DISCLAIMER: I do not own Beyblades…only my OCS…Amara, Jules, Mya, Meredith, and Nancy
Summary: Amara Jones, cruised through high school staying pretty much undetected from any kind of change or social standings until grade 12 when everything decided to change on her. Her brother is home from college and has some big news, her friends suddenly want to attend the 'popular' parties, and her old best friend, the undeniably hot Kai Hiwatari is suddenly back in her life. And then there's prom and graduation to think about. Could life get any worse? Probably.
Chapter 1: Car Troubles
"He forgot me! I know he did. Probably over slept and drove right past here without even thinking!" The small red head shrieked pacing back and forth in front of the door. Every so often she would stop and peak out the large glass oval hoping for a glimpse of the vehicle she was waiting for. "He's always late for our early morning class. What kind of idiot even thinks of making classes start at seven in the morning anyways?"
"Amara, honey, you need to calm down," Nancy Jones sighed from her seat on the couch. She quietly sipped her coffee and watched her daughter slowly work herself up over nothing. "If you're so worried why don't you give him a call?"
"I can't call him!" Amara gave her mother a 'duh' look. "It was hard enough just asking him for a ride, I'm not going to annoy him even more."
"What makes you think that you're inconveniencing him?"
Amara stopped pacing and stared at her mother with her hands on her hips.
"Because he is Kai Hiwatari, the hottest most popular guy in all of Grenwich High and I am just little Amara Jones, someone he use to know," Amara snapped sarcastically.
"I don't understand you two," her mother sighed, tucking a piece of dark red hair behind her ear. "You and Kai were such great friends, what happened?"
"High school happened," Sam replied, taking another look through the door. "Ah, finally."
Kai's red Honda Prelude came screeching around the corner and stopped in front of the Jones's house. Amara gave her mom a quick wave before tromping up the driveway to the car. She gave a sad glance at her own car that was park in the driveway unable for her to drive. A loud rock song was blasting through his thousand dollar sound system causing the car to shake slightly. Kai gave her a curt nod and waited till she had closed the door before pealing away. Amara returned his greeting with a quick smile and allowed herself to take in her old friend's appearance.
Kai was almost too tall for his car since he stood at 6'4. His long jean clad legs looked a little cramped but having a nice car was more important to him than comfort. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a name brand logo on the front. His gray-blue hair was in its usual disarray. Amara looked away before Kai caught her staring at him but he seemed too preoccupied to even notice her eyes on him. His eyes didn't seem to be focusing on much of anything. He was especially not noticing the fact that he was getting closer and closer to the SUV in front of him.
"Kai?" Amara said tentatively hoping to gain his attention.
"Whoa!" Kai quickly shifted down to a lower gear backing away from the other car's bumper. "Sorry 'bout that." He quickly rubbed his tired eyes with his fingers. "Bit of a late night last night."
"Obviously," Amara spoke through clenched teeth and plastered on a smile for his benefit. "Maybe mommy needs to make the old curfew a little earlier so somebody can be up in time for his early morning class?" Amara smirked.
Kai shifted down again to a stop in front of a red light then turned to glare at his old friend. "I was working last night," he replied flatly.
"Alright, so along with losing all dignity you've also lost your sense of humor," Amara concluded sourly.
Kai didn't answer her instead he kept his eyes straight ahead. When the light turned green he jerked the car into gear and peeled through the intersection. He swerved into the fast lane to pass a slower moving vehicle that was actually going the speed limit. Kai turned left at the next green light without slowing down. Amara took her hands out of the pouch of her navy blue hoody so she could brace herself from the force of his turn.
"Actually Amara." She cringed. He said her name with such venom it made her sick. "I never lost my sense of humor." He whipped the car into the nearest parking stall before he continued. "You were never funny." Amara shot him the nastiest look she could muster before getting out of the car and slamming the door.
"Watch it there Butch, you break anything on my car and you will pay for it." Kai said rather haughtily.
It took almost all Amara's will power not to turn around and smack the smirk right off his face. She kept walking towards the school as quickly as her short legs could carry her. The sound of Kai's footsteps were gaining on her.
"Aw come on Smurf, it's all in good fun," Kai said putting his arm across her shoulders. "You know you still love me."
"Okay number one," Amara turned to face him blocking his path. "To use a nickname you have to be friends with that person. We are not friends anymore. Remember?" Amara poked him hard in the chest with her index finger. "And number two. I am not one of your bleach blonde bimbos so hands off." She turned to leave but then reconsidered and faced him again. "Oh one last thing, I don't love you. How could I?" She gave him a quick smile than walked into the school building leaving Kai a little stunned.
0 0 0
"Amara J!" Amara stopped, in the beginning of lunch break rush, at the sound of her name. Her eyes found the familiar brown haired head of the person who was calling her. She moved the side of the crowd to avoid getting trampled and waited for her best friend Jules to catch up.
