Chapter Eleven

"Please, tell me your name," Treize's voice was a soft rumble as he stared at Usagi tucked into his arms. This part of the ritual was easy, he didn't expect any issues. Soon all these small trials would be finished and she and her endless energy would be his.

"Usagi Tsukino," Usagi muttered as her eyelids fluttered. She was still so tired despite sleeping through such a large chunk of the day. "Where are we?" she tried to look around but she was so tired she could barely lift her head.

"Good, now, do you have any plans to hurt me, or the company? We're on our way to a special suite. I decided that questioning you on the way would be the best use of time. You're doing wonderful so far, just keep telling me the truth."

"Well, sometimes I've wanted to get even with Z for being so mean to me all the time, but no not against you." She shook her head and whimpered at the energy strain. Why was it she always felt so tired around her boss?

"Very good, you're doing very well, Usagi." Treize strode down the halls as he questioned the semi-conscious girl. Of course, his sister had tried to convince him to do the questioning portion inside a surveilled room but he had no patience. He was ready to feast on her unbridled energy.

The girl nodded along to his words. She and Duo had been given some sort of odd liquid and ever since she had tried it, her world had not been quite the same. Strangely enough, no one had been allowed around her since. Well, not that could remember in any case. After she had taken it, she had been even more woozy than usual.

"Do you have plans to ever leave?" his voice was just a rumble in her ears and he watched as her eyes slid closed. That would not do. He gave her a little shake until she blinked and stared up at him and he had her attention once more. "Do you have plans to leave this company?"

"I have nowhere else to go."

"Do you have plans to leave?" Treize asked again stressing his words as his eyes narrowed. "If you had a place to go, would you leave?"

"I don't think so, I have no reason to. Treize, I feel really weak, can we do this another time?" she tried to hide her head against the rough uniform of his shirt. Where was he taking her anyway? All of this questioning, while he was carrying her, seemed really unusual.

"No, you are finally ascending to the place where you belong. When this whole thing is finished, you'll truly be part of my team, closer than most. Now, this is an important one. Do you promise to obey me?"

"Obey?" Usagi parroted the words as her brain tried to comprehend them. "I can try?"

"Try will not be enough, Usagi. You must promise to obey me, or I fear your fate will not be a pleasant one. You have come too far and been subject too much for me to just let you go. I believe it is time you learned something about your position, and no matter how you feel about it, it's too late to escape your destiny." He reached a door and putting a code in she couldn't quite see he opened it and deposited her a bit rough on the giant plush bed that dominated the room.

"Destiny?" At his silent glare, she looked away from him and tried to gather her wits. "I promise," she whispered.

"Say the entire thing," he urged as he towered over her.

She slunk back until her back hit the headboard as she scooted away from him. She felt her hands grasping the covers as he moved closer to her. He was at the foot of the bed, his eyes blazing as he waited for her answer. "I promise to obey," she whispered.

Her words made his menacing posture vanish. "Very good," he congratulated as he was once again all business. "You belong to me now, heart, soul, and body."

"Body?" her voice quivered.

"Yes," his voice was a dismissal of the question like it wasn't that important to him. "I'm more interested in the essence that makes you so special to me." he smiled down at her as she shrunk back. "I'm usually not one for such base matters, you understand. You must be broken in though, and I have two choices. I can use one of my employees, or I can do the task myself. I'm afraid my self-control could snap and I'd take too much of your energy the first time, so I'm going with the former option. He should be in here…" his words trailed off as someone knocked on the door. "Ah, very good. I will be back to collect you after the deed is done, and we can discuss your new position more as we finish the other parts of the ritual."

Before giving Usagi a chance to respond he turned his attention to the stranger and handed him something as he whispered something in the young man's ear. Whatever it was caused the other to stiffen and Treize to chuckle before he left the room and the two alone.

Usagi gulped and tried to scoot back more but felt her back hitting the wooden frame. "Please, don't hurt me," she whimpered.

