
She walked down the isolated sidewalk, her hands inside the pockets of the cozy sweatshirt he had let her borrow only days ago. She snuggled up beneath the fabric, trying so desperately to feel his arms around her.

She gazed up at the sky which was turning greyer by the minute. The trees swayed with the wind, the same wind that whipped at her body. She could tell a storm was on its way, but she didn't feel like leaving. It was good for her to be alone sometimes, to not feel subjected to other people's psychobabble. She needed to think.

She could already feel tears burning her skin. Why did he have to do this to her? Toy with her emotions and lead her on just smash her to bits again. He either liked her or he didn't. There couldn't be anything in between.

She crossed the street, knowing good and well that she was nearing his neighborhood. She shivered slightly and wondered why he always had this kind of effect on her.

She averted her gaze to the cement sidewalk, losing herself in her thoughts.

Moments later, her train of thought was interrupted when she heard him call her name. The wind whipped at her ponytail, blowing loose strands into her face and her heart skipped a beat.

Slowly she turned around to face him. Taking her hands out of her pockets, preparing herself for whatever excuse he's come up with to get her to forgive him.

"Why don't you just tell me you like her so we can get this over with?" she said, trying to keep her voice firm.

The words lingered in the air, as both grew extremely silent.

He looked up at her after a few seconds.

"I don't like Manny," he stated.

"Oh yeah?" she laughed hollowly. "Sure seemed like it to me."

"She's my friend...we joke around. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"You didn't mean to put your arm around her? And what? She accidentally fell into your lap?" she barked coldly.

His face fell and he looked ashamed.

"You know that didn't mean anything. We've always joked around like that. I'm new at this. Give me a break," he replied, not making eye contact with her.

The wind was really starting to act up, and she shuddered under the sweatshirt. Then she spoke. "So am I. But that's no excuse."

He clasped her hand with his and rubbed his thumb with her index finger. She didn't pull away.

"I know," he said. "I'm sorry."

"Just answer me one thing. Me or her?"

He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Who do you think?" he said with a grin.

"Manny?" she said lamely.

He whacked her lightly across the shoulder and she cracked a small smile.

"No. You," he told her.

Before she knew it, his arms were around her waist and hers around his neck.

Slowly he leaned into kiss her and as their lips touch, the wind whirled around them and the rain had begun to fall gently, enveloping the pair.

Moments later, they broke apart, drenched in rain as it continued to fall.

"So no more running off with Manny?"

"Never," he promised with a smile. "My loyalties are to you, Madam," he said, bowing dramatically.

She laughed and pushed him slightly. He began to tickle her, but she was too fast. She ran down the sidewalk, out of his reach. He chased her all the way to the playground, where they collapsed on the bench, both out of breath and sopping wet.

"Love you, Liberty," he said, tapping her nose with his finger.

"Love you too, JT," she replied, pinching his cheek and leaning in for another kiss.

A/N: Wow, okay, I have no idea where this came from. I think it's the shortest thing I've written. But I could be wrong. Review if you'd like! (And by the way...I own nothing.)