No matter what I own nothing. this is what my crazed mind can create. Yay!

Cookie-Oh! The cooking show

Today on Cookie-Oh! The cooking show, we have Yugi making grilled cheese and chocolate milk! Yugi walks out onto kitchen set and stands on stool (haha mini joke...not really) "Hi everyone!" shouts Yugi "Today we're making grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk, yumm!" he then walks over to the fridge. "First we will need bread, cheese and butter" walks back to counter with stool. Sets stuff on counter. Then pulls baking sheet out of nowhere. "First, we take the the butter and spread it on one side of the bread..." spread butter, with fingers because he forgot the knife (stupid). "once that's done then you put cheese on the side that doesn't have butter on it. I don't have normal cheese, I'll use goat cheese" puts goat cheese on bread (ewww). "Then put another piece of bread on top and put it on the cooking sheet.." places a really gross grilled cheese sandwich on a cooking sheet. "now place it in the oven..." walks over to oven and places the gross sandwich in, and pulls out another sandwich that was already in there, without oven mitts "Owwww it burns!!!" runs back to counter and throws the sandwich. "that hurt.....stupid BEEP BEEP!!!!!"

please stand by, were having technical difficulties

now back to our program

Yugi is standing on the stool, with his hand wrapped in bandages, and is glaring at the sandwich that burnt him. "now that the sandwich is cooled down, we can eat it" flips sandwich to realize that he didn't flip it and one side is soggy and gross. "yumm looks.....good" takes a bite the goat cheese squeaks at him (it actually does I ate some once and it squeaked), smiles turns around spits it out "yumm that was good...... now for the chocolate milk" walks to fridge again "we need milk and chocolate sauce" walks back, picks up sandwich and throws it far away. "first pour milk in a cup and add some chocolate for you" puts some chocolate sauce in cup "and the rest for me!" drinks the rest, falls over the jumps up runs on the walls, because he is very hyper. "That's all for me now leave me and the chocolate goodness alone!!!"

ummm ya review plz!