Jules was dressed in one of her many creations. Both girls loved the local thrift stores. Amara usually would add to her collection of vintage t-shirts, while Jules was a little more out going in her selections. Today she was wearing form fitting yellow and black plaid pants made from corduroy material. Her shirt was just an average white button front collared shirt but Jules covered it with a tight black Nirvana t-shirt.
"Hey hey," Amara greeted her friend once she had caught up to where she was standing. "Those pants look great."
"And you thought they would be a horrible faux pa," Jules elbowed Amara and stuck out her tongue a bit.
"I can admit when I'm wrong," Amara huffed. They stopped in front of Amara's locker. She did her combination without even thinking about it and threw her books into it.
"Sure you can honey and Mya Greene isn't the biggest slut in the whole school," Jules laughed.
"Ugh, do not mention that girl when you're comparing me," Amara gave an exaggerated shudder. "I can't stand her."
"Hmmm, well Kai doesn't seem to mind her." Amara turned around to see where her friend was looking.
Sure enough there was Kai with Mya hanging off his arm. Mya was the same 5'3 height as Amara but you would never know it since all the blonde girl ever wore was high heels and plat forms. Her skirts were basically a strip of cloth that barely covered her thong, but none of the male students or staff ever complained. Her shirts couldn't even really be called clothing either. Her breasts or stomach were almost always showing and if they weren't all her shirts were so tight that nothing was really left to the imagination.
"What does he see in her?" Amara groaned in disgust.
"Somebody sounds a little jealous because that's not her draped over Kai Hiwatari," a familiar male voice came from behind the two girls who were busy staring. Amara felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and both her and Jules were pulled into a hug.
"Hello Johnny," Jules greeted their friend. He was holding them so the girls' faces were practically smooshed together against his chest.
"Ouch, Jules that was loud."
"Sorry Ams," Jules apologized. "Johnny you can let us go now."
"Right," Johnny complied releasing them from his hold. "I'm just so happy to see you both." He beamed at them.
"I just saw you last period," Jules said with a quizzical look.
"Fine," He huffed brushing his shaggy red hair out of his eyes. "I'm happy to see Ams." He pulled Amara back against him for another hug. Her head rested perfectly on his chest because of the height difference.
"Well I can't say I'm too pleased to see you," Amara pouted pulling away from him and crossing her arms against her chest.
"What'd I do?" Johnny's eyes darted back and forth from Amara to Jules.
"Oh, she didn't like your comment about her being jealous over Kai," Jules interpreted.
"But I was just telling the truth," Johnny shrugged innocently, giving Amara puppy dog eyes.
"I have no feelings towards Kai Hiwatari," Amara told him. She slammed her locker shut for emphasis. "You know that."
"Of course Ams," Johnny pulled Amara into his embrace again and this time Amara allowed herself to be hugged. Amara didn't know but he mouthed the word 'not' over her head to Jules. Jules smiled but didn't say anything.
"I think it's lunch time guys and we have wasted enough of our time already," Jules told them.
"So Amara where are we going for lunch today?" Johnny asked eagerly rubbing his t-shirt covered stomach.
"Can't today guys," Amara said glumly.
"What do you mean?" Jules asked.
"You can't let me down Ams," Johnny began to plead. "I look forward to this scheduled 45 minutes of the day where we are able to leave the school grounds to find the nourishment of our choosing and escape the pain that is cafeteria food."
"Stop being so dramatic," Amara rolled her eyes. "I don't have my car here so we have to way of getting anywhere."
"But you always have your car," Jules said. "How did you get to school today?"
"Hey Jones!" Amara, Johnny, and Jules turned around to see Kai walking towards them with Mya Greene still hanging off his arm as if she needed his support to walk. "You still need a ride home after school?"
"Yeah," Amara called back ignoring the looks of curiosity she was getting from her friends.
"Well, I can't give you a ride today," Kai informed her.
"Fine," Amara replied giving him a forced smile. "Will you still be able to give me a ride tomorrow morning?"
"Alright I'll see you at seven then." Amara could see Mya tighten her grip on Kai's arm.
"Yeah." Kai nodded and then turned to leave. Amara could hear him ask Mya to loosen her grip a few seconds later. Amara couldn't help but chuckle. It didn't last too long though. Her friends' confused faces caused her to choke a bit.
"Care to explain that?" Jules made it sound more like a command than a question.
"For someone who doesn't want anything to do with Kai Hiwatari you seem to be getting along fairly well," Johnny teased her.
"Shut up." Amara smacked him in the arm. "I was just about to explain it all to you when Mr. Arrogant decided to show up."
"Well I suggest you explain a little faster in case he decides he can't stay away from you," Jules added.
"Alright, alright, my car is in need of repair at this moment in time. I had no other way to get to school this morning and since Kai is in my early morning class with me I called him." Amara rattled off in one breath. "Happy now?"
