After hours on a train ride, a trip in a boat across a lake, a hike across the grounds, and entering a glorious hall with an intriguing ceiling, Hogwart's new first year students were anxious to see what would come next. How could one school involve so many exciting and new things?

Hermione walked behind her friends, mesmerised by the hall around her. She'd never seen so many young people in the one place! Her parents held dinner parties often enough, but never with any children. A year away from her father, surrounded by people her age and immense knowledge. Hermione knew she was going to have a great year.

Yet as she looked ahead at Draco, she wondered what it was in him that was changing. Hopefully she wouldn't change, and hopefully she could prevent him changing any further. She'd only ever seen Draco around friends, people they trusted, and now it seemed he was trying to prove something to everyone else. She was used to being hit, so Draco's actions weren't new, but she was surprised. For someone supposed to be her best friend, and who had promised to always protect her… well, he was doing a rotten job.

The first years lined up, and after realising what it was the had to do to be 'sorted' into the school's houses, all visibly relaxed. Hermione was confident as to where she should be placed. Her whole family had been placed there, it was her society, her life.

"Hermione Granger … interesting, it seems you could have led a different life. Had you wanted to be placed in Gryffindor. But no, within you there is a passion to exceed and beat others with your knowledge. Ravenclaw does not offer the support and family network that you need, even though there is a great focus on school work. Hufflepuff is out of the question. It seems the house for you is SLYTHERIN!"

Hermione smirked as she stepped down from the pedestal, she spotted the Potter boy smiling at her in amongst the wild Slytherin cheering and smiled back at him. As she walked past the boy she purposefully bumped his arm, "Sorry, Harry", before continuing on her table. He was still watching her. Good. Perhaps he would be so infatuated that he might choose to join the prestigious Slytherin house of honour Slytherin.

After Longbottom, Neville was sorted into Gryffindor and a few other students, Harry's turn had arrived. He was nervous and shaking as the whole hall started to whisper his name. How was he known?

"Harry Potter. I've been waiting for some time to speak to you. You will be powerful and brilliant no matter which house you choose to be in. So, on that note … let's examine your qualities."

As the hat began speaking in his head, Harry looked around the hall. The Gryffindors were standing up, their excitement obvious, giving each other thumbs up. The Hufflepuffs were talking animatedly between themselves, not even looking up at him. The Ravenclaws were smiling politely in his direction. The Slytherins were … nothing. They were staring at him, making gleering. Yes, Ron had been right – this was the house where all dark wizards and witches had started. This was the house where one radiant girl watched him, smiling.

He had never had any attention from girls. From anyone really – unless it was negative attention. Suddenly he found himself craving attention. And he knew just where he could get it.

"That's your decision then? Alright – GRYFFINDOR!"

Walking to the Gryffindor table, Harry found himself grinning madly at the new friends he had met on the train. So what if this Granger girl payed attention to him? So did Ron, Neville, Ron's brothers, the whole school really. Everyone knew his name, and he wouldn't risk becoming a dark wizard just to get the girl.

Harry hi-fived Ron as he took the seat next to him and though he couldn't be more happy. At the end of the night, Harry turned to look at Hermione and found himself not surprised at what he saw. Draco Malfoy was with her and both looked smug. As Malfoy caught his eye, the wicked boy put his arm around his best friend and, still looking at Harry, moved with Hermione out of the hall.

It seemed Harry had made the right choice.

"If I ever do anything like that again, you can have my broom, ok? I was just being over-protective of you. Malcom tells me all brothers can't help being over-protective of their sisters. I wasn't thinking of the plan to snag Harry. I was just thinking that here was my best friend flirting with the enemy and insulting me. I'm a bit of an idiot, and I'm sorry for hitting you. You don't deserve that from anyone, least of all someone you should trust."

"Draco Malfoy, you're an idiot! If I ever do anything so stupid as flirting with Potter again, you can have my cat, ok? Yes I am mocking you, but I'm also serious. It was a good idea to try and win him over, but I don't think either of us went about it the right way. Let's not let this fool get the best of us. Let's not let him destroy our friendship."

Draco hugged Hermione and wiped some tears from her face. "Come on! You've got a year of happiness ahead of you. Stop worrying! That's better. Now, I'm going to let Blaise and Pansy back into their bedroom so you girls can stay up all night gossipping and making your eyes permanently green with silver stripes."

Draco smiled to himself as Hermione hit him with her pillow, and ran from the room, across the hall and into the first year male quarters.

Lying on his bed, arms crossed behind his head, Draco thought to himself, "Yep, this year is going to bed great."