Harry sat on his bed at number 4 Privet Drive in deep thought. The Dursleys were exceptionally nice to him since the train station, he knew why. It was because of Moody's threat to the Dursleys, to be nice and kind to Harry because he has suffered. Well whatever the reason it kind of creeped Harry out. He dismissed it from his mind as did had done to many things often. It was around 4:00p.m. Harry decided to go to the park, he had been continuing his routine like last year grabbing various newspapers every now and then but now he could do what he pleased in the Dursley's home so he watched the news while completing some of his essays. He grabbed his wand and stuck it in his back pocket and remembered what Moody said before 'Boy don't do that I have known wizards that have losted their buttocks that way' Harry laughed at the thought even though it wasn't a whole hearted laugh. Harry thought to send a letter to Lupin because he didn't send yesterday so he decided to write quickly and then go to the park.

Professor Lupin,

Hi. I am fine. The Dursleys are treating me so well it is almost scarier than Voldemort. Well I am just writing so you don't have to come and check up on me and I am being good I promise.


Harry hated writing those letters because he had to promise to be good and he would lie low he seemed to think of being left in the dark and feel like a child who couldn't handle anything.

'Oh well they are only doing it for your well-being. Yeah but I can take care of myself.'

He thought along those lines until he got to the park. He sat on the old swing one of which Dudley and his gang haven't broken yet or too rusted that it would itch the side of your arm uncomfortably. Sitting there for a while he kind of swing a little but not much it was more like a rocking motion. Sometimes Harry would wonder if Sirius was really gone along with his parents. He would wonder if they knew of his life or anything of the sort. He also pondered. Next thing he heard a small 'pop' he knew it someone from the order was here. They were somehow trained to not make loud 'CRACK' when they apparated.

"Who is it?" He asked what looked like the tree.

"Ah man, Harry didn't think you would notice." Tonks said taking off the invisibility cloak and sat on the swing next to Harry. Tonight her hair was a blonde and she had blue eyes like Dumbledore's but they lacked the mischievous blue twinkle.

"Yeah well you have to listen to Moody ... Constant Viligentance!" They said the last part together.

"You are right there Harry."

"So Tonks what has it been like at the order lately?"

"Well first of we have been really busy with a project, and no you cant know about it, um everyone has been more tired, err Dumbledore has been the busiest with the project us in the order are mainly researchers." She explained to him.

"Well are Ron and Hermione there?"

"No well Ron is but Hermione is at her house."

"Oh why?"

"Well for one thing Ron has gotten himself a girlfriend whose parent are in the order so she is living there too and Hermione said she didn't want to be there because she would have anyone to hang out with."

"What about Ginny?"


"Oh I bet Ron was furious."

"Yep he was but tried to hide it."

"Wait what about me?"

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend Harry who is it?"

"No, not that I mean what about me I would have been there with Hermione."

"Oh, well she didn't think you were going to be there you would not rather I should say, and I think she is right."

"That you and she is. How is Professor Lupin?"

"First of all he isn't your professor anymore. Second he is busy and has got a new girlfriend in the order."

"That is good."

"Yeah but he was dreadful after..." Harry knew where she was going with this...Sirius. "Harry I am sorry. I didn't mean..."

"No it is okay."

"You sure?" He didn't have the chance to answer because Dudley and his gang could be heard coming up the street yelling about some kid. Harry turned around to tell Tonks to hide but didn't see her so she must have disappeared under the cloak. Harry was allowed to use magic this summer so if Dudley messed with some kid or him he was ready he had a nice jinx in mind as well. Here came the gang behind some kid. The kid reminded Harry of him about 7 years ago. When Harry was almost 10. Being chased by the gang but being faster got him a lot of get aways. But this kid was in great danger. The young boy ran into the park near Harry.

"Help me please they are going to get me because I didn't give them my pocket money." The young boy plead.

"Okay I will just sit on the swing I will handle this." Harry said to the boy getting up from the swing so the young boy could sit down.

"Harry no magic in front of these people." Harry heard Tonks whisper in his ear.

"I am not only if I need to." Harry whispered back. The gang approached. Harry was ready.

"Is this Potter?" Said a random person in the group.

"Potter isn't that your cousin we used to beat up all the time? Kid with the funny scar that he got when his parents died in the car crash?"

"They didn't die in a car crash!" Harry yelled.

"Then how did they die?"

"They were murdered."

"Really well lets not waste time Potter step aside we need to deal with business." Malcolm said. Harry didn't move, Dudley was watching Harry's hands and noticed a lump in his back pocket. He knew not to mess with Harry he had a wand. But he wouldn't do anything in front of all these people but Harry would write to those people. Harry liked seeing his cousin so confused he seemed to not know what to do.

"Lets go Malcolm he isn't going to take our time lets just go." Dudley said.

"What afraid of your cousin?" He said teasingly.

"No, Malcolm my mum and dad said I have to be nice to him."

"Why is that I thought they didn't like him?"

"Well, I don't know the reason lets go."

"Whatever." Malcolm said.

"Dudley?" Harry said to his cousin.

"What?" Dudley said knowing where this was going to end up.

"Don't touch any kid tonight or for the rest of the time I am here as in the summer."

"Why does that concern you?"

"Because I said so." Harry said reaching in his pocket to threaten Dudley.

"Your not allowed you'll get in trouble with your school. Gang I will meet you in the alley in a second I need to teach my cousin a lesson." He told his gang. They all left. Perfect thought Harry.

"Actually I am allowed this summer."


"Want to bet on it?"

"No." Dudley said in a scared voice.

"What is your name?" Harry said turning to the boy.

"Mark Evans. Are you a wizard?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Your wand. Do you go to Hogwarts?"

"How do you know about that?"

"My 2 cousin was a witch." He said.

"What was her name?" Harry asked which made him question his last name 'Evans'.

"Her name was Lily."


"Yes, but she is dead."

"Are you related by blood?"

"Yes, my father was her cousin."

"You are my cousin?"

"What?" Mark said to the boy who lived whom he didn't know who he was until he saw his scar.

"You're her son Harry Potter aren't you your famous and you defeated Voldemort 5 times man you are amazing."

"Your famous?' Dudley asked.

"Yes what does that have to do with you?" Harry said coldly.

"Nothing just asking." Dudley said.

"I didn't know Lily had anymore family left." Tonks said coming out of the bush she was looking at Mark.

"Mark why don't you go home which house do you live in?"

"Number 2."

"Okay I will talk with you later okay."

"Okay it was nice meeting my cousin." Mark grinned and Harry watched him go home now one followed him.

"So this is your cousin eh?" Tonks said glaring at Dudley.