"Yes I think that will suffice nicely," Johnny patted her on the head like a child. "You did a very good job." Amara swatted him and instead of letting the issue drop, Johnny hit her back playfully. Amara attacked Johnny and ended up jumping on his back. He picked her up and began to piggy back her down the hall as they walked.
"Too bad he screwed you over with not being able to give you a ride home eh?" Jules said, ignoring their elementary school type fighting. It was an everyday occurrence that she chose to ignore most of the time.
"Yeah, what a jerk," Amara sighed resting her chin on Johnny's shoulder. "I have to get home as fast as possible after school because I have to work at 4 but with taking the bus I won't get home till 3:30."
"Well you're lucky you have me here to save your sorry butt as usual," Jules smiled. Amara looked up excitedly causing Johnny to stumble slightly.
Jules nodded. It was then that Amara realized that they had been heading out to the parking lot the whole time.
"Ah! You're the best Jules," Amara shrieked and tried to hug Jules while still being piggy backed by Johnny.
"I guess we both win," Johnny smiled. "I get my food and you don't have to take the bus or be with Kai."
"You're right Johnny," Amara beamed at him as he still carried her. "Maybe today wasn't such a crummy day as it started out to be."
0 0 0
"See you tomorrow," Amara called to Jules as she backed her car out of the Jones's driveway. Amara dropped her heavy book bag on the floor and slipped off her black skater shoes.
"Honey, I think it's time to buy some new shoes." Amara jumped at the sound of her mother's voice from behind her.
"Geez mom you're gonna give me a heart attack," Amara turned and faced her mother, clutching her chest. Her heart was racing.
"Sorry 'bout that. I thought you knew I'd be home," Nancy smiled. She sat down on the living room couch and looked at her daughter who was still standing in the entryway gasping for breath. "Now about those shoes of yours…"
"Mom I don't want new shoes," Amara cut her off. "These things have seen me through high school. I think they can make it through to graduation. They deserve that right."
"Whatever you say honey," Nancy rolled her eyes and took a sip from her coffee.
"So mom when can we get the old Firefly fixed?" Amara flopped down on the love seat across from her mother.
"I don't know, it will probably have to wait till the weekend."
"But mom," Sam whimpered. "Today is only Monday. I don't want to have to beg Kai for a ride every day this week."
"I'm sorry honey, but Brian doesn't come home from college until the weekend and he's the only one in this family that knows anything about cars."
"Brian's coming home?!?!" Nancy smiled behind her coffee mug as she watched her daughter's eyes widen with joy and surprise.
"Of course he is. Christmas is in less than a month."
"Oh I can't wait. It's been like four months since he was here." Amara smiled at the thought of her older brother's return.
"I know but we can't afford to fly him home from California every weekend." Nancy reasoned. Amara nodded in agreement.
"Why did he have to go to university in California?" Amara pouted. "I hate not being able to talk to him."
"I know honey but that was what he wanted and I promised I would never stand in the way of my children's dreams," Nancy said leaning forward to put a hand on her daughter's knee. "And besides you two rack up a huge long distance phone bill every month so don't give my any crap about not talking to him."
"I know mom," Amara smiled thoughtfully. "I'd love to keep talking but I have to get ready for work." Nancy nodded and accepted a hug from her daughter before she left the room.
A few seconds later she could hear the sound of Amara's CD player, as she was getting ready for her waitress shift at Boston Pizza. Amara was never without her music. Her radio was on day and night if Nancy didn't go in there and shut it off for her. The music cut off and Amara reappeared at the front door dressed in black dress pants and a blue Boston Pizza shirt.
"Don't wait up," Amara called to her mother before rushing out the door. Nancy looked up from her book to say something but Amara was already gone.
0 0 0
"Ams, you got table 3?" Meredith, one of the other waitresses at the restaurant, called to Amara as she entered the kitchen.
"Yeah, my other table just left," Amara, told her placing the tray of empty glasses by the dishwasher.
"Thanks," Meredith smiled at her. "Three really cute guys were just seated there."
"Mere, would you stop trying to set me up with customers," Amara said with fake annoyance.
"Aw come on Amara, if I can't look for myself at least allow me the pleasure of looking for you," the older girl whined.
"Whatever," Amara smirked. "But you better be right because if these guys are anything like the last ones I'm going to seriously discredit you as someone who has good taste in guys."
"Trust me, these guys are hot," Meredith assured her. "Especially the tall blue haired one."
"Tall blue haired one?" Amara repeated dumbly. There was only one guy in town with that description and he was the last person Amara wanted to see.
Meredith gave her a little helpful shove out the kitchen doorway. Amara's eyes fell on the one person she did not want to see. Kai Hiwatari and he wasn't alone.
Well there it is, my newest story. I hope this chapter is good…please review and tell me what you thought. Please no flames…lets stick with constructive reviews…that would be much appreciated…thanks ;)
Miss Wright