Hey! I just thought of something. I have one more thing to say if you still don't believe me when I say that I am sympathetic and sensitive. You want someone else who's insensitive? You want to know who got me into trouble with her for being a wart in the first place? Well, take Miss I-Support-the-Tornadoes-Because-They-Just-Started-Winning-Even-Though-They're-a-Completely-Lousy-Team Chang. Talk about a black haired balloon full of salty water just ready to burst as soon as it sees Harry. The poor bloke's got enough on his mind with Snape and bad dreams; he doesn't need to relive Cedric kicking the bucket or be contaminated by her views on her favorite Quidditch team, even though we all know that the Cannons rule. You hear me? The Chudley Cannons RULE!

I stand by what I said before. Having the emotional range of a teaspoon is a compliment. In fact, I have the emotional range of a heaping teaspoon. A heaping teaspoonful of salt, I mean.

Author's Note: How pathetic! I found my lost Post-It note on this story (it was in my school notebook)... I left out a completely good passage! I couldn't just forget it about, so here it is. Plus, how could I give up the excuse to respond to you, my wonderful reviewers?

A million smiley-faces and a huge hug to kingmaker for reading my mind as I wrote this fic. The "ogres are like onions" analogy was exactly what was running through my head as I typed.

Lady Cantara: Thanks for the kind words, but this story isn't going any further than it's gone. Glad you liked it!

Hermione30: His attempt at being logical was quite dismal, wasn't it? And I thought I wouldn't be able to wing it... Sorry for making you hungry!

sarah-mason19: I always say when things are organized, they're much more pleasant to read. That rule does not apply to my room, however! Thanks!

bando2: Ron is Ron, and if he wasn't Ron, well, then he wouldn't be Ron, would he? I love Ron.

J Black: I love Ron also. Like Hermione30, I don't really know which Ron I like best: movie!Ron or book!Ron. I like movie!Ron's facial expressions, but I love book!Ron's sarcasm. I relate to him, you see. Thanks!

Azaelia Gamgee-Took: His unique-ness is what makes him wonderful! Thanks for reading!

Miss Corker: Maren Ord, yeah... I remember her, she also sings the song in The Singles' Ward, before Jonathan gets attacked by a wad of pink chewing gum. Hehe! I think you should write the songfic, it's your idea after all... I think it sounds like a fun song. Thanks for your great comments!

pinkmooseofdoom: Thanks!

Blatant Discontent: Glad I've supplied you with a comeback! [winks]

kingmaker: I think it's hilarious how everyone knows how Ronnish this is, having him compare life and things to be ingested... [sighs from laughing so hard]

NotYourAverageSchoolgirl: I didn't think he was clever enough to come up with it either, but I figured he might have been subconsciously forming his opinion. I'm relieved you think this was good, it's very hard to channel Ron sometimes; he's a very complex character in his own right. Taiwan was fantastic... horribly hot and humid, but well worth it!

CoPaCaBaNa-mAgIc: Of course he is! Can't you see them spilling out of his ears? Lol.

airhead14: Well, she is always nagging him, isn't he? So very Hermione-ish! Lol.

Oh! I just remembered! You remember how I told you (in Letters and Care Packages) about that hilarious Harry Potter song? Well, now you can listen to it for free and no hassle. Just go to and you'll see it right at the top. There will be two versions of it: Harry Potter, and then there's faux British rendition. I suggest listening to both, and I highly recommend right-clicking them and saving them as targets. Listen carefully to the dialogue in the background on the British rendition; I nearly cried, I was laughing so hard.