I want to dedicate this story to my faithful reviews from my last story and to Jeff Weiss for listening to me at school.
Phoenix FlameBrother Blood sat in his new office at the new location of the HIVE academy. He was listening to the computer read off all available information on the Teen Titans. He wanted to do the impossible. To turn one of them completely evil.
"Computer began playing files. Tell me all available information on current and past Titans. Their strengths, weakness, and powers the whole enchilada." He told the computer as he sat down to his cup of tea.
"Beastboy: Real name Garfield Logan. Powers can turn into any animal that ever walked the Earth. Strengths humor while weakness is he's too chicken at times to fight. Loves tofu, video games and Raven. Past love interest includes Terra."
"Cyborg: Real name Victor Stone. Powers, cybernetic teenager with advantages in computers and mechanics. Strengths attitude while weakness is desire to be human. Loves computers, sports, crush is Jinx."
"I know that already. I thought you had something new for me." Brother Blood demanded
"Raven. Half human half demon. Powers include teleportation, levitating, magic and can read minds. Strengths are reasoning while weakness is indulging in rage. Loves meditation, books, and Beastboy."
"Starfire: Real name Koryianda ( I think that's how you spell it.) Powers include flight, starbolts, and super strength. Strengths are happiness weakness is too trustworthy. Loves mustard, shopping and Robin."
"Terra: Formally freelance and Slade. Powers include control over the Earth. Strengths are deception while weakness is easy to manipulate. Loves fun, friends, and Beastboy. Current status is a stone statue." The computer read without emotion.
"My god a statue! What good does that do me? I could only use her as a doorstop! The last one better be good." Brother Blood threatened
"Robin: Real name unknown. Formally Batman's sidekick. Powers include unusually gifted in karate and limited supply of gadgets. Strength is friends and weakness is obsession. Loves hanging out with friends, stopping crime and Starfire. Classified medical information aviavible."
"Classified information? Well read it already." Brother Blood said sitting forward in his chair. He really wanted to hear this.
"Robin is a patient of one Dr. Leslie Tompkins of Gotham City. He is diagnosed with Disocitive Identity Disorder. Has been seeing her for five months now. According to computer records he has a dark persona that goes by the name Dark Robin that caused trouble about five months ago. Here is the file on him." The computer told Brother Blood
"Dark Robin: Real name unknown. Powers include super speed, strength, and intelligent. Also can shoot lasers out of his eyes. Strengths are ruthlessness while weakness is he won't kill. Loves causing mass mayhem, destruction, and Starfire."
"This is perfect absolutely perfect! This is what I need. A real leader that I can groom and cultivate in the ways of evil. I must have him. Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth get you're sorry butts in here this instant!" Brother Blood shouted into his intercom system.
The top three agents of the HIVE arrived instantly. "Yes Headmaster what can we do for you?" They all asked. His brainwashing abilities still controlled them.
"I have an assiment for you Neanderthals so don't mess up. I need you to go capture Robin for me and bring him back to me alive and in one piece. Do I make myself clear?" Brother Blood asked eyeing the three.
"That snot nose punk? What do you want him for? He's a big nobody I mean he doesn't even have any powers." Gizmo retorted smart alackly
"Shut your trap Gizmo. Ignore him Headmaster we'll do as you say." Jinx hurriedly told him. She didn't want to be punished again for Gizmo's insolence.
"Good now get out of my sight and don't return without my prize." Brother Blood told the trio as they hurried away. No one liked the Headmasters office. It was too creepy with all these weird devices and statues all around the room.
Brother Blood looked at his computer and asked the computer "Is their anything you forgot to tell me before I sent those wrenches on their mission I should have known?"
"The Titans each bear a power crystal given to them to mark them as guardians of the Earth. It has immense powers ranging from longevity to healing. No evil can touch it." The computer said showing a picture of the crystals and Starfire healing herself with hers.
"No matter my agents will figure out something. Soon he won't be able to wear that thing anyways. Personally I think its ugly. No soon Robin will be my student and leader of the HIVE. He will be an excellent lieutenant and my masterpiece. Soon very soon the Titans will be destroyed." Brother blood said to himself laughing at the prospects of the future.
Staring up from his computer screen was the file on Dark Robin. His face in an evil smirk glaring from the computer screen like he knew what was going on. It looked like this time around no one would stop him.
Next I guess the screen would black out and the theme song would play but I'm too lazy to look up the words so just imagine. Hope you like first chapter. There will be either ten or eleven chapters. So keep reading and reviewing.