Summary : Alternate ending of Grad Day part 1... Buffy gets stabbed in the gut by Faith, instead of vice versa. She wakes up from her coma almost 4 and a half years later in a completley different way than she had expected. ... and no Dawn, Willow is gay.. so Tara is in this fic.

Pairings : ... I'm thinking B/A and others.. not sure.

Disclaimer : I own nothing. If I did the shows would still be on tv and we all wouldn't have to suffer from this dyer need of Buffy/Angel lovey doviness...

The Prologue - Awaken, Sweet Girl

Alone, in a hospital bed in Sunnydale Hospital, Buffy Summers lay still on the plane of unconsciousness. Her coma had been four and a half years today. As the nurse did her daily report on the monitors and filled the tubes with Buffy's food, she saw something uncertain to her eyes.

Buffy's left hand twitched a little, but noticable enough for the nurse to shout for a doctor. The beeping noise from the heart monitor began to quicken it's pace, distracting the nurse. She frowned and then began to shout as the 'beeps' were no long steady, but fast and pumping.

A tall, slender man with a white lab jacket on and a clipboard under his arm ran in. The small plaque on his tag read 'Doctor Michael J. Landers. MD.'

He began to call out unfamiliar names and began to check Buffy for a sign of internal damage of some sort that could be bleeding. The beeping suddenly reached one long, single beep and a straight line across the monitor. Dr. Landers looked down at the body of Buffy Anne Summers before hearing a repetative beeping once again.

Astounded, Dr. Landers looked back up to the monitor where the steady 'beep. beep. beep. beep.' was coming from, then to the girl in the hospital bed. Her closed eyes were now wide open and a look of terror was on her face.

She was breathing heavily and just glancing from the nurse to the doctor in utter panic. She slowly reached her hand up and pulled the aching tube from her throat, then coughed. Her throat was sore and rough now.

"Angel! He's gonna die!" She shot up quickly but found it difficult to move so fast with the world spinning like it was in her head.

"Miss, please calm down. Your in Sunnydale Hospital. Do you remember who you are?" Asked Dr. Landers patiently, while setting a calming hand on Buffy's forearm. The nurse looked stunned. Four years ago, the staff had made it a conclusion that this girl was never going to wake from her coma...

"Buffy Summers. I.. I live here. In Sunnydale, that is. I - " Buffy paused noticing how hoarse her voice was. "Wait... w- why am I here?" The question was almost hesitant, as if she didn't want to know. The last thing Buffy remembered was Faith... on the balcony... and the knife!

Flashback - Four Years Before

Buffy and Faith were now out on the balcony to Faith's apartment, going at it. They had long forgot the hand-to-hand combat and had picked up weapons.

Faith held a large steel pipe and Buffy held Faith's dagger up, ready to place it inside of Faith.

"That's mine!" Snarled Faith through gritted teeth. Buffy shrugged a little.

"Your about to get it back..."

With that, Faith advanced on Buffy and bucked her behind the knees with the pipe. Instantly, Buffy fell to the ground but brought her left leg up with a kick beneath Faith's chin, then jumped to her feet spryly.

Faith stumbled back but refused to fall. The sneer on her face was full of anger and hate, one that would not easily loose to a fight. Swiftly, Buffy lunged towards Faith with the dagger in her hand, but Faith was too quick. She grabbed the arm with the dagger, and wrapped her free arm around Buffy's neck, turning them so Buffy's back was pressed to Faith's chest.

Struggling, Buffy began to pull on Faith's arm that enclosed her windpipe. Faith stood behind smiling, and yanked the knife from Buffy's weakening grip. She planted the knife right in front of Buffy's abdomen and slammed it hard through the thin silk material of her shirt.

Blood seeped through and Faith let Buffy fall to her knees. "Faith..."

End of Flashback

The doctor was saying speaking but Buffy's thoughts were blocked. His lips were moving but nothing seemed to be coming out. The nurse was running around frantically, checking blood pressure, hearbeat... Buffy basically ignored her.

"Miss Summers? Did you hear me?"

Buffy shook herself from her thoughts and knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. "Where's my mom? Is she here? Anyone else?"

Dr. Landers bit his lip and looked down. Buffy narrowed her eyes perceptivley and tilted her head, clearing her aching throat. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Summers. Your mother past away from a brain tumor about two years ago. I really am sorry."

Buffy blinked, staring at the doctor like he had grown two heads or something. "W-what? I... how long have I.. I mean.. been here?"

He sighed softly and then made eye contact. His face was sad and young but his eyes told a wise story, so much like Buffy's own. "Four and a half years."

Buffy gasped and had a look of utter shock, like a deer caught in headlights."I..." She stopped and thought a moment. Faith had put her in a coma! Four years...

Slowly, Buffy closed her eyes tightly and tried to fight the tears. Her mother was gone and Angel was probably dead from the poison on the arrow. It was her fault. She couldn't save him.

Later That Night

Buffy sat up slowly from the small bed in the hospital and glanced around. It looked like nobody was in her hall at the moment. Good... She thought to herself as she stood up, making sure the string on the side of the hospital gown was tied tightly at her hip. Buffy tugged at the IV in her left arm until it came out, causing her to wince a little.

Her door creaked when she pulled it open and peered out into the dim, empty corridor. Buffy stepped out into the quiet hall and began to slowly walk towards the doors. They looked so far away, an endless walk that seemed to never get closer.

Four years. Four whole years. Buffy shook her head disbelievingly as her thin, clammy hands touched the cold shining silver that was the doorknob.

With a sharp twist, the door opened, and Buffy Summers stepped out into her new world.

Hmm.. do you like it? Lemme know. This is a short chapter yes.. but just the prologue!! Review!!