He scoffed and shook his head. He waited for several moments with just a finger held to his lips as he advanced on the girl. When he got within reach he sat on the far edge and studied her. "I won't defile you," his words were soft but the twist to his lips revealed how disgusted he was at the idea.

Usagi breathed a sigh of relief. "But I thought…" her voice was shaky as she tried to come out of the trance Treize had put her in. Whatever she had consumed was really doing a number on her. She was steadily getting her energy back but it was not easy.

"This is a disgrace, to hire someone else to do...this. This is nothing but dishonor. I'm going to get you out of here."

"Wait, what?" Usagi's jaw dropped at the revelation and her voice would have risen if the young man hadn't motioned for her to keep it down. "You're going to do that for me?"

"I'm not sure why Treize seems so obsessed with you, but he won't have you any longer. Come with me." it was an order, not a request.

"Why should I trust you?"

He raised an eyebrow at her as if he couldn't believe she really asked that question. "You did hear what his plans were for you, didn't you? I took over one of his employee's spots, the other has been dispatched. The mission was to kill him before it even got to this, but when I heard what the intentions were…" he trailed off as a dark cloud passed over his face and his fist clenched in anger. "I wouldn't be much of a man if I let that kind of thing happen while I could stop it." He held up a colorless gem. "Look, he gave me this to gather your energy. He cared so little about what was to happen here, he didn't even realize I'm not one of his men. He planned to use you as a battery and I suppose this type of...activity… gives him more energy than others." he spat the words in disgust.

"You're going to kill him?" Usagi couldn't help but squeak and threw a hand hastily over her lips as if terrified the sound would summon others. Her mind raced as she thought about this development. Treize creeped her out, she could say that now. She enjoyed making more money, and she enjoyed Zoisite, but she did not enjoy spending time with her boss and feeling like a possession. A thought crossed her mind and she realized what she hadn't been able to pin down, every time she had felt weak and out of sorts, Treize had been involved.

"He's a threat, he will be dealt with. Him and his sister and this entire corrupt corporation. All of it will be taken down." he assured. "Now, come."

"Aren't you worried he'll come in? Isn't he outside listening in?" she whispered.

The boy chuckled. "He's not much of a man. He won't stay to listen to this, he left to go tend to his men and check in with his sister and her pet. We aren't leaving through the door. I am sorry that I have to take you with me, it's no place for a woman where we are going, but it is far superior to….this." he gestured with a hand at the enormous bed that filled the room.

"Who….who are you? You've told me all these horrible things and I don't even know who you are, how can I trust you won't do worse once I'm out of here?" Usagi felt chilled and rubbed her arms as she studied him cautiously. His ponytail really looked like it had to hurt with as tight as it was pulled back.

"Wufei," He answered with a simple word. "Come with me, Usagi. Let me save you from this. Things are only going to get worse if you go through this. We'll protect you." she hesitated a moment before nodding and putting her hand in his. Despite himself, Wufei felt a brief smile flicker across his lips at the contact. Just a touch made him feel warm inside which was alarming, to say the least. "Well then, follow me."

Usagi nodded and together they went to the window that overlooked the entire cityscape beneath them. She took a sharp breath as she realized just how high up Treize's suites really were. "How are we getting out of here?"

Wufei smirked in response and pulled out a device from behind his back. "It's a bit old fashioned for a glider, but it will work for the two of us. However, we're going to take that sheet with us as well, it's thick but still breathes well, we can make an emergency parachute to hold if in case things fall apart."

"Parachute?" Usagi resisted the urge to fall to the ground. This had not been what she expected and she found herself clinging to the stranger as fear rushed over her. "Can't we just sneak down the stairs or something…. Please?"

Wufei felt a tug of regret as he stared into her pleading blue eyes as he shook his head. "No, we have to go, now." He disentangled her from around himself and ignored the loss of warmth as he worked quickly and constructed a rudimentary parachute. "Okay," he turned back to her again and nodded towards the window as he held his hand out for her's once more, "let's go."