

"Hey there." She said, smiling brightly. The pup looked at her frightfully.

"Gah!" He cried, hopping to his feet and backing away.

She giggled, "I wont hurt you, little bro."

"Little bro?" He asked.

"Yeah, you're my little brother." She said, holding her hand out, "C'mon, want to meet the rest of our family?"

The pup nodded, taking her hand. She smiled brightly and held his paw, leading him to the door. There was a staircase leading upstairs. The female experiment walked up them easily while the pup had to nearly hop. In a few seconds and twenty stairs they reached the top, the female experiment opening the door.

"Ah, Jessica. Are you to be bringingk the chemicals I asked for?" Said a large, four eyed alien.

"Sorry, I didn't get them, Jumba. But look who I found!" Jessica said cheerfully, motioning to the orange pup.

Jumba looked at the pup, "Ah, so you are to be avake." He said, smiling brightly and holding his hands together.

"I'm going out, dad. Be back la-" said a six year old boy, who froze when he saw the pup. His look of shock faded away to a smile, "So, you're finally awake."

The pup only nodded. He knew how to talk, but didn't know what to say. Who were these people? What's going on? Who is he, for that matter?

"We're your family, you're the youngest of us. I'm Orion, this is our older sister, Jess and our father Jumba." The boy said, "Our mother is out right now, but she should be back in a few minutes."

The pup finally attempted to speak, "Who... am I?" he asked in a raspy voice. He was thirsty.

"Here, let me get you something to drink." Jess said, walking to the kitchen.

"We are not to be namingk you yet, 626-2." Jumba said. Or should the pup call him dad?

"Yeah, bro. We'll wait for mom to come home. She'll be upset if we don't wait for that." Orion said as Jess came back with a cup of water. The pup accepted the cup and downed the water.

"Hello, everybody. I'm back!" Said a soothing voice as a woman walked through the front door. She saw the pup and her smile instantely widened, "Oh, he's awake!"

"Hel- ah!" The pup said as she scooped him up into a hug.

"Oooh... he's so cute!" She said, then finally set him back down.

"She treated us like that, too." Jess laughed.

"What? You were all cute as pups." She said, then got down to level with the pup and smiled brightly.

"626-2 is to be first pup to come out of tube five and live naturally lifecycle." Jumba said, "All others who are to be comingk out in past have had accelerated growth."

"So lil bro is going to have a natural cycle?" Orion asked, and Jumba nodded, "Good, I was afraid my little bro would become an adult before I hit puberty. See bro? You're special."

The pup nodded, smiling. He had no idea what that meant, though, natural cycle.

"626-2? His number? Oh, that wont do. He needs a real name." The lady said.

"Aaah yes, Trish. We were vaitingk for you." Jumba said, smiling.

"Hmm... Kale? Nah... hm..." Trish said, lost in thought.

"What about... hm... Charlie?" Jess said.

"I like that." The pup said, nodding his head and smiling.

"Okay then, your name is Charlie from now on." Trish said, smiling.

Later That Day

The pup, now named Charlie, walked down the street. He was alone, but being an experiment he could take care of himself. He heard a sound in the bushes and stopped, looking at those bushes. He head the sound again and walked up to the bushes, parting the leaves to reveal a light red experiment with two long antennae flowing behind her back. He smiled.

"Hello." He said, walking up to her.

"Hello..." She said, looking down to her leg which had a cut on it.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked her.

"Yeah." She said.

"Here, let me see what I can do." Charlie said, putting both his hands over her cut. They shined orange for a second and then he pulled away. The cut was gone.

"Oh, thank you!" She cried, hugging him.

"So what's your name?" He asked her.

"Caitlin." She said.

"Hello Caitlin, I'm Charlie." He said, holding his paw out. She giggled and shook his paw, "How did you hurt yourself?"

"I tripped..." She said.

"Oh." He said.

Caitlin giggled as she looked by her new friend to two teen experiments. One was pink, with a white chest and two long, flowing antennae much like Caitlin's. The other was blue, with a light blue chest and black/purple-ish patches on his back. He looked like the adult version of Charlie. The blue one was swooning over the pink experiment, who was enjoying it.

"Whoops..." Charlie said, backing out of the way before the pink one ran him down, gently pulling Caitlin back before her and the blue experiment collided.

"Thanks." Caitlin said. Then the pink experiment stopped, noticing Charlie.

"Angel? What's wrong?" The blue experiment asked.

"Look, Stitch, a new experiment." Angel said, smiling.

"Who? Me?" Charlie asked.

"It's just a pup, Angel." Stitch said, waving it off.

"Oh, but I love new experiments." Angel said.

"Aw, c'mon, stop avoiding my question and answer me." Stitch said.

She thought about it for a second, looking at Stitch, "Okay, I'll go out with you." She said, smiling.

"Yes!" Stitch nearly yelled, smiling, "So... c'ya at 8!"

With that, Stitch left cheerfully. Caitlin giggled, in her month of activation she hadn't seen Stitch like that.

Angel giggled as well, "He's been trying to ask me out for a while. Well, I guess I should get going." She said, "Bye."

"Bye." Caitlin and Charlie said, but Angel was already gone.

"You could tell he likes her. A lot." Caitlin said.

"Yep." Charles said.

The two experiments started to walk down the street, talking and laughing. Soon a little girl with a hula skirt and red top flew into Charlie. Caitlin gasped and ran to them, helping Charlie up.

"Charlie, are you alright?" She asked worriedly. He blinked a few times then nodded.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The little girl cried, taking Charlie by his shoulders and looking him over to see if he was alright.

"It's okay. Really. I'm fine." Charlie said.

"Are you sure?" The little girl asked.

Charlie nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure."

Then an older woman shoved Charlie away, "Keep away from her!" She cried, "Lilo, are you okay?"

"Nani, I'm fine." Lilo said, "And I ran into him, so calm down!"

"You okay?" Caitlin asked Charlie again, helping him back up. He nodded slowly.

"I'm fine..." He said.

"What? Oh..." Nani said, looking to Charlie, "Sorry..."

"No..." He started, but Lilo and Nani were already gone. "... problem."

"That was rude." Caitlin commented on how Nani acted.

"Forget about her." Charlie said, smiling again.

Later that day, at night, Charlie climbed into his bed, pulling the covers over himself. It was a good first day, he made a friend, Caitlin. Closing his eyes, he tried to sleep without the help of chemicals from the tube. He rolled onto his side, trying to get comfortable, but no matter how comfortable he was he couldn't go to sleep. Soon Trish came in.

"Still awake?" She asked, sitting next to him. He sat up and nodded.

"I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep." He said, yawning.

"Here." She said, handing him a cup, "It has the thing in the tube that puts you to sleep. Don't tell your father I gave you this, son."

"Thanks." He said, taking it.

She smiled, "By tomorrow you should be able to sleep without it."

He nodded, drinking it. He gave her a hug before putting his head on the pillow and falling asleep.

"Goodnight son." Trish said, leaving the room and closing